Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 181 Alternative Domineering Look? ! 【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】

“..... It stands to reason that the 'heat magnetic field' I release now is only one percent of my normal state, and the life magnetic field should also decay a lot, and it should no longer cause fear and depression in other living forms. ”

"But what the specific effect is, you still need to try to know."

Thinking so, Li Hao immediately walked towards the breeding area on the first floor of the submarine base.

It stands to reason that the fear and depression brought about by the difference in life levels can be felt by all living beings~.

Domestic animals such as chickens and ducks, although they do not have high IQs, should not be exceptional.

Even this instinctive threat perception will be sharper.

Just enough to be used as an experiment.

Enter the breeding area.

Come to the duck breeding area.

Li Hao asks the clones who care for the farm to catch three ducks.

One newborn, one growing up, and only adult stage.

With these three ducks at different stages of growth, Li Hao went to an empty room next to him, ready to start the experiment.

Release these three ducks.

Li Hao gradually releases more 'heat magnetic fields', forming a more powerful 'life magnetic field'.

At first, the three ducks didn't react much.

But ten seconds later.

Ga! Ga! Ga!

When Li Hao raised the 'heat magnetic field' released to one-fiftieth of his current normal state, the newborn duckling scurried around as if it was about to be in trouble

The other two young ducks and adult ducks were also constantly moving, and their bodies trembled.

Seeing this, Li Hao directly completely released the 'control' and raised the released 'heat magnetic field' to his current normal state.

Next second.

The three ducks all froze.

Touch! Touch!

Two sounds of falling to the ground came.

As if attacked by some invisible force, the duckling and the young duck all fell to the ground with a pop, as if dead.

Although the remaining adult duck did not show signs of falling to the ground, it was also so frightened that it did not dare to move.

"Overlord color domineering?!"

Seeing this picture, Li Hao couldn't help but blurt out.

Without hands, it can directly shock other life forms and make them faint.

This effect is exactly the same as the overlord color domineering.

"However, after all, this is not a real overlord-colored domineering, it is just a threat from the higher life level to the lower life level.

"This ability is called 'Life Coercion'."

After thinking for a moment, Li Hao directly gave himself a name for this ability.

Compared with the real overlord-colored domineering, the 1-life coercion effect can be described as quite weak.

At most, it can only make the life form of the level of the young duck faint.

If it is used on normal humans, I am afraid that it can make them feel depressed and afraid.

"This ability seems like a chicken rib."

Thinking of this, Li Hao also shook his head.

However, he did not mean to suspend the research on this point.

He felt that this ability should be more than that.

The current effect should be far from its limit.

"The strength of life coercion is linked to the 'heat magnetic field' released by the body.

"That is to say, as long as the 'heat magnetic field' released by the body is stronger, the stronger the strength of the life coercion, and the stronger the effect..."

"If you want to enhance the 'heat magnetic field' released by the body, you need to speed up the blood flow speed throughout the body, and the faster the flow, the stronger the 'heat magnetic field' released.

After thinking for a moment, Li Hao's eyes became brighter and brighter.

He already had a day of thinking in his heart about how to enhance the effect of life coercion.

With his strong control over his body, it should not be difficult for him to control the speed of blood flow throughout his body.

Thinking of this, Li Hao immediately began to try.

Three minutes later.

"Can it only speed up blood by five times?!"

"I can feel that with my current physical strength, this level of accelerated blood flow is not the limit."

"It's just that my consciousness or brain can only roughly control the blood in the whole body at present, which can only be done to this extent, and it can't make blood circulation faster..."

Brows furrowed slightly, Li Hao pondered a solution.

The fivefold acceleration of blood flow really made the effect of life coercion several times stronger.

Under the coercion of life that increased several times, the only awake adult duck was directly scared to death.

The corpses were cold.

This also allowed Li Hao to see the great potential of this capability.

If this ability effect can become more powerful, it may be able to directly deter those ocean behemoths, causing them to flee in fear and even faint to death.

"However, in order to do this, you need to at least increase the intensity of life coercion by dozens of times..."

...... Ask for flowers... 0

"In other words, at least it is necessary to flow blood dozens of times more!"

As if thinking of something, Li Hao's eyes showed a glimmer.

Perhaps, the ability of bullet time can solve this problem.

After all, the essence of the [bullet time] ability is mental acceleration.

As long as the mind accelerates fast enough, other things will naturally 'slow down' accordingly.

At that time, it will naturally be able to control blood flow more easily and finely, and accelerate faster.

Thinking of this, Li Hao immediately began to try.

Five minutes later.

Li Hao's skin was flushed.

This is a phenomenon that occurs when the blood in the body is accelerated to the extreme.

After the blood accelerated to the extreme, Li Hao's body suddenly rose with a terrifying aura (life magnetic field) that was close to plain matter.


The powerful life magnetic field even distorted the surrounding light.

The whole picture is extremely shocking.

"Sure enough!"

Opening his eyes, Li Hao had a satisfied smile on his face.

Sure enough, every ability is useful.

Previously, he thought that the [bullet time] ability of the chicken ribs, combined with the chemical reaction of [life coercion], directly increased the intensity of life coercion by nearly a hundred times.

This invisible energy magnetic field begins to manifest almost visibly.

Just don't exaggerate!

In order to test the strength of the current life coercion, Li Hao asked the clone warrior to send an adult consumable life directly.

This is the largest creature in the undersea base.


Under such a terrifying life coercion, that adult cow could not hold on for even a second, and its physical functions stopped instantly.

Direct violent death.

"In the future, I will also be a domineering man with the color of Thunder King!"

Looking at the results of this experiment, Li Hao nodded in satisfaction and couldn't help but ridicule himself.

Although I don't know how effective this level of life coercion is on the sea behemoths because there are no test subjects, Li Hao does not mean to go out now to find those ocean behemoths trouble.

After all, the meal hasn't been eaten yet.

Now go out to find those ocean behemoths to test, I'm afraid that the meal will be cold when I come back.

If there is anything, talk about it after eating.

In the case of testing, there is time and opportunity, and there is no need to rush such a moment.

Thinking like this, Li Hao gathered the life coercion on his body, returned the same way, and walked towards the living room.

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