Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 158 The Crisis Concerning Human Existence 【Seeking Monthly Pass, Seeking Subscription】

Survival of the fittest in natural selection.

Energy-hungry ocean behemoths will absolutely attack surrounding creatures to get enough food to support their genetic evolution.

On the blue star, creatures that are not sufficiently evolved or not strong will inevitably fall victim to this wave of great evolution.

As a member of the Blue Star creatures, humans will definitely be greatly impacted.

After all, excluding various weapon factors, humans are definitely the easiest 'food' to hunt on the Blue Star at present.

"However, even with a variety of weapons, the living environment of human beings is not very optimistic!"

"Perhaps in the early stage, humans can rely on existing weapons to resist the invasion of sea behemoths, but the future is difficult to say."

"According to the information from the official 'loan', super large marine behemoths of more than 800 meters have appeared in the Blue Star Ocean during this time."

"Although I don't know how terrifying this monster is, according to the strength of other ocean behemoths, that super-large ocean behemoth with a very high degree of evolution is probably no problem to resist the Tomahawk missile bombardment."

"In the future, there will definitely be more and more such monsters on Blue Star."

"If humans can't quickly develop weapons against the sea behemoths, they want to continue to survive in Blue Star.......

Thinking of this, Li Hao couldn't help but shake his head.

And that's just one of them.

In fact, the form of the future will only become more grim.

Because with the advent of the marine era, the original production system of human beings is relocated to the sea, and there will inevitably be a cliff-like decline in productivity.

Many of the supply sides of the production chain have been directly 'cut off'.

The most obvious example is ore, which is a raw material for industry.

Today, all mines are submerged by the sea and buried under the sea floor at a depth of thousands of meters.

The difficulty of mining can be described as a huge increase.

Without an adequate supply of ore and insufficient industrial raw materials, the productivity of the human industrial system can be imagined to what extent.

A sharp decline in the production capacity of the industrial system represents a sharp decline in the production of weapons.

In other words, in the face of the massive attack of the sea behemoth, the weapons of human beings are likely to be less and less.

After all, after one missile is used, it is impossible to recycle the steel used to build missiles.

"Unless a few surviving powers can develop cheap seabed mining robots, or develop new weapons that do not require a lot of steel, or humans embark on the road of evolution like ocean behemoths, and can compete with sea behemoths on their own."

"Otherwise, there is almost no solution to the problem."

Of course, the problems he can discover, it is naturally impossible for the Xiamen official not to know.

There must have been detailed plans and solutions to these problems for a long time.

If it really doesn't work, it's okay for him to help.

After all, everyone is human or of the same race.

He could not have watched humanity perish.

In this case, in the end, only he and Zhao Xueshi were left on the blue star, which would be too lonely.

As for Shengmien fighting rice hatred, this kind of thing.

Big deal, after helping, just charge some 'fee'.

How much you want to care about such a big thing as survival.

At this stage, it is not his turn to worry about this kind of thing.

The most important thing he needs to do now is to pay attention to the sea behemoths that are evolving faster and more aggressive.

Using the 'Skynet' monitoring system just two days ago to observe the surrounding situation, Li Hao found that the marine life around the submarine base has become a lot more ferocious.

Hunting and fighting are always taking place in the surrounding seas.

So far, however, it has not had much impact on the submarine base.

After all, after a round of evolution, those sea creatures have generally improved their IQ a lot, and they know what to fear and avoid evil.

After several clean-up operations, the surrounding marine life basically stayed away from the submarine base.

Even when they are fighting each other to hunt and replenish their energy, they will hardly appear in the area around the submarine base.

As for the few sea behemoths from other seas.

Once you step into this area, you will immediately be bombarded by the defensive weapons of the undersea base controlled by Jarvis.

In this case, the undersea base has become the only pure land in this sea area that is free of bloody fighting'.

"It seems that the previous several sweeps and clean-ups are still very effective."

"Coupled with the strong weapon defense system of the base itself, in a short period of time, there should be no need to worry about the large-scale attack of the sea behemoth."

Seeing this situation, Li Hao also nodded with satisfaction.

Let Jarvis remain on alert and promptly replenish the various torpedo missiles needed to manufacture the submarine base's secondary weapon defense system.

Confirming that the submarine base is sufficient to cope with the impact of the disaster of the marine behemoth', Li Hao's tight nerves in his heart also relaxed a lot, and he returned to the rhythm of life in the past.


It seems to confirm the speculation that the disaster of Li Hao's marine behemoth is really coming.

The sea behemoths attacked the sea ark more and more, and 420 became more and more frequent.

It was as if the sea behemoths also sensed that humans were very easy to prey.

Many sea behemoths began to specifically attack the sea ark shelters of humans.

At least hundreds of sea ark shelters were attacked at the end of the day.

As the news of the attack on the sea arks came, the atmosphere on the Doomsday Forum became heavier and heavier.

Everyone had a feeling of Chu Ge in their hearts.

And that's exactly what it is.

After all, now the entire Blue Star is not land, it is all wrapped in seawater.

In this case, human beings can be described as surrounded by countless ocean behemoths, and there is nowhere to escape, but passive defense.

In the face of such a cruel reality, who can easily get up.


Fortunately, most of the current marine behemoths are hunting humans.

The even bigger ocean behemoths didn't seem to see the slightest bit of flesh and blood energy on humans.

More keen to kill other small sea behemoths as energy food.

In this case, although the number of sea behemoth attacks has risen sharply, the actual human casualties are not large.

Only a dozen small sea ark shelters with weak strength were sunk by sea behemoths.


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