Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 184 The Misunderstanding Of Zhao Xueshi's Three Daughters 【Please Subscribe, Please Sub

August 6, 2021

2 a.m.

Li Hao opened his eyes and woke up from his sleep.

Although he had only slept for less than 2 hours, he felt energetic and energetic.

"It's really uncomfortable to suddenly become a non-human."

Feeling his body back to his peak state, Li Hao also sighed a little "helplessly".

This is the trouble of happiness.

The genetic metamorphosis allowed him to completely surpass the concept of the human species and become a superhuman.

The already extremely powerful body machine has once again evolved to an unimaginable point.

The metabolism and recovery ability can be described as extremely fast, almost a hundred times that of normal humans.

According to Jarvis's deduction of his body data model, his current body can perform high-intensity exercise without sleep for a month and still maintain a normal state.

You can imagine how perverted his body is now.

However, due to the sleep habits reserved before, coupled with the fact that there are no important things to deal with, Li Hao does not mean not to sleep.

Still living according to the previous routine.

It's just that the sleep time is much shorter again.

An hour or so of sleep rest is enough to keep his body at its peak.

Looking at Zhao Xueshi, who was sleeping sweetly next to her, Li Hao climbed out of the bed lightly.

Get dressed.

After washing.

Since he doesn't need to survive by eating now, in view of his cooking skills, Li Hao decided not to eat first and wait for Zhao Xuehua to get up.

"It's time to start completing the tasks of this week's refresh."

Eliminating the meal session, Li Hao sat on the sofa in the living room and opened the task panel of the system.

Prepare to claim a new task.

【Evolutionary Gene Bank (Collection Task)】


【Exploration of the deep sea (exploration mission)】

【Hunting Super Large Behemoths (Survival Mission)】

"The task of exploring this giant pit in the deep sea needless to say, it is directly passed."

"Then there are only two tasks left: the evolutionary gene pool and the hunting of super-sized behemoths:

"The two missions of [Living Meteorite Mystery] and [Ocean Exploration] have been completed, and I now have two mission slots to claim these two missions."

Thinking like this, Li Hao was about to collect all the [Evolutionary Gene Bank] and [Hunting Super Large Behemoths].

Both missions require going out to hunt marine behemoths.

After receiving the mission, Li Hao immediately entered the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter and began to act.

After receiving the task, Li Hao closed the taskbar and walked quickly towards the mobile marine shelter.

Subsequently, the submarine-type mobile marine shelter was activated, spraying blue flame tails towards the area with the most marine behemoths in the surrounding sea.

Since Li Hao was away for nearly ten days.

Without Li Hao's 'cleaning', the number of marine behemoths in the surrounding sea area is also much more, and there are many more varieties.

The initial formation of a seabed ecosphere began.

"This is convenient for me to complete the task of evolutionary gene pool."

Sensing this, Li Hao also had a smile on his face.

According to the requirements of this task, it is necessary to collect the genes of 500 species of sea behemoths and establish a gene bank of sea behemoths.

In this way, the more varieties of marine behemoths around, the better.

The more he accomplished, the easier it was for him to complete his tasks.

Along the way, when he encounters any new breed of mutated sea creature, Li Hao will order Jarvis to activate the attack mode of the electromagnetic stance generator, and electrocute it to death in one shot.

"Fishing" all the way.

After six or seven hours, Li Hao also harvested a lot, directly collecting the flesh and blood of 261 different varieties of sea behemoths.

However, no super-large marine behemoths with a size of more than 500 meters were found in the nearby seas.

Therefore, the task of [hunting super large behemoths] has not made any progress.

Take a walk around the sea within a thousand kilometers of the vicinity.

No more discoveries.

I looked at the time and found that it was almost 8 a.m.

Li Hao temporarily ends this 'hunt' and allows Jarvis to return home.

Return to the undersea base.

Li Hao put the flesh and blood of the 261 marine behemoths into a biological gene editing table for genetic analysis.

The genetic analysis was completed, and the genetic model of one marine giant was constructed.

On the task panel, the task progress bar of [Evolutionary Gene Bank] instantly passed halfway.

With only 239 genes missing from the sea behemoth, this task is completed.

With all this done, Li Hao walked towards the living room.

Breakfast should be almost ready.

Although it is important to complete the task, the quality of life cannot be taken down.

Otherwise, what's the difference with robots.

Come to the living room.

Li Hao, who was ready to eat a big meal and satisfy his appetite, found that the scene in the living room seemed a little 'embarrassing'

The sixteen women led by Miki Nishizono were dressed as maids and were confronting the three sisters of Zhao Xueshi with wide eyes

Neither side knows the identity of the other.

It can be seen that the three sisters of Zhao Xueshi are very wary of these beautiful women who suddenly appear in the undersea base.

".w forgot to tell Zhao Xueshi and them."

Looking at this embarrassing scene, Li Hao also patted his head speechlessly.

There were so many things yesterday that he forgot about it.

"Angkor, where did these women come from?!"

Seeing Li Hao appear, Zhao Xueshi immediately ran over and pulled Li Hao and asked.

There was a hint of vinegar in his tone.

It's like catching a little wife whose husband is adulterous.

No way, a group of beautiful women suddenly appeared here, because it was easy to misunderstand.

Anyone would think this was Li Hao's lover.

And Zhao Xuehua and Zhao Xueqi also looked at Li Hao with a trace of resentment on their faces.

Letting them go to two big beauties and going out to 'steal food' made them doubt their charm

"They're just the maids I brought back!"

"In the future, they will be responsible for dealing with some trivial matters in the base..."

Knowing that Zhao Xueshi's third daughter had misunderstood, Li Hao also cried and laughed and explained.

After some explanation, Zhao Xueshi's three daughters also knew (Qian Zhao) Li Hao's purpose in bringing these women back.

Knowing that it is not the little lover raised outside Li Hao, Zhao Xueshi's third daughter is also relieved.

Although Li Hao did not elaborate on the identity of these women, it is obviously not simple to look at the behavior of these women.

Therefore, Zhao Xueshi's third daughter was also very sensible and did not ask much,

The atmosphere returned to normal.

Let the sixteen maids led by Miki Nishizono go to the large kitchen next door to make their own breakfast.

Li Hao also began to enjoy a hearty breakfast made by Zhao Xuehua.

Spicy soup, Cantonese-style steamed dumplings, plus six cages of xiaolongbao...

Under Zhao Xuehua's superb cooking skills, these foods are very delicious.

Although it does not need the energy provided by these foods, Li Hao eats quite contentedly.

Finish breakfast.

After accompanying Zhao Xueshi and the three daughters to play games and relax and relax, Li Hao once again boarded the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter and went to farther waters to complete the two tasks he received: .........。

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