Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 180 The Fear Caused By Differences In Life Levels 【For Subscription, Please Customize】

"The physical changes after genetic evolution have also been tested almost the same."

"Look at the time, it's almost twelve o'clock in the afternoon."

"It's almost time for lunch."

After completing all the physical tests, Li Hao did not mean to stay in the 100% virtual fighting module, climbed out directly from it, and walked towards the living room on the second floor of the submarine base.

Although after the genetic transformation, another set of energy absorption systems in his body in addition to eating, he no longer needs to rely on eating to maintain basic survival.

But being able to skip meals doesn't mean he won't eat.

After all, for a foodie, eating isn't just about filling your stomach.

It's more about enjoying the food and enjoying the pleasant mood that comes with delicious food.

Therefore, Li Hao, who is half a foodie, has no intention of giving up the habit of eating for the time being.

Come to the living room.

Zhao Xuehua and the three sisters had already prepared lunch.

At this moment, the table is already full of exquisite dishes, waiting for Li Hao to come and eat.

Seeing this, Li Hao also immediately walked over and sat down on the chair at the dining table.


Just as Li Hao was preparing to eat.

He suddenly found that the three sisters of Zhao Xueshi seemed to be a little wrong.

The body trembled slightly, and the movement was somewhat stiff.

The 710 looks like he is unwell.

"What's wrong with you guys?! It can't be sick, right?!"

Seeing this, Li Hao also put down the bowl and chopsticks he had just picked up and asked with concern.

"Didn't... No! Only... It's just that I don't know what's going on, and a faint sense of depression and fear suddenly appeared in my heart just now. ”

Zhao Xueqi said with a trembling voice.

Zhao Xueshi and Zhao Xuehua also nodded in agreement, indicating that they also felt the same way.

"When did this feeling come about? How long has it been?"

Hearing this, Li Hao immediately paid attention to it in his heart and asked seriously.

A faint sense of depression and fear suddenly appeared in my heart!!

This is obviously not a disease, and no disease will cause this symptom.

Since it is not a disease, then it must be affected by some external force.

This kind of external force can affect the people in the undersea base, and he naturally can't let it go.

"Not long, about two minutes ago."

It seems that she has somewhat adapted to this feeling, and Zhao Xueqi speaks much more smoothly.

No longer with the trembling voice as before.

"Two minutes ago?!"

Hearing this, Li Hao also frowned slightly and began to think.

What happened two minutes ago?!

Think for a moment.

"It can't be me who caused it, is it?!"

As if thinking of something, Li Hao had a wry smile on his face.

Two minutes ago, it wasn't the time he entered the living room.

"Could it be that my genetically evolved body has some special ability?!"

Thinking of this, Li Hao immediately began to study and experiment.

Letting the three sisters Zhao Xueshi continue to sit, Li Hao got up and walked out of the living room.

Then, using the communication network inside the submarine base, he asked Zhao Xueqi's third daughter in the living room: "Do you still feel that way now?!"

"Much better! Although this feeling is still there, it has dissipated a lot! Angkor, what's going on? Did you find the reason?!"

Zhao Xuehua's surprised voice came out of the communicator.

The tone was full of surprise.

"Sure enough!"

Hearing this, Li Hao knew it in his heart.

It seems that he guessed correctly!

The source of the external force of the sense of depression and fear that Zhao Xue painted was indeed derived from him.

Otherwise, it would not be possible for him to get better as soon as he walked out of the living room [Zhao Xuemian and them].

To make sure it wasn't some coincidence, Li Hao continued to walk farther away from the living room.

Walk to the outermost industrial manufacturing area on the first floor of the submarine base.

Li Hao spoke through the communicator again and asked, "How do you feel now?"

This time it was Zhao Xueshi's voice.

"(BFBA) is gone! It's amazing! Wu big brother, what the hell is going on?!"

"I'll talk to you later."

Li Hao did not answer.

After all, he only knows that he is the source at present, but he does not know what the specific reason or ability caused it.

Turn off the communicator.

Li Hao also began to consciously try to activate the ability of dogs to trigger feelings of depression and fear in people's hearts.

In his mind, this ability should be similar to the acceleration of thinking, belonging to the brain and mental ability.


After working hard for more than ten minutes, Li Hao still found nothing.

It's as if this ability doesn't exist.

"It should be that I tried in the wrong direction."

Abandoning this useless attempt for a moment, Li Hao thought to himself.

The ability to trigger feelings of depression and fear in the human heart may not be the brain, the mental ability.

It belongs to the 'passivity' that comes with the evolved body.

"Ordinary people staying next to lions and tigers, which can easily threaten their lives, must feel extremely depressed and fearful.

"The situation in which I unconsciously trigger feelings of depression and fear in other people's hearts should be similar!"

"Because I am beyond the human life level, the life magnetic field emitted is too strong, after being close to other people, it naturally makes others instinctively feel a great threat, and then trigger depression and fear in the heart, which is the survival instinct of the life gene to emit information that urges to stay away from the threat.........."

Thinking like this, Li Hao's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Theoretically, this fully explains what happened to him.

This may well be the case.

Thinking of this, Li Hao immediately began to try again.

Although he cannot control the invisible thing of the life magnetic field, in the final analysis, the life magnetic field is an invisible energy field 0 composed of the 'heat magnetic field' emitted by the body

It's similar to the 'qi and blood' in the general population.

The higher the strength and strong cell activity of the body, the stronger the heat magnetic field emitted, and the more amazing the 'qi and blood' (life magnetic field) emitted.

With the extraordinary ability of body control, he has almost 100% control over the body, and can accurately control almost every muscle of the body.

With this ability, as long as he controls his body and controls the amount of 'heat' overflowing from his body, he can indirectly achieve the purpose of controlling "qi and blood (the strength of the life magnetic field.

After trying it out along these lines.

"It worked!!"

"I just don't know if it's useful..............."

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