Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 194 Super-Large Ocean Behemoth - Sea Emperor 【For Subscription, For Full Order】

The voice fell.

Several folders appeared on Li Hao's computer.

Probably because things have only just happened, there are not many documents related to that super-large sea behemoth on the official server.

Looking at all the files of these official internal servers, Li Hao also has a deeper understanding of this super-large ocean behemoth.

"According to these documents, this super-large ocean behemoth that can command other sea behemoths was officially named 'Sea King', and its prototype seems to be a killer whale, which is now about 1580 meters in size, with very strong skin defense, and a special ability to spit high-pressure water, most of the dozens of Tiger-class warships were sunk by the high-pressure water flow it spewed..."

"In addition, according to the experts of the official scientific research institute, the wisdom of this 'sea emperor' is also quite high, very intelligent, at least reaching the average level of human beings.

"However, it seems that the official has not investigated and researched whether the ability of the 'Sea Emperor' is the unique ability that it has evolved itself, or the ability that other sea behemoths must have if they evolve to a certain extent, and there is not much analysis information in the document........"

Sorting out the information obtained, Li Hao shook his head.

It seems that the emergence of the 'Sea Emperor' is an exception or the norm, and this question can only be studied later.

At present, there is still too little information about the shocking 'Sea Emperor'.

Without sufficient intelligence support, it is useless to think more.

"However, the 'Sea King' who only appeared to attack the official steel island still needs to be taken seriously."

"This very large ocean behemoth with human intelligence is too threatening."

"Not to mention its own strength, just being able to command hundreds of ocean behemoths is terrifying enough.

"If this 'Sea Emperor' leads a large group of ocean behemoths to attack the underwater base, it will really be a big trouble~.

Thinking of this, Li Hao was also vigilant in his heart.

You know, his current location is not too far from the official Steel Island.

At most, it is only a few thousand kilometers away.

If that 'Sea Emperor' escaped to his side, it would not be impossible.

Of course, with so many directions, the probability of just meeting is actually not high.

However, this kind of thing, just in case, is better.

So as not to be caught off guard when you really 'win'.

Thinking like this, Li Hao immediately asked Jarvis to continue to increase the number of underwater stealth monitors, patrolling any wind and grass in the surrounding sea within a diameter of five thousand miles.

Heighten your alert.

August 12, 2021

After full production these days, the number of underwater stealth monitors has exceeded 6,000, realizing the monitoring of the surrounding sea area within a diameter of 3,000 kilometers.

Although I dare not say that everything is in detail, it is all in the eyes, but there are any big movements in these seas, which basically cannot escape the surveillance of underwater stealth monitors.

August 12, 2021

After the 'Sea King' attack.

In the past few days, the area around the official sea area seems to have fallen into a rare 'calm'.

The frequency of attacks by sea behemoths has more than doubled.

However, the impact of this incident continues to ferment.

On the Doomsday Forum, there are still many posts discussing this matter.

Many people have trepidation in their hearts.


August 13, 2021

3:16 p.m.

Li Hao, who was leisurely basking in the sun as a 'salted fish', suddenly received a reminder message from Jarvis.

Jarvis: "Sir, there is news of the super-large sea behemoth!" According to the feedback of the underwater stealth monitor| the trace of a super-large marine giant beast of more than 700 meters appeared 3,200 kilometers away from the southeast city of the submarine base..."

With that, a surveillance video appeared on the tablet in Li Hao's hand.

Click in.

I saw that in the video, a super large crab like a small mountain suddenly came out of the sea mud, wielded a large pincer hundreds of meters in size, and simply and neatly clamped a mutant giant eel of about 300 meters into two pieces, and then ate it.

It looks quite terrifying.

"I don't know which kind of crab this thing is, it's really fierce."

After watching this video, Li Hao also sighed.

This mutant giant crab with a size of more than 700 meters looks like a hard stubble.

Those hundreds of meters of pincers are simply terrifying.

I am afraid that a submarine caught by one will instantly become two.

The combat effectiveness is definitely a strong batch.

It's not easy to mess with.

"The task of hunting super-large sea behemoths is a bit too long."

"It took so long, this mutant giant sea crab is the only super-large sea behemoth found in the vicinity so far!"

"No matter how strong the combat power is, it must be taken down, otherwise, the next super-large sea behemoth will not know when it will be found."

Thinking like this, Li Hao also made up his mind in his heart.

He is still very confident in the force in his hands.

Although this mutated giant sea crab with a body size of more than 700 meters is powerful, the weapon in his hand is not vegetarian.

Thinking of this, Li Hao did not waste time, directly took the mecha formation (currently 55 units), and boarded the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter.

Blue tail flames erupted. (Wang Zhao's) Driven by Jarvis, the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter drove directly towards the location of the mutated giant sea crab of unknown species.

Due to the long distance, even if the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter sails at full speed, it will take at least ten hours to reach there.

For such a long time, for other super-large ocean behemoths, I didn't know where to run.

Fortunately, though, the mutant giant sea crab doesn't seem to like moving around.

According to the feedback screen of the underwater stealth monitor, after a full meal, the mutant giant sea crab had no intention of leaving at all.

Go straight back into the mudbed and wait for your next prey.

Seeing this, Li Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

After more than ten hours of full-speed sailing, the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter finally arrived near the location of the mutated giant sea crab.

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