Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 186 Make Underwater Combat Mecha! ! 【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】

"Good stuff!"

"I wonder how this so-called 'Type I junior underwater fighter' performs?! Isn't it fun to drive?!"

Looking at the mecha production line in the system's inventory, Li Hao's face couldn't help but show a hint of excitement.

After all, mecha, a mecha armored combat vehicle, is a man's romance.

Now that he had the opportunity to get in touch with a real mech, how could he not be excited.

Thinking like this, Li Hao immediately couldn't wait to order a medical treatment in the industrial manufacturing area on the first floor of the submarine base.

Come to the industrial manufacturing area.

Li Hao found a vacant lot to place the production line of underwater fighter mech.

After finding a place, Li Hao took the underwater mech production line out of the system inventory.

Next second.

A huge production line covering an area of thousands of square meters and composed of various precision robotic arms appeared in front of Li Hao-.

After reading the instructions for using this production line, Li Hao immediately began to operate.

Let Jarvis control a small artificial sun to supply the underwater mech production line.

Li Hao began debugging work on its display.

A minute later.


The indicator light of this underwater fighter mech production line suddenly lit up, indicating that the initial start was complete and it was currently operating normally.

"According to the instructions for use, now the production line of underwater combat mech can start working."

"In that case, let's make a mecha first."

Opening the manufacturing interface of the underwater fighter mech production line, Li Hao immediately found the only production option————— primary underwater fighter mech (type 1).

Click in.

After putting all the raw materials required for its manufacturing and setting the manufacturing quantity to 1, Li Hao directly clicks to start manufacturing.

I saw that the mechanical tracks inside the production line of the underwater fighter mech began to operate in vain.

Countless robotic arms began to process those raw materials with great flexibility.

Machine parts are quickly molded and assembled together at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In less than ten minutes, a skull outline composed of mechanical parts faintly appeared.

"This production line can produce 15 mechs a day, which means that the production of one mech takes about an hour and a half to complete."

Calculating the time required for a mecha to be manufactured, Li Hao did not wait stupidly here, and left the industrial manufacturing area directly and walked towards the entertainment area on the second floor of the submarine base.

Play games, read novels, enjoy afternoon tea prepared by the maids...

In such a leisurely and pleasant time.


An hour and a half passed.

"Calculate the time, the production of mecha should be almost completed."

Putting down the gamepad in his hand, Li Hao walked towards the industrial manufacturing area downstairs with anticipation.

Step into the industrial manufacturing area.

Come to the underwater mech production line.

Through transparent glass windows.

Li Hao could see that inside the production line, a humanoid mech full of mechanical beauty had almost taken shape.

"Is there still five minutes to make?!"

Looking at the countdown on the display, Li Hao waited quietly with a hint of excitement.

Five minutes later.


The exit gate of the production line of the underwater fighter mech opens automatically.

A faint white 'mist' pervades.

In this faint white mist, a silver-blue mech nearly twenty meters tall came down from the production line.

The surface shimmered with a cold light that belonged to metal, both hands held a huge gun like a rifle, and the inside of the armor that opened before the murder was covered with black holes and holes in the barrel of the torpedo missile, and behind the soles of the feet, there was a huge device similar to a turbine thruster.

The overall look is very impactful.

It's like a machine of terror from the future.

"It looks good!"

"I just don't know how the specific combat effectiveness is?!"

Looking at this newly baked junior underwater fighter mech (Type I), Li Quan's eyes also lit up.

Then, I couldn't wait to open the data panel of the mecha in front of mecha.

【Junior Underwater Fighter Mech (Type I)】

[Production number]: 1

[Fire configuration]: electromagnetic energy rifle, torpedo tracking and firing system, chainsaw powered sword...........

[Propulsion unit]: Turbo-powered engine (16 sets)

[Maximum propulsion speed.]

[Energy source]: high-energy battery

[Introduction]: This is a primary fighter mech specially designed for underwater combat, with a humanoid design, extremely flexible movements, and a built-in high-energy battery that can carry out high-intensity combat for a week after storing energy.

......... Ask for flowers...

"Looks good!"

Looking at the data parameters of this mecha, Li Hao also nodded with satisfaction.

The mecha drawings attached to this underwater fighter mech production line obviously belong to the lowest level of mecha.

Naturally, it can't be too demanding, and it's already good to have this configuration.

From the point of view of configuration, the combat effectiveness of this primary underwater fighter mech is still quite powerful.

On the oceans, singling out a small fleet without an aircraft carrier should be a breeze.

"Test the actual combat performance of this mech!"

Touching this mechanical and destructive behemoth, Li Hao was also a little excited.


Immediately, I can't wait to open this receiver.

This kind of war machine that only exists in science fiction movies and television appears in front of him, and I believe that no man can be indifferent.

What man did not fantasize about piloting a mecha as a child, crisscrossing the sea of stars and destroying one battleship after another.

Although what he saw in front of him was just a rudimentary-level water fighter mech, which did not have the ability to enter space to fight, it was also a mecha.

Thinking like this, Li Hao immediately found the instructions for using this mech.

After reading the instructions, Li Hao also knew what to do.

Let Jarvis control a small artificial sun to charge this mech.

Li Hao entered the cockpit.

Follow the instructions to turn on the neuron synchronization device and start booting the mech.

Duh! Duh! Duh!

A row of indicator lights on the mecha lit up in turn from bottom to top, as if a sleeping beast had revived.

On the huge mechanical head, two car-sized mechanical eyes suddenly emitted a terrifying red light.

After you finish starting up.

With the connection of the neuron synchronization device, Li Hao only felt that this mecha seemed to become his body, and he was able to make any movement at will.

Use this mech to make a set of stretching moves.

After confirming that there was no problem with the mecha, Li Hao immediately drove the machine and walked outside the undersea base.

He wants to find the sea behemoths in the surrounding seas and try the power of this mecha.

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