Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 193 The Official Steel Island Was Attacked! ! 【Please Subscribe, Ask For Full Order】

August 10, 2021

The plague of the sea behemoths is getting worse and worse.

There is also more and more discussion of the attack on the sea behemoth on the Doomsday Forum.

A solemn atmosphere of wind and rain greeted us.

After all, everyone is not a fool, and a fool cannot live until now in this global doomsday environment.

In the face of more and more frequent attacks by marine behemoths, even the most dull people will definitely notice it in their hearts.

However, the vast majority of people are currently located on official territory.

Although many people are uneasy about the frequent attacks of the sea behemoths, with the strong control of the authorities, there is no big mess for the time being.

And just when the people in the outside world were restless and panicked because of the attack on the sea behemoth.

Li Hao, who is far away at the bottom of the sea, does not feel much, and his life is very leisurely.

Although the attacks on the submarine base by the sea behemoths in the surrounding waters have begun to increase recently, the defense system of the submarine base in the face of these attacks [The marine electric beast root 19 that came from these attacks was originally a delivery of vegetables.

Either they were bombarded by endless torpedo missiles, or they were blasted into a blood mist by infrasonic waves penetrating giant cannons.

There was no wave at all.

Li Hao doesn't need to worry about it at all.

Therefore, Li Hao is naturally very leisurely.

Even bored, Li Hao planned to personally drive the mecha and lead the 'mecha legion' initially established yesterday to go out to 'hunt' "the trouble of my undersea behemoths."

Under the hunting action of Li Hao's mecha team (eighteen units), the sea behemoths in the surrounding seas, not to mention attacking the undersea base, themselves were in dire straits, and they were busy fleeing to the farther seas.

It can be said that the sea behemoth can hardly be seen within 100 kilometers of the submarine base.

August 11, 2021

At 4 o'clock this morning, a major event occurred that shocked everyone.

A super-large ocean behemoth with a size of more than 1,500 meters led thousands of marine behemoths over 100 meters into the waters surrounding the official area and rushed straight to Steel Island No. 1.

Although it was eventually blocked by the officially garrisoned Third Steel Fleet, the losses were extremely heavy.

Hundreds of Eagle-class steel and dozens of battleships Tiger-class steel giants were sunk at one time.

The Dragon-class steel warships with strategic strike deterrence all nearly sank one.

After paying such a big price, it was only to block the impact of that group of ocean behemoths.

The super-large ocean behemoth with a body size of more than fifteen hundred meters at the head was not said to be unscathed.

But also under the siege of the official Third Steel Fleet, it successfully escaped the officially controlled seas.

Failed to kill it, and allowed this cunning and powerful super-large ocean behemoth to escape easily.

This is obviously an endless problem.

The impact of this attack is not only that, in the process of this super-large sea behemoth attacking steel with a large group of sea behemoths, many sea boat shelters have also suffered pond fish.

Nearly a hundred sea ark shelters were devoured and eaten by these sea behemoths.

After experiencing a thrilling attack and witnessing this bloody and terrifying scene, one can imagine the mood of the other people in the Sea Ark Shelter.

It can be said that almost everyone is at risk now.

Even many people were scared.

Even official protection can't give them much security.

At the same time, the number of posts on the Doomsday Forum increased dramatically, and many people vented their fears and panic on it.

Fear is spreading fast.

After the impact of this major incident, the official is also a little uncontrollable.

Not affected by the atmosphere of fear on the forum.

"A super-large ocean behemoth of more than fifteen hundred meters?! Lead the Sea Behemoth to attack the official Steel Island?!"

After sorting out the beginning and end of this big event and quickly refining the key points in it, Li Hao's eyes were also frozen.

To be honest, he didn't expect that such a super-large ocean behemoth of more than 1,500 meters would appear at present.

And this super-large sea behemoth seems to have the ability to command the sea behemoth, leading a large group of sea behemoths to attack the official steel island.

As for why the attack on Steel Island No. 1.

The exact reasons remain to be understood.

"This is a huge threat!"

Li Hao was solemn in his heart.

This super-large sea behemoth is capable of commanding other sea behemoths.

Now you can bring thousands of ocean behemoths to attack the official shelter, then in the future, when this super large sea behemoth continues to evolve and grow, the consequences.........

"And that's not the main thing! The most important thing is whether this ability is unique to this super-large ocean behemoth "or other ocean behemoths after they have evolved to a certain extent."

"It's nice to say something unique."

"If the sea behemoths evolve to a certain extent and possess it, in the future, this sea will definitely be divided and ruled by the kings who have been competed by countless ocean behemoths."

"Then the human situation is even worse."

The more he thought about it, the heavier Li Hao's heart became. 413 Having a leader and not having a leader are two different things entirely.

The two are the difference between the regular army and the stragglers.

The combat effectiveness of the two sides is completely incomparable.

Facing the head, the regular army will certainly be able to easily beat the skirmishers.

If the sea behemoths can have the ability to command other low-level ocean behemoths after evolving to a certain extent, the threat to humans is obviously skyrocketing.

"With the information on the Doomsday Forum, it is difficult to parse more accurate information."

"It seems that Jarvis can only hack into the official internal server to see if he can get more and more specific information about that super-large sea behemoth.........."

Thinking like this, Li Hao did not hesitate at all, and immediately let Jarvis act.

Anyway, Xue's official 'wool' is not once or twice.

Since this method is simple and easy to use, with high accuracy, he naturally will not leave it alone.

Light car cooked.

Jarvis quickly hacked into the internal servers of the official Unicom satellite network to retrieve information about the very large sea behemoth associated with the incident.

Ten minutes later.

Jarvis: "Complete the search!" All relevant information files have been copied. ”。

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