Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 185 Production Line Of Underwater Combat Armor

In the dark underwater space.

A spindle-shaped underwater vehicle is chasing a sea behemoth that is more than two hundred meters in size.

This sea behemoth resembles a sailfish and swims extremely fast.

The visual speed is above 400 kilometers per hour.

Compared to the speed of moving the ocean shelter of the submarine type, it is at least four or five times faster.

Between the chase and movement, the distance between the two sides is also getting farther and farther.

"Jarvis turns on the special torpedo missile launch system and launches armor-piercing torpedo missiles."

Seeing that the mutant giant sailfish was about to disappear from his field of vision, Li Hao did not hesitate to order to Jarvis.

Receiving the order, Jarvis immediately began to act.

The shell armor in front of the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter 'cracked', revealing the launch tube of the black hole hole inside.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Next second.

Dozens of armor-piercing torpedo missiles poured out.

At a speed faster than the speed of sound, it quickly 'broke through' the barrier of the seawater, forming a huge cavity effect, and shot towards the mutant giant sailfish that fled quickly.

The distance between the two is narrowed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Under the calculation and manipulation of Jarvey 103, [These Zhishen torpedo missiles cover almost all the dodge space around the mutant Sailfish.

No matter how it dodges, at least five more armor-piercing torpedo missiles will hit.

As if sensing the sense of crisis behind, the escape speed of the mutant giant sailfish was actually increased again, reaching a speed of 500 kilometers per hour.


In the face of supersonic moving armor-piercing torpedo missiles, such a speed is still too slow.

Less than fifteen seconds.

Nearly ten armor-piercing torpedo missiles pierced through the skin of the mutated giant sailfish and exploded inside it.

The huge body of more than two hundred meters instantly fell apart.

Mutated giant sailfish, pawn.

"Count it up, this should be the flesh and blood of the 301st sea behemoth!"

"There are still 199 marine behemoth genes left to complete the task of evolutionary gene pool."

"However, the surrounding 3,000 kilometers of sea have already been visited, and if you want to obtain more varieties of marine behemoth genes, you can only go to farther seas."

"It's not early today, let's continue tomorrow."

With this in mind, Li Hao collected the flesh and blood of the mutant giant sailfish and let Jarvis pilot the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter to start the return voyage.

On the way back to the undersea base, not a single sea behemoth dared to come and attack.

This is the result of Li Hao's use of life coercive ability to deter.

According to Li Hao's test results today, he turned on the bullet time and released the life coercion with all his strength to have a considerable effect on the marine behemoths below 300 meters.

Although it cannot faint or even die, it can cause great deterrence.

The smaller the marine behemoth, the better the deterrent effect.

For marine behemoths below fifty meters, they can even make them so frightened that they dare not move.

And this sea area that he has cleaned several times, even if the concentration of evolutionary radiation in the sea water soars, there are not many marine ghost beasts that are more than 100 meters old.

Therefore, after Li Hao released the coercion of life with all his might, the movement of the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter was naturally unimpeded.

Under such circumstances, the submarine-type mobile marine shelter soon returned to the undersea base.

Return to the undersea base.

Li Hao immediately put the flesh and blood of those marine behemoths into the biological gene editing table for genetic analysis.

After completing this work, the task progress of the [Evolutionary Gene Bank] instantly exceeded 50%.

After doing all this, it was already 11 p.m.


Li Hao did not mean to go back to the bedroom to wash and sleep immediately.

He is ready to go to the multifunctional exercise room in the fitness area to vent his abundant physical strength.

If you don't exercise, you always feel like your body is about to rust'.

In the 3x gravity zone of the multifunctional exercise room, high-intensity exercise for more than an hour.

After sweating, Li Hao went back to his bedroom to wash up satisfied.

Then, holding the sleeping Zhao Xueshi into sleep.


Slept for more than an hour.

After returning to his peak physical and mental condition, Li Hao asked Jarvis to drive the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter to farther untouched seas in search of more varieties of marine behemoths.


In this uninhabited sea area that has not been set foot on, there are suddenly many more varieties of marine behemoths that have not been seen.

At the end of the day, Li Hao obtained one hundred and thirty-five kinds of previously uncollected sea behemoth flesh and blood.

It was only sixty-four light behemoth genes left before the [Evolution Inku] mission.

Since the current location is far from the submarine base, it takes more than half a day to go back and forth.

In order to complete the task as soon as possible, so as not to waste time back and forth, Li Hao decided not to return to the underwater base today and continue to search for other uncollected marine behemoths in this sea area

August 8, 2021

Six o'clock in the morning.

After a night of searching, Li Hao finally collected the flesh and blood of the remaining sixty-four sea behemoths.

After confirming that the number met the mission requirements of the [Evolutionary Gene Bank], Li Hao immediately ordered Jarvis to return home in a submarine-type mobile ocean shelter.

After a sailing of about eight hours.

After returning to the undersea base, Li Hao took out all the flesh and blood of the marine behemoths stored by Curry in the submarine-type mobile marine shelter, and put it in the biological gene editing table for genetic analysis.


Genetic models of different varieties of marine behemoths were analyzed.

An hour later.

All the collected flesh and blood of the Sea Behemoth have been genetically analyzed.

Put these genetic models together with previous ones and name them the Ocean Behemoth Evolutionary Gene Bank.

"The mission should be completed."

After doing all this, Li Hao opens the system inventory.

Sure enough.

The mission reward has arrived.

A silver-white production line full of sci-fi feels appears in the system inventory.

【Underwater Fighter Mech Production Line】

Owner: Li Hao

【Production drawings】: Junior underwater fighter mech (type 1)

[Mecha production]: 15 units/day

[Introduction]: Industrial science and technology creation, this production line can only be used to manufacture underwater combat mecha, can not produce other sky combat mecha, space combat mecha. (Note: Due to the industrial and technological level of the underwater fighter mech production line, at most, it can only produce medium and low-level underwater fighter mech [advanced and above underwater fighter Shen cannot manufacture.") )

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