Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 190 Psychic Cluster Network, Preparing To Build A Mech Army 【Please Subscribe, Please Order

“... The reason why the mecha neuron synchronization failure occurs 90% may be because the clone warrior itself has some kind of genetic defect, resulting in the nerve strength of the clone warrior can not withstand the oppression caused by the mecha neuron synchronization system, the remaining 10%........

"Genetic defect?!"

Listening to Jarvis's calculations, Li Hao thought thoughtfully.

It is indeed quite possible.

After all, clone warriors themselves are not natural people, and are quickly produced by clone manufacturing pods.

It is not surprising that there are certain genetic defects.

If nothing else, the mere lack of learning ability itself is already very telling.

The brain of a clone warrior is definitely quite flawed.

"It's really troublesome!"

Li Hao also had a wry smile on his face.

I thought that using the brain assistance chip to successfully let the clone warriors master the mecha driving skills, the mecha legion became one.

Who would have thought that the physical condition of the clone warrior itself would not meet the requirements for piloting a mecha.

"It's only one step away from the completion of the Mecha Legion concept."

"This has to be solved."

Thinking like this, Li Hao immediately walked out of the medical area and walked towards the 000 direction of the biological laboratory again.

As he walked, Li Hao opened the System Marketplace and selected biotechnology that could compensate for the nerve strength of the Clone Warrior.

After some screening, Li Hao chose something called a primary neuroreinforcement.

This thing is a precursor technology called the [Mind Cluster Network] evolutionary route.

The effect is very suitable for the current situation of the clone warrior.

【Primary Nerve Enhancer】

【Introduction】: Bioengineering drawings derived from biological neurology, after use, nerve strength will be greatly improved and the brain speed will be accelerated. (Note: The agent can also compensate for most neurologically related gene defects.)

【Price】: 15,200 points

*15200 points?! It's not expensive!"

"Its function is also very targeted, and it should be no problem to solve the problem of nerve strength of clone warriors."

Thinking so, Li Hao did not hesitate to buy the bioengineered formula of the primary neuro-enhancing agent.

More than 100,000 points were spent before, and this 10,000 points were still missing?!

Points - 15200.

Come to the biology lab.

Li Hao took the newly purchased bioengineered formula out of the system inventory and entered it into the biogene editing table.

After the input is completed, Li Hao directly clicks Production.

After 3 minutes.

The first primary neuro-enhancer came out of the product export of the biogene editing table.

With this primary nerve strengthening potion, Li walked towards the medical area.

Come to the medical area.

The fully automated surgical chamber has completed the treatment of No. 1.

Clone No. 1, who had been in a coma, has also woken up at this moment.

"Drink it!"

Li Hao immediately handed the primary nerve strengthening potion in his hand to No. 1 in the medical cabin.

Hearing this, No. 1 did not hesitate at all, took it directly and drank it.


Next second.

When No. 1 woke up, he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Clearly, the primary neuroreinforcement agent is already working.

Seeing that No. 1 did not wake up in a short time, Li Hao was no longer waiting here stupidly.

Let Jarvis watch, and after waiting for No. 1 to wake up and remind him, Li Hao walks to the entertainment area of the underwater base to pass the time.

Fitness and playing cards with Zhao Xueshi's three daughters, time passed quickly.

About two hours later.

JARVIS: "Sir, number 1 is awake."

"How effective is the primary nerve strengthening potion?"

Putting down the heavy weight lifter in his hand, Li Hao wiped his sweat with a towel and asked casually.

(BFAA) Jarvis: "According to the physical examination given by the medical cabin, No. 1's current physical condition is very good, and the neural activity has increased by 30 times compared to before, far exceeding the limit required to complete the mecha neuron synchronization device..."

"So, No. 1 can already be used as a mecha pilot?!"

Hearing this, Li Hao's face also showed a hint of joy.

The significance of being able to be a mech pilot is quite significant.

If No. 1 succeeds, then it is clear that other clones can do the same.

In this way, his mecha legion concept can also be perfectly realized.

Jarvis: "Yes! According to the data, the current level of No. 1 is enough to serve as a mecha pilot. ”

"Notify No. 1, go to the temporary hangar."

With a hint of excitement on his face, Li Hao immediately came out of the multi-purpose exercise room and walked towards the temporary hangar.

When Li Hao arrives at the temporary hangar.

Number 1 is already waiting inside.

Didn't say it.

Li Hao immediately let No. 1 enter the cockpit of the underwater fighter mech again.

Duh! Duh! Duh!

There are no moths.

Under Li Hao's gaze, a row of work indicators on the mecha, from bottom to top, all lit up.

The neuron synchronization link is complete.

Started successfully!

Let No. 1 control the underwater mech stretch.

After making sure that there was no problem at all, Li Hao's face couldn't help but show a hint of excitement.

"Go, go outside and actually fight."

Li Hao spoke.

He wanted to see how strong the clone warrior was in driving the mech.

During this time, the underwater mecha combat production line did not stop.

There are already three more mechs in the temporary hangar.

Step into the cockpit of one of the mechs.

After completing the synchronization link of neurons, Li Hao left the submarine base directly with No. 1.

Two mech turbine engines spun and gush.

Soon, it rushed into the distant sea.

About an hour later.

Li Hao returned to the undersea base with No. 1 with a satisfied smile on his face.

He was quite satisfied with the combat effectiveness shown by the clone warrior driving the mecha.

Although it is not as good as him in the bullet time state, there is still not much problem in singling out the ocean behemoth below two hundred meters.

And when the number goes up, the scale is formed, and various tactics are adopted, the combat effectiveness can be multiplied.

"The combat effectiveness is up to standard, then next, it is time to start preparing for the establishment of the mecha legion."

"First set up a regiment (2,000 people) as a permanent armed force for the submarine base."

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