Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 179: Speeding Up Thinking, Bullet Time? ! 【Ask For A Subscription, Ask For A Monthly Pass】

"The specific sensing range of this hazard perception capability is within 5.7 kilometers of my center."

"The principle of how it works is still unknown! However, it should not have much to do with external sensory organs such as eyes and ears. ”

"Even if I close my eyes and cover my ears, this sense of danger is still not weakened..."

Under the continuous artillery fire of the tank army, Li Hao also tested more and more specific information about this extraordinary ability.

Overall, he was quite satisfied.

This ability is more similar to the body's emergence of a special sensory organ based on energy or quantum fluctuations.

Instead of collecting observed information from ordinary sensory organs such as eyes, ears, and nose, and quickly analyzing and judging the results.

The gap between the two can be described as very different.

After all, crises are always out of sight.

If this ability requires external sensory assistance such as eyes and ears, it can carry out crisis warning.

That's a bit of a chicken.

If you have a special sensory sense based on energy or quantum fluctuations, you don't have to worry about this problem.

Even attacks that are beyond their normal perception can provide accurate crisis warning.

Instantly turned into a bug-level life-saving ability.

"Unfortunately, the current crisis perception and early warning range is still a bit small!"

"The radius is only 5.7 kilometers.

"On the vast ocean, it seems insignificant, and it is difficult to prevent the surrounding crisis..."

Pondering the use of this extraordinary ability, Li Hao sighed with some greed.

However, this ability is still very powerful.

At least, from now on, he won't be raided by those lurking ocean behemoths.

Like before, the mutant giant cockroach encountered on the way to Sakura Country was alone.

If he had this crisis perception ability at that time, I am afraid that he could have predicted the danger in advance just near the coral area where he was lurking.

It will not be almost defenseless to be attacked by it.

"The test on crisis awareness is almost over" ||!"

"Then it's almost time to try to attack."

"Maybe in the process of attacking, you can also discover more hidden extraordinary abilities in the body..."

Thinking like this, Li Hao no longer focused on dodging.

Quickly avoiding the tank army's wave of shells like a rain pouring down, Li Hao rushed towards the tank army like an off-string arrow.

Running at full strength, Li Hao's figure turned into an afterimage in the air.

Under this high-speed movement of nearly 340 meters per second, the distance between Li Hao and the tank army is also rapidly narrowing.

About ten seconds.

Li Hao then quickly crossed a distance of five kilometers and rushed directly into the array of tank armies.

A casual slap.

A main battle tank of tens of tons was shot out like a plastic toy.

It landed precisely on top of a tank not far away.

One hit, two kills.

It's like a tiger in a flock.

Within a few seconds, Li Hao easily blasted dozens of main battle tanks.

"It seems that I haven't been able to test any new abilities."

Sensing his state, Li Hao's face was also a little depressed.

Because, during the attack just now, he did not test any new super five

It seems that the previous test results have been all the changes after the gene metamorphosis.

Just as Li Hao was preparing to end this combat test.

In the face of an unconventional opponent like Li Hao, the commander of this tank army also seems to have adjusted his attack strategy.

The anti-aircraft machine guns on the perimeter main battle tanks fired quickly, converging into a dense fire that fired indiscriminately at Li Hao and its surrounding area.

This anti-aircraft machine gun was originally used to attack fighters, and the rate of fire and power can be imagined.

Once swept by these anti-aircraft machine guns, even if Li Hao's skin defense is very strong, it will definitely be seriously injured.

Under this 'crisis', Li Hao's pupils shrank, as if breaking some kind of boundary, and his movements were suddenly incredibly flexible, and he actually passed directly through the gap of the fire network formed by these anti-aircraft machine guns.

All means of attack fail.

Subsequently, the battle was also not in suspense.

It took about ten minutes for this tank army to fall into the hands of Ji Li.

The battle is over.

Virtual space disappears.

There was another change in front of my eyes.

Li Hao is 'back' to a 100% virtual fighting module.

Or that Li Hao never left.

"Just now in the face of the indiscriminate strafing of the gun, I seem to have slowed down the passage of time around me..."

That special state should be thought acceleration!"

Recovering from the 'fierce battle' just now, Li Hao quickly made a judgment and speculation about the state he had just entered.

The feeling of being in that state is amazing.

It was as if in an instant, the time around him slowed down by more than ten times.

He was even able to 'see' the trajectory of every bullet fired from an anti-aircraft machine gun.

It was in this way that he was able to unbelievably pass through an indiscriminate dense network of hundreds of anti-aircraft machine guns.

"Unexpectedly, after the genetic transformation, I actually have the ability to protagonist of a famous sci-fi movie!!"

Thinking of this, Li Hao's face showed a hint of surprise.

Another alias for thought acceleration is [bullet time], which is the extraordinary ability that he possesses before he travels through the ten "The Matrix's science fiction movie heroes" on the earth.

Ordinary people can easily dodge bullets with this ability.

You can imagine how many tricks he can play with his current almost superhuman body. (Zhao's)

Breaking through the dense fire network and catching bullets with your bare hands is as easy as probing for something.


"In the current era of oceans, the utility of this extraordinary ability is not very high, and there is hardly much use.

"Far less useful than the ability to sense the danger of a crisis!"

Understanding the nature of this ability, Li Hao couldn't help but sigh.

You know, he has never positioned himself as a combatant.

He has people (clone warriors), money (food), and powerful cutting-edge technological weapons.

What dangers, enemies, where he needs to do it himself.

And if these things are useless, even if he does it himself, it is likely to be given for nothing.

Of course.

This 'cool' transcendent ability is better than nothing.

Maybe when will it be used!.

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