Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 183 The Subdued Pirate Queen 【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】

It has the dual constraints of low-level gene chip and remote control intelligent shock ring.

Unless they don't want to live at all and want to commit suicide.

Otherwise, there simply isn't much choice.

Knowing this, Li Hao did not go around in circles, did not care, and said with a smile. "Actually, there is nothing for you to do, I brought you back, just on a whim and 8.......

"In that case, can Mr. Li let us go?!"

Hearing this, Miki Nishizono didn't believe Li Hao's words at all, and directly asked rhetorically.

"You led the fleet to attack me before, and you still want me to release you?"

Saying that, Li Hao showed a slightly mocking smile on his face.

Hearing this, Miki Nishizono was not surprised, she naturally would not be naïve to think that Li Hao would release these 'enemies' of them

The reason why I said this just now is just to test the purpose of Li Hao.

"There is no important thing for us to do, and we are not released, what does Mr. Ji want us to do?"

Hearing Li Hao's answer, Miki Nishizono flashed in her eyes and asked again.

"Nothing! I just need you to be maids."

Li Hao 15 said bluntly with a faint smile on his face.


Miki Nishien's cold and proud face couldn't help but show a hint of shock.

She could see that Li Hao was very calm and most likely not lying.

Or that she can only be slaughtered, and there is no need for the other party to go around in circles to deceive her.

That's why she was so shocked!!

How could she never have imagined that the other party brought them these 'enemies' for such a simple purpose?!

"Let us be your maid, isn't Mr. Li afraid that we will secretly kill you?!"

Coming back to his senses, Miki Nishizono sneered.

The threat implied in the tone can be heard by anyone.

"I dare to let you be a maid, naturally you will not be unprepared."

"If you can do it, do it."

Hearing this, Li Hao said without care, his face full of teasing.

After all, the low-level gene chips he implanted in these women were not a joke.

Once these women act against him, the low-level gene chip in their heads will immediately release bioelectric electricity to attack.

First warning, second alert, third kill.

Each time the low-level gene chip is activated, the relevant data is uploaded to Jarvis' data Curry.

It can be said that the first time these women make unfavorable moves, they will be known to him.

"Mr. Li, you are really prepared!"

Hearing Li Hao's confident words, Miki Nishizono seemed to think she understood something, and subconsciously touched the string of 'necklaces' worn by the other party on her neck, her face was very ugly.

She realized that this 'necklace' was probably the one that bound them.

Realizing this, Miki Nishien's heart was helpless, but she also felt more and more ashamed.

In her view, this chain is like a collar for domesticating a beast, a prop for the other party to try to 'train her.'

If she didn't know that she couldn't be the opponent of the other party at all, or even hurt a single hair of the other party, then she: .........

"It's impossible for me to be a maid, Mr. Li, please change your request!"

Clenching her fists, Nishizono Meiki calmed her mood and said with a cold expression.

As a 'self-made' pirate empress, she naturally has her own pride.

Let her be a 'maid' who can be called and drunk.

She couldn't accept it at all.

"Miss Xiyuan, I hope you can truly recognize your situation!"

"I'm not discussing this with you."

"Just come and inform you!"

Facing the cold Miki Nishien, Li Hao said lightly.

Captives have no say!

Once you back down, the other party will definitely have to make an inch.

It's human nature.

Therefore, Li Hao did not hesitate at all and directly vetoed the other party's request.

And apart from making this pirate queen lady a maid, he really couldn't think of anything else that he needed to open for the other party.

The conversation between the two, the fifteen women around also recovered from their state of fear, and also listened quietly.

But there wasn't much reaction.

Compared with the proud Miki Nishien, these women do not have much resistance to becoming a maid in their hearts.

After all, after defeat, it is already a very good ending to survive intact and not be tortured by various cruel means.

Before, they wanted to resist and attacked Li Hao, thinking that the other party wanted to imprison and torture them.

Now that they know Li Hao's purpose, they have no intention of resisting.

Of course.

Another important reason is that the terrifying momentum that Li Hao just broke out is too terrifying.

It was a feeling of fear that was almost shocking, and they didn't want to experience it a second time.

Therefore, subconsciously do not dare to be enemies with Li Hao.

Little did he know that his men had been 'conquered' by Li Hao.

Miki Nishien, however, was unwilling to accept the fate of becoming a maid like this.

After all, from a pirate empress who galloped across the sea and was feared by everyone, to a maid who made people drink around, this psychological gap is too great.

"Miss Meixi, I hope that the next thing can make you 067 recognize your current situation."

Seeing that Miki Nishien is so 'stubborn', Li Hao did not waste time and directly turned on the current attack mode with the lowest power of the remote control smart shock ring.

This power is electrically immortal and only causes people to feel considerable pain.

Next second.

Multiply! Multiply!~

A thin yellow electric current kept beating on Miki Nishizono.

It looks quite 'scary'.

Under such an electric attack, Miki Nishizono looked pained, but she couldn't move.

After ten seconds, Miki Nishien's body began to spasm a little.

Before completely losing control of her body and revealing her 'ugly', Miki Nishizono finally lowered her proud head.

Accept her fate as a maid.

The next thing is simple.

After all these women accepted the fact of becoming maids, Li Hao allocated them a room.

Then, let the clone warriors take them over.

After everything was taken care of, it was already 8pm.

"Before you know it, it's so late!"

"It seems that the tasks refreshed this week can only be completed tomorrow."

Glancing at the time, Li Hao shook his head and walked in the direction of his bedroom.

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