Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 162 The Shocking Pirate Queen, The Lion Opened Her Mouth [For Subscription, Please Complete

Li Hao: "I don't have a large anti-ship missile launch unit and a large anti-ship missile in my hands now, I wonder if the special torpedo missile launch system and high-explosive torpedo missiles can meet your needs?"

Anonymous: "What is the difference between special torpedo missile launch systems and high-explosive torpedo missiles and ordinary torpedo missile launchers and torpedo missiles?" How is the power? If the power is strong enough, it is not impossible to trade. ”

"It seems that this deal should be stable."

Looking at the other party's message reply, Li Hao also showed a smile on his face.


The combination of special torpedo missile launch systems and high-explosive torpedo missiles is the most important thing that is powerful.

You know, ordinary torpedo missile launch systems can only be fired at most one shot, and each shot must be reloaded with torpedo missiles, with an interval of at least a few minutes in between.

And what about the special torpedo guide "three-two-three" projectile firing system.

It can reload thirty rounds at a time, and there is also a rapid launch system, which can shoot all thirty loaded torpedo missiles in one minute.

Combined with the explosive power of high-explosive torpedo missiles, which can reach more than 500 times that of normal torpedo missiles.

That power gee.........

A round of firepower covers, and it can instantly burst the main aircraft carrier of a major country.

Its ferocity is definitely not inferior to the so-called large anti-ship missile launch units and large anti-ship missiles for aircraft carriers, and even exceeds a large margin.

Of course, the combination of special torpedo missile launch systems and high-explosive torpedo missiles, although extremely powerful, is far from threatening him.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to trade it as a 'commodity'.

Among other things, the strong magnetic field shield raised by the electromagnetic position generator on the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter alone is enough to easily withstand its high-explosive torpedo missiles.

Thinking like this, Li Hao did not have any ink, and directly sent pictures and basic parameters of the special torpedo missile launch system and high-explosive torpedo missiles.

In order to strengthen the trading interest of 'customers' and let them more intuitively understand the difference between special torpedo missile launch systems and high-explosive torpedo guides and ordinary torpedo missiles and ordinary torpedo missiles, Li Hao also sent some actual combat videos of special torpedo missile launch systems and high-explosive torpedo missiles very 'intimately'.

I saw that in these actual combat videos, a round of fire was covered, terrifying explosions and shock waves made the sea violently turbulent, and a marine behemoth with a body size of more than 200 meters fell with a sad cry without resistance.

The scene is quite 'spectacular'.

It seemed to be shocked to the point of general.

The pirate queen did not reply for a long time.

About a minute later.

10 special torpedo missile launch systems and 1,000 high-explosive torpedo missiles, plus 50 tons of radiation-free pure table salt, that peculiar alien meteorite fragment is yours."

"It's worthy of being a pirate, it's really greedy enough, and a mouth is a lion's mouth."

In today's doomsday environment, the importance of powerful weapons does not need to be said.

10 special torpedo missile launch systems and 1,000 high-explosive torpedo missiles, which are enough to blow hundreds of sea arks into the sky.

And the 50 tons of radiation-free pure table salt is also worth a lot.

Save a little, it is enough for tens of thousands of people to use for more than ten years.

The combination of the two is enough to make an ordinary sea ark shelter instantly reborn and become a big force.

One can imagine how high the value of the materials demanded by the other party is.

Although for him, these materials are nothing, and they can even be easily taken out.

But he obviously couldn't do that.

And the other party's asking price is obviously asking for a price, just waiting for him to land and bargain.

If he agreed, the other side would definitely be able to see that he urgently needed the special meteorite fragment, and maybe he would ask for a price increase temporarily.

In the end, the transaction was twisted and turned,

Thinking of this, Li Hao also knew what he should do, and directly replied: "Impossible!" Although that particular meteorite fragment is precious, it is not worth the price. At most, I can only produce 1 special torpedo missile launch system and 100 high-explosive torpedo missiles, plus 5 tons of non-radiation pure table salt. ”

In an instant, Li Hao cut the price to one-tenth of the original.

Anonymous: "No, it's too little!" With such a little thing, I would not sell this precious and exotic alien meteorite fragment. At least 8 special torpedo missile launch systems and 800 high-explosive torpedo missiles, plus 25 tons of radiation-free pure table salt. ”

Li Hao: "It's still too much! I..."

After some 'fierce' bargaining, Li Hao finally reached a deal with the pirate queen of the cherry blossom country, and exchanged the price of 3 special torpedo missile launch systems and 500 high-explosive torpedo missiles, plus 15 tons of radiation-free pure table salt, for that living meteorite fragment...

Faced with the result of this discussion, Li Hao is quite satisfied.

After all, whether it is a special torpedo missile launch system, a high-explosive torpedo missile, or pure table salt without radiation, his submarine base is self-sufficient and easily manufactured, as much as he wants.

With these things, you can exchange them for the task items required for the [Living Meteorite Mystery] mission worth nearly 100,000 yuan - living meteorite fragments, which is simply earned in blood.

Naturally, he will not be satisfied.

Negotiate a price that both parties are 'happy with'.

Anonymous: "Then it's settled!" But how exactly do you trade? If I'm not mistaken, you're not from Sakura Country. These days, those sea behemoths have become extremely ferocious, and the strength of the sea refuge where I am located is average, and at present, I can only stay near the sea area formed by the original cherry blossom country, and there is no way to sail far and sail to other seas


"Weak strength?!"

Seeing this message, Li Hao couldn't help but be a little funny.

The opposite performance is really 'dedicated'!

As a pirate empress who controls a steel fleet, she actually said that her strength is very average, and she cannot resist the sea behemoths and sail far away?!

This is clearly a joke 5.4.

As long as it is not a large group of marine behemoths collectively besieged, or encounters a rare super-large marine behemoth, ordinary marine behemoths dare to appear in front of them, and I am afraid that they will be killed by countless heavy artillery in an instant.

However, when the other party said this, it was just like him.

He didn't want to reveal too much of himself.

It is best to trade in the waters formed by the cherry blossom country.

As for the danger of getting to someone else's territory?!

Li Hao said that in the face of absolutely crushing weapons and equipment, any 'little trick' is Tucson broken.

It doesn't make the slightest sense at all.

Thinking like this, Li Hao did not hesitate at all, chose to accompany the other party to 'act', and immediately replied: "This way!" In that case, let's go to the waters of Sakura Country to trade! You send me the trading location, and I'll be over in a few days..."

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