Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 157: The Disaster Of The Marine Giants Is Coming 【Seeking Monthly Pass, Seeking Subscription

July 20, 2021


The super 3D printer bed did all the manufacturing work on the underwater stealth monitor.

Activate the wireless energy transfer function of the small artificial sun to charge these newly baked underwater stealth monitors.

In addition to the 102 spare underwater stealth monitors to replace, Li Hao asked Jarvis to directly turn on all the other monitors in preparation for starting building a security surveillance network for the undersea base.

Anti-gravity feature enabled.

Under the control of Jarvis, 198 underwater stealth monitors - rising from the ground, like worker bees, moved in an orderly manner towards the sea water outside the submarine base.

A film of water that penetrates the space under the sea.

The moment they enter the seawater, these underwater stealth monitors all "287" activate the optical stealth function, instantly 'disappear' into the seawater, and move towards the preset position.

About half an hour later.

All underwater stealth monitors arrive at location.

High-definition surveillance footage was transmitted back to the undersea base.

The situation within a radius of 1,000 kilometers is clearly visible.

Since then, the monitoring network of the submarine base has been completely completed ——— 'Skynet'.

"Finally done."

Li Hao had a satisfied smile on his face.

With this 'Skynet' monitoring system, coupled with Jarvis's artificial intelligence that specializes in processing the picture information transmitted back, any wind and grass in the surrounding area can be known at the first time

No threat can enter this sea silently.

This suddenly made his sense of security rise in his heart.

"The system task should also be completed."

Coming to his senses, Li Hao opened the system panel for the first time and checked the point balance.

Sure enough.

The task reward for [Monitoring Arming] has also arrived.

Although it is not much, it is just enough to 'reimburse' part of the money for buying an underwater stealth monitor and return some blood.

Coupled with the 15,600 points obtained by today's survival mission settlement, his point balance has not decreased but increased compared to yesterday, directly reaching more than 50,000 points.

Closing the points balance panel, Li Hao took another look at the trading acquisition station posted yesterday at the trading forum of various countries.


There are still no trading private messages about live meteorite fragments today.

"It seems that it is a bit difficult to complete the task of [Mystery of Living Meteorites] in a short time.

Seeing this, Li Hao sighed.

However, he was already mentally prepared to wait.

As long as there is some news about living meteorite fragments on the acquisition transaction post he posted this week, and there is hope of completing the task, he will receive the [Living Meteorite Mystery] mission.

Otherwise, you can only let it be refreshed.

After all, he couldn't waste too much time on an intractable task.

If he had this skill, he would have 'earned' enough points to buy the formula of the intermediate gene potion.

Close the trading post.

Li Hao, who was idle again, immediately walked towards the entertainment area on the second floor.

He recently set up a pool table in the entertainment area.

Just able to play with Zhao Xueshi and them to pass the time.

July 21, 2021

Nearly 6 days have passed since the official release of the time when the evolutionary radiation and the existence of the sea behemoth existed.

With the sharp surge of evolutionary radiation in seawater, marine organisms that had slowed down their evolution entered a new round of evolutionary explosion.

The traces of sea behemoths began to appear on a large scale within the scope of human activities.

These huge figures of tens or hundreds of meters at every turn give people an extreme shock and bring great panic.

In this case.

The situation, which had begun to stabilize under official control, began to become volatile again.


July 22, 2021

Today, the concentration of evolutionary radiation in the ocean has increased considerably.

Obviously, there are more living meteorites in the deep sea that have completed the accumulation of life energy, evolved to a higher level of life, and released a stronger concentration of evolutionary radiation.

In this case, the underwater behemoth also seems to become more active and aggressive.

For a time, there were suddenly many unlucky eggs attacked by the sea behemoths on the Doomsday Forum...

The number is hundreds.

And that's just the revelations.

There will only be more that is not exposed.

After all, dead people can't speak.

No one knows how many sea ark shelters were attacked by giant beasts under the sea and completely destroyed, quietly disappearing above the sea.

In comparison, the unlucky bastards on the Doomsday Forum are actually lucky.

At least they survived from repelling and killing the underwater behemoths.

However, the sudden aggressiveness of the underwater giant beast still made many people panic, and the sense of crisis in their hearts increased.

At the Doomsday Forum, there was panic.

Just when the situation in the outside world became turbulent due to the attack of the sea behemoth.

Li Hao, who is far away in the deep sea, naturally knows this change in the ocean behemoth, and attaches great importance to it in his heart.

As soon as possible, let Jarvis enter the official internal server to find relevant documents.

I want to figure out why these sea behemoths have this change.

Half a minute later, Jarvis was done with the job.

A file called "Analysis Report on the Causes of Aggression Enhancement of Ocean Behemoths" appeared on Li Hao's computer.

Click in.

After reading all of this 5.9 report document, Li Hao also has a clear understanding in his heart about why the aggression of the marine behemoth has increased.

According to official research reports, the reason for the increased aggressiveness of the marine behemoth is because the evolutionary radiation in the sea reaches a certain critical point "as a result of the rapid acceleration of the rate of genetic evolution."

"Because the speed of genetic evolution is too fast, all the sea behemoths need more energy supplements to support the speed of genetic evolution, and the instinct begins to become more ferocious, hunting its crazy..."

"It is precisely because of this that the aggression of the sea behemoth will suddenly begin to increase dramatically."

Looking at the analysis report in front of him, Li Hao's face couldn't help but show a trace of solemnity.

If this is the case, then the plague of the sea behemoth is really coming.

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