Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 189 Has The Mecha Corps Been Conceived Successfully? ! 【Please Subscribe, Ask For Full Order

"This medical cabin should be sufficient for the time being."

Looking at the specific description of this fully automatic surgical medical cabin, Li Hao nodded in satisfaction.

According to the above, the fully automatic surgical medical cabin is enough to cure all currently known diseases and trauma on Blue Star, except for genetic diseases.

Even terminal diseases such as cancer and leukemia can be easily cured.

As for the minimally invasive minor surgery implanted in the brain assistance core, it is not worth mentioning at all.

After confirming that this medical cabin could fully meet his requirements, Li Hao did not hesitate too much and directly bought the drawing.


Coupled with the points of the previous purchase of brain auxiliary chips, Li Hao spent nearly 110,000 points in a short period of time.

The originally 'rich' point balance instantly bottomed out.

It dropped from six to five figures, leaving only about 50,000 points.

"No matter how many points there are, they don't need to be spent!"

Seeing this, Li Hao also sighed a little.

Most of the month's accumulation, two-thirds in one day.

However, he did not have the slightest regret or heartache in his heart.

After all, points are used for use.

If you don't use it, put it there, and it won't work at all.

Leave these senseless distractions behind.

Li Hao, who bought the drawings of the fully automatic surgical medical cabin, immediately left the biological laboratory and walked towards the industrial manufacturing area.

Come to the super 3D printer bed in the industrial manufacturing area.

Li Hao takes out the drawings of the fully automatic surgical medical cabin and enters them into the drawing library of the machine tool.

Then, click the Make button.

The manufacture of this fully automated surgical chamber is somewhat complicated.

It was about half an hour later.

The first fully automated surgical chamber was only disembarked from the machine.

It is white throughout, rectangular in appearance and topped by a rounded transparent glass cover.

Hands-on move the fully automated surgical cabin to an empty room in the medical area.

Let the small artificial sun provide it with energy.

After starting it, Li Hao puts various raw materials for the drugs needed to synthesize the treatment.

It took more than two hours of work.

This fully automatic surgical medical cabin can be considered to be truly put into use.

Let Clone No. 1 lie in.

Li Hao immediately turned on the display screen on the medical cabin, followed the instructions, and began to operate.

Put in the brain assist chip.

Select the location of minimally invasive brain implantation surgery and implantation.

Finally, click OK.

The next moment.

I saw that in the fully automatic surgical medical cabin, the whole body disinfection and local anesthesia were quickly given to No. 1.

Subsequently, several robotic arms with slender and sharp scalpels made a small wound of less than one centimeter on the back of the head of No. 1 with incomparable accuracy, and quickly implanted the brain assistance chip.

After the implantation is completed, a robotic arm sprays something like a spray to stop bleeding and heal the wound No. 1.

Since then, the minimally invasive implantation procedure has ended.

The whole process is streamlined and efficient to the extreme.

It took less than five minutes.


The fully automatic surgical medical cabin opens automatically.

Number 1 came out of it.

Li Hao also couldn't wait to hand over the operation manual of the machine methyl to No. 1 to test whether it was implanted with a brain assistance chip and successfully obtained the learning ability that he did not have before.

The result was quite satisfactory to him.

According to the test results, No. 1 only took five minutes to successfully note down the basic operation of the mecha.

Half an hour later.

Li Hao found that the skill bar of the No. 1 attribute panel added an intermediate mech piloting skill.

Obviously, after having the brain assistance chip [The No. 1 Shulong people, who originally had no learning ability, directly obtained the learning power that can almost be called a demon.

Otherwise, it would never have been possible to acquire intermediate mecha piloting skills in such a short period of time without any practical operation and just by relying on the operation manual.

You know, intermediate mecha driving skills can only be achieved by mastering mecha operation skills.

"It seems that the idea of the mecha legion has been successful~"."

"With the brain assistance chip, a clone warrior with extremely high combat literacy, no emotion, and no greed for life and fear of death can instantly become the best mecha soldier."

"Next, you only need to let the underwater fighter electric production line start at full power to produce mecha."

Thinking of the picture of countless mecha warriors flooding the enemy in the future, Li Hao couldn't help but show a smile on his face.

He believed that the Mecha Legion could definitely become a fairly important armed force in his hands.

In order to confirm the combat power that the clone warrior can exert in piloting the mech, Li Hao took No. 1 and walked towards the temporary hangar where the mech was parked.

He was ready to let No. 1 pilot the mecha and go to the surrounding waters to actually fight.

Enter the temporary hangar.

On the orders of Li Hao, No. 1 entered the cockpit of the underwater fighter mech.

Duh! Duh! Duh!

A row of indicator lights on the mecha, from bottom to top, lit up in turn.

Just when Li Hao thought that No. 1 had completed the synchronization of the neurons of the underwater fighter mech.

Next second.

Something unexpected happened to Li Hao.

The work indicators on the mecha were all turned off in an instant, falling silent again.

Jarvis, what's going on?"

Seeing this, Li Hao's face changed and he spoke.

He used it well before.

Logically speaking, there should be no problem with the mecha!

Faced with Li Hao's problem, Jarvis quickly extracted the data in the mecha for analysis and calculation.

A few seconds later.

Jarvis: "Sir, according to the analysis and detection of the data just started in the underwater fighter mech, when the neuron synchronization of No. 1 reached 90%, the brain nerves could not withstand the pressure caused by the mecha, and suddenly passed out, and the mecha's tight (money) emergency mechanism was activated, and the synchronization link with its neurons was automatically disconnected..."

"According to current calculations, No. 1 is not life-threatening.

"During neuron synchronization, suddenly passed out?!"

Li Hao is also a little confused.

Why does No. 1 have this problem when piloting the mech?!

He had been very smooth when he synchronized neurons with the mecha before!

Take No. 1 out of the mech cockpit and put it into the main treatment of fully automated surgical treatment.

"Jarvis, can you calculate why this problem occurs?!"

Li Hao, who couldn't figure this out, frowned slightly, and said to Jarvis.

Hearing this, Jarvis immediately quickly imported the relevant data currently known and used a small superbiological computer to calculate.

A minute later.

Jarvis: "Calculation done!" The possible reasons are as follows...".

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