Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 192: A Task Worth 200,000 Points! ! 【Please Subscribe, Ask For Full Order】

Open the system tray.

Li Hao found that there was only one task to refresh this week.

And it's also a collection task.

【Collecting alien parasites】

[Mission Description]: You know the nature of living meteorites and understand the great harm they can cause. Ask the host to collect fragments of a mature living meteorite to prevent its parasitic host.

[Mission Reward]: 200,000 points

"Two hundred thousand points?!"

Seeing the first glance of this mission reward, Li Hao's face couldn't help but show a hint of shock.

No way.

This number is too big.

From so far, the number of his points balance has never exceeded two hundred thousand.

And this time the mission.

After completing it, he was directly awarded 200,000 points, which made him not shocked.

However, this also shows the difficulty of this task for me at the moment.

Coming back to his senses, Ji Yuan's face also showed a wry smile.

He has not forgotten the rules he summed up before.

Mission rewards are all linked to mission difficulty.

Previously, just one [Living Meteorite Mystery] mission worth more than 90,000 had kept him busy for so long.

This time the task of 200,000 points, I know how difficult the task is with a leather drum.

For him at the moment, it is clearly an impossible task.

"That's true."

Looking at the mission statement, Li Hao found that it was exactly what he thought.

Collect fragments of a living meteorite that has reached maturity.

It's simply overwhelmingly difficult.

Now it is not certain whether there are living meteorite fragments on the blue star that have entered the mature stage!

Even if there is, it is absolutely rare to the extreme, and I am afraid that it has long been parasitic on a certain sea giant beast host.

In the boundless ocean, you want to find possible fragments of mature living meteorites, or their parasitic hosts.

It's almost impossible to look at it.

"It seems that the reward of this week's task is not to think about it."

Thinking of this, Li Hao also very rationally chose to abandon this task and not waste time on this currently almost impossible task.

Just let it be.

After all, unless you really go to the super luck and directly encounter the living meteorite fragments in the mature stage, there is no drama at all.

"However, the points in my hand at the moment are indeed a bit small."

Closing the task panel, Li Hao glanced at his points balance.

Due to yesterday's spree of 'spending', his point balance is only about 30,000 left.

For him, such a point of points is almost impossible.

"It seems that the task of hunting super-large sea behemoths should be completed as soon as possible."

After all, after the [Hunting Super Large Ocean Behemoth] is completed, there will be a reward of 30,000 points.

Just enough to 'plump' his shriveled 'wallet'.

Thinking like this, Li Hao immediately asked Jarvis to accelerate the production of more underwater stealth monitors and go farther to look for the traces of super-large marine ghost beasts.

It is known that even if the search is intensified, the super-large marine shelter will not be able to be found by looking for it.

Therefore, after reminding Jarvis of what he had discovered, Li Hao did not continue to focus on it.

Still maintain the original rhythm of life.

Finish breakfast.

After some exercise and eating, Li Hao went to sunbathe on the balcony of the underwater base.

Under the glow of a small artificial sun.

Li Hao lounged on a beach chair and played a handheld game.

Very comfortable.

A few minutes later, Miki Nishizono walked towards this side dressed as a maid, carrying a glass of ice juice and some exquisite snacks.

"What a mysterious man!"

"I don't know how he has so many epoch-making technologies in his hands!"

Staring at Li Hao on the beach chair in front of him, Nishizono thought to himself.

His eyes kept glancing at the small artificial sun in the sky and the translucent water film around it.

Although she has been a maid for several days, she also has a certain understanding of this undersea base.

But the more she learned, "the more shocked she became."

In her eyes, this base is simply a place full of incredibles, or it is an incredible in itself.

An undersea sanctuary that seems to come from the future.

A small artificial sun that illuminates the seabed space, which can isolate the water film of thousands of meters of deep water pressure.......

All of this is completely beyond Bluestar's current level of technology.

It's as if you've suddenly entered the future fifty years from now.

As she learned more and more about Li Hao's strength, she had completely dispelled some of the caution in her heart...

After all, let's not talk about whether you can escape this underwater refuge in the deep sea.

Even if she escapes by chance, how can she resist Li Hao, who has such a powerful level of technology.

As for the plot to rob this undersea refuge.

After seeing the thousands of gunmen in the undersea base, she completely lost this thought.

If she did so, I am afraid that she would die faster and worse.

Therefore, she also 'resigned her fate'.

Even the perception changed rapidly.

"There's nothing wrong with following a strong man like Mr. Li!"

"It would be better if she could be that Mr. Li's woman."

"At that time, I will be the mistress of this undersea base..."

Thinking of this, Miki Nishien's eyes when she looked at Li Hao also flashed a trace of 'scorching'

The quest for power has penetrated deep into her marrow.

In this apocalyptic era of global apocalypse, the so-called order has all but disappeared.

All power comes from force and materiel.

Force provides deterrence, and material is the foundation of existence.

The more and stronger these two, the greater the power will naturally be.

And obviously, Li Hao surpasses almost the vast majority of people in these two points.

In the eyes of Miki Nishien, who worships the strong and pursues power, Li Hao's 'charm' is simply not too great.

Come to Li Hao.

"Mr. Li, your refreshments and juice.

Nishizono Miki said respectfully.

The cold and beautiful face 'inadvertently' brought up a touch of 2.1 sultry style.

"Just put the juice and snacks on the table next to you!"

"You go down!"

Unaware of the rapid change in the concept of Miki Nishien, the pirate queen, she began to crave her body, and Li Hao did not raise her head and continued to play the handheld game.

Seeing this, although Miki Nishien was a little angry in her heart, she did not dare to disobey Li Hao's order.

After all, the extremely painful electric shock two days ago made her still feel a little palpitating and trembling.

She didn't want to defy Li Hao's orders to have that 'memorable' experience again.

After putting down the juice and sweets, Miki Nishizono left.

Under the warm 'sun'.

Drinking juice, eating snacks, playing games.

A pleasant and wonderful day passed....

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