Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 161 Came To Be An Arms Supplier? ! 【Please Subscribe, Ask For Full Order】

"This is outrageous!!"

Listening to Jarvis introduce the identity of this trader, Li Hao's face couldn't help but show a hint of surprise.

I have to say that this woman named Miki Nishizono is really powerful.

From an ordinary woman doing administrative work, she rose to become a pirate queen who controls a steel fleet, and everyone fears the 'poisonous spider' and 'black widow~woman'.

The experience is legendary.

Put it in the novel, it's just proper - it hurts.

"No wonder you want to hide anonymous letters, this extremely dangerous and notorious trading partner must be respected by ordinary people, and they will not deal with it at all." w

"Not to mention, trade things with it."

"After all, who knows if in the process of trading, this 'black widow' will be directly eaten by people with goods..."

Coming back to his senses, Li Hao's heart was also abrupt.

Of course, this is nothing to him at all.

Nor will he abandon the deal just because the person is 'dangerous' or not.

Anyway, with the force he controls, if the trading partner wants to fight other ideas, who is more dangerous at that time.

The only thing he cared about was whether the pirate queen had the living meteorite fragments he needed in her hands.

This is related to whether he can complete the task and obtain an intermediate gene potion formula worth nearly 100,000 points.

"From the current information, it seems that the probability of this trader having live meteorite fragments in his hands has greatly increased"

"After all, the island nation of the cherry blossom country has completely collapsed and disappeared!"

"The meteorite fragments that fell on the land of Sakura Country must have been collected by others."

"If these meteorite fragments exist in the presence of living meteorite fragments, it is not unusual for a fairly powerful pirate empress to be able to 'collect' (grab) them."

"Of course, whether you can know the purpose of this thing is not necessarily ........"

Finding out the details of this trader, Li Hao also counted in his heart.

Click on the chat interface of Direct Messages.

There are only two messages in Japanese and one picture on it.

Ask Jarvis to translate these two pieces of information into Japanese into Chinese.

Anonymous: "Hello, are you going to acquire that peculiar meteorite fragment?" I have a piece in my hand! Although it doesn't look the same as the one in the image of your post, it should all be the same thing. ”

Anonymous: "Pictures of peculiar meteorite fragments .jpg."

Anonymous: "If this is confirmed to be something you want to acquire, please reply promptly, I want to trade something with you with this peculiar meteorite fragment."

After reading these two pieces of information, Li Hao clicked on the picture.

After the image was loaded, Li Hao saw a pale green, translucent, soft mud and stone-like thing.

"It does look very different from the live meteorite fragments borrowed from the official internal server, but it is certain that the living meteorite fragments are correct.

After some observation, Li Hao also made a judgment.

Compared to the blue living meteorite fragment in the official picture, this green living meteorite fragment is nearly ten times smaller, giving people a feeling of 'stunted'.

"As long as you can trade this living meteorite fragment and study the mystery in it, the intermediate gene potion formula can be obtained."

Seeing that the rewarding task had the hope of being completed, Li Hao's face couldn't help but show a hint of joy.

Allow Jarvis to perform accessible translations into Chinese and Japanese.

He immediately began typing to reply.

Li Hao: "This meteorite fragment in your hand is indeed something I want to acquire, I don't know what you want to exchange it for?"

The message was sent shortly after.

Soon, there was a reply.

Anonymous: "Although I don't know what use this special meteorite fragment has, it must be very precious!" I want to exchange it for weapons, and pure table salt without radiation. 17

"Weapons and pure table salt without radiation?!"

Seeing this transaction request, Li Hao's face was thoughtful.

Needless to say, pure table salt without radiation.

But the weapons that this anonymous pirate queen said she wanted to exchange were certainly not so simple.

...... Ask for flowers.........

At least it can't be such a thing as bazookas, artillery, gunships.

If you don't even have these weapons, then the name of this pirate queen really needs to be considered.

After all, if you are so weak, how can you have enough force to loot other people's materials?!

Thinking like this, Li Hao immediately replied: "There is no problem with pure edible salt without radiation as a trading item, but I don't know what weapon you want to exchange?" Heavy artillery of a large caliber, or a carrier-based cannon?"

Anonymous: "I don't need any of this!" Your acquisition post indicates that you can come up with sophisticated weapons in exchange, are there large anti-ship missile launch cells and large anti-ship missiles in these weapons? If not, a conventional missile launch system could be exchanged, but in larger quantities. ”

"Good fellow! Another large anti-ship missile launch unit, a large anti-ship missile, and another missile launch system, and it is indeed a dangerous element. ”

"Once these weapons hit, a sea ark of several hundred meters may be scrapped and paralyzed in an instant, unlucky, hit the key part, maybe directly sink into the sea."

"However, in the current environment of global apocalypse and the law of the jungle, it is quite normal for the Ark at Sea Shelter to purchase high-powered weapons."

"If other people don't know the true identity of the other party, they will definitely not have any suspicions."

"I just don't know if this pirate queen really wants to trade, or if she wants to use live meteorite fragments as bait to eat black and black... ......”

Of course, black eating black is just a metaphor.

Li Hao doesn't think he's going to be a villain.

However, if there is enough interest, he does not mind making a cameo appearance with a wave of arms suppliers to provide those who need some 'self-defense weapons' for the post-apocalyptic environment.

These weapons don't threaten him anyway.

Now, for him, being able to trade the living meteorite fragments needed to complete the mission is the most important.

Thinking like this, Li Hao did not hesitate much and replied to the past again.

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