Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 159 The Change Of The Planetary Overlord 【Please Subscribe, Please Order In Full】


Although the damage is small, the impact of the increasing number of attacks by marine behemoths is undoubtedly enormous.

After all, the surrounding area is all about the sea.

No one knows if they will be the next target.

This feeling of being full of unknowns and seemingly hanging in the balance has caused almost everyone to have a great fear of the ocean.

As a result, all the Arks of the Sea are rapidly approaching the port of the official Steel Island.

Almost no one dares to continue to stay in the sea outside the official power.

With so many sea ark shelters pouring into at once, the ports of the official two steel islands were suddenly crowded.

Except for a few sea arks that came early and luckily found their location, the rest of the thousands of sea arks shelters had nowhere to dock, and all gathered outside the port area

Blocking the entire port.

With so many people gathered together, chaos is naturally indispensable.

Even in order to compete for the docking position of the port of Steel Island, many doctors have occurred.

Although limited by official rules and no firearms and high-powered weapons are used, it is not uncommon for hundreds of people to fight with their bare hands.

There are not a few who were killed in the chaotic battle.

The level of confusion was outrageous.

In the face of increasingly chaotic and disorderly developments, officials decisively used iron-fisted measures.

First, strike hard, sanction the cleansing of the most unscrupulous private sea ark shelters, chaos.

Subsequently, the ports of the two steel islands were directly closed, and a temporary docking area was set up on the sea dozens of kilometers away from the steel islands.

Let all the swarming Sea Ark shelters dock there to protect the steel island from the impact of the chaos of the outside world.

Finally, in order to calm people's hearts, the official also sent a thousand armed steel giant ships as temporary docking areas to guard to help defend against the attack of the sea behemoths.

With such a set of 'combination punches', the chaotic situation finally began to be effectively controlled.

Just when the situation in the outside world was becoming chaotic due to the large-scale attack of the sea behemoth.

Li Hao's life is very leisurely.

Fitness, sunbathing, playing games with Zhao Xueshi's three daughters.............

It was like a vacation.

There is absolutely no sense of urgency that comes with the imminence of a catastrophic crisis.

July 24, 2021

These days.

Under the influence of soaring evolutionary radiation, the ocean giants, which are also soaring in the speed of genetic evolution, follow the laws of nature and carry out the evolutionary road of survival of the fittest.

The winner is king, the loser is the curse.

Fighting and hunting, individuals with insufficient strength become food for powerful individuals to replenish energy, allowing them to transform into life levels and become more powerful.

In the process, the number of large marine behemoths rose dramatically.

The number of small sea creatures has declined dramatically.

Hunting for prey is becoming more and more difficult.

Affected by this, more and more large sea behemoths are targeting humans, which are easy to prey.

Although there is not much individual supplementary energy, but the number is large, the supplementary energy is still very considerable.

Many sea behemoths that successfully sank private sea arks have tasted the sweetness of this.

Specifically looking for sea arks that attack humans.

Under the attack of more and more and more giant sea behemoths, the living environment of human beings has become more and more harsh.

At the end of the day, at least hundreds of small private sea arks have lost contact with other sea ark shelters.

Obviously, these missing sea arks may be attacked by sea behemoths and disappear forever on this sea.

Not only that, with the 'invasion' of these sea behemoths, some super-large sea behemoths have also begun to appear.

There was even a surveillance and reconnaissance drone of the Sea Ark Shelter, which inadvertently photographed a super-large marine behemoth with a size of more than 700 meters——— mutated giant tiger shark appeared in the 1,000-kilometer sea area around No. 2 Steel Island, unfolded a mountain-sized blood basin mouth, and swallowed a sea ark and the 100-meter marine behemoth that attacked the ark.

After this extremely impactful picture was uploaded to the Doomsday Forum, it immediately caused everyone to lose their voices.

It's terrifying.

This giant monster, which is nearly twice the size of Godzilla, appears in reality, and the sense of oppression brought by people is simply incomparably powerful.

In front of it, human beings are as small as ants.

To really face this monster, let alone resist, I am afraid that the only remaining emotions are sluggishness and despair.

Although this image was quickly deleted by officials, there was still a sense of pessimism and despair on the Doomsday Forum.

Many people believe that humanity has reached the brink of elimination.

Since the beginning of the Blue Star Cataclysm and the moment the world entered the ocean era, mankind has fallen from the status of planetary hegemon.

The supremacy of the planet has long changed.

Those rapidly evolving ocean behemoths, as the masters of the new era, will completely sweep mankind into the garbage heap of history.

Today, humanity's struggle is nothing more than futile.

Such pessimistic rhetoric abounds on doomsday forums.

You can imagine how shocking and impactful the predation picture of the super-large marine behemoth that is more than 700 meters in size, transformed into a giant tiger shark.

The extremely metamorphosis of marine life on its side of the evolution speed terrified everyone.

In this conceptual atmosphere, chaos reappears.

Many people lose faith in the future of humanity and embark on a 'doomsday', wanting to cool off before death comes.

Many private sea arks have become a mess as a result.



Affected by the growing plague of the marine behemoth.

In the past few days, in the temporary docking area set up on the official steel island, there are more and more sea ark shelters docked.

There is almost no trace of the human sea ark shelter outside the official sphere of influence.

In this situation, a large number of sea behemoths accustomed to preying on humans for food appeared near the official steel island, constantly attacking the numerous sea arks in the temporary docking area.

The thousands of armed steel ships officially waiting here clashed fiercely with these sea behemoths.

Heavy artillery roared, torpedoes roared.

Under the tight and powerful firepower of the official, the hundreds of marine behemoths of hundreds of meters did not set off too much wind and waves at all, and all of them bleed in this sea area.

Only a few fish escaped through the net.

Subsequently, the official also took advantage of the victory to pursue and launch an operation.

Thousands of armed steel ships with small mountains and sizes set out in unison to form a majestic steel fleet to kill and expel all the marine life in the waters around the steel island.

Seeing the terrifying strength of the official authorities, seeing the sea behemoths falling (Wang Dezhao) without any resistance under the fire of the sky, everyone's hearts rose up a long-lost sense of security, and they were once again full of confidence in the future of mankind.

Affected by this, the pessimistic and desperate atmosphere in the Doomsday Forum suddenly dissipated by half.

The signs of chaos that had just appeared were directly extinguished.

When the external situation was turbulent, Li Hao did not pay too much attention.

After all, the official Xia Kingdom, who has countless talents and full of heritage, can't even cope with the disaster of the ocean behemoth that has just appeared.

That's a complete joke.

The ending was also just as he expected.

At this stage, the impact brought by the ocean behemoth was directly crushed by the official force, and did not set off any waves at all.

Right now, Li Hao's attention is more focused on the acquisition of living meteorite fragments.

Today is Sunday, the last day he has set a waiting deadline in his mind.

The taskbar will start refreshing tomorrow.

If there is still no clue about the live meteorite fragments in his acquisition transaction post on the trading forums of various countries today, he can only choose to give up this troublesome task that is difficult to complete

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