Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 195 High-Frequency Cutting Sword 【For Subscription, For Full Order】

"That mutant giant sea crab didn't leave in the coral reef group in front, right?!"

Sitting in the head observation room of the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter, Li Hao looked at the coral reef in front of him and asked Jarvis.

Jarvis: "No! According to the feedback screen, the position of the mutant giant sea crab has not changed, this area should be its temporary hunting area, before all the prey disappears, if it is not necessary, this mutant giant sea crab should not leave easily..."

"That's good! Get ready to fight!"

"First launch a wave of torpedo missiles to test the defense of that mutated giant sea crab.

Hearing this, Li Hao nodded and immediately ordered.

At present, the submarine-type mobile marine shelter is very close to the location of the mutated giant sea crab that was previously marked.

The range of the special torpedo missile launch system is quite adequate.


Jarvis silently began to execute.

The six decks of the submarine-type mobile marine shelter cracked, and hundreds of high-explosive torpedo missiles and armor-piercing torpedo missiles dragged their flame tails and bent the coral reef ahead.

With the high-speed movement of torpedo missiles, this distance of less than twenty kilometers is fleeting.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

In an instant, countless explosions and flames rose from the coral reef.

The powerful shock wave directly flattened the small half of the reef group.

Reveal a mutated giant sea crab hiding inside.

Neigh! ~253

Suddenly attacked, the mutant giant sea crab was also enraged.

After making a loud hissing sound, it directly ignored the fierce shockwaves and flames around it, and rushed towards the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter.

There was not even the slightest trace of burnt black and broken on the dark brown carapace.

Obviously, the tentative attack that Li Hao just launched did not hurt the mutant giant sea crab division at all.

"Sure enough, sea creatures with their own carapaces, after evolving and mutating, their defense power is outrageous."

"Jarvis, retreat in a submarine-type mobile ocean shelter and simultaneously turn on infrasonic penetrating cannons and high-voltage current clusters to attack and stop the mutated giant sea crab from approaching.

Seeing this, Li Hao sighed, and immediately began to change the attack method.

Under Li Hao's orders, the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter quickly retreated, away from the mutated giant sea crabs that were rushing towards this side.

At the same time, the infrasonic wave penetrates the giant cannon and the electromagnetic stance generator is immediately activated at full power.

Aiming at the hill-like mutated giant sea crab behind it, it was launched.

Start kite flying tactics.


It doesn't do much.

Although the high-voltage electromagnetic cluster and infrasonic penetrating giant cannon can cause some effects on the mutated giant sea crab, it is difficult to cause any fatal damage.

Hitting him is like tickling. (bffc)

The defense and vitality of this mutated giant sea crab, which has evolved to a giant size of more than 700 meters, is too strong.

"The power of two infrasonic penetrating cannons is still too small."

"If it is replaced by the defense system of the undersea base, dozens of infrasonic penetrating giant cannons launch attacks together, and this mutated giant sea crab will definitely not be able to bear it."

Seeing this, Li Hao also has some headaches.

Although he had long known that the mutant giant sea crab was a hard stubble, he did not expect that it could be so difficult.

The evolution degree of the super large ocean behemoth of more than seven hundred meters was indeed not comparable to those three or four hundred meters of ocean behemoths he had encountered before.

"Fortunately, although the mutant giant sea crab has strong defense and vitality to the point of perversion, its swimming speed is not excellent, and its action is a little slow, but there is no need to worry about the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter being caught up. .........”

However, in order to complete the task, he spent more than ten hours over, and Li Hao naturally could not be willing to go back in ashes.

This mutant giant sea crab he still had to eat.

Big deal, slowly use infrasound waves to penetrate the giant cannon and high-voltage current cluster to grind it to death.

Although infrasonic penetrating cannons and high-voltage current clusters are not harmful, they are not without harm.

However, according to Jarvis's calculations of the data so far, it will take at least several days to grind it to death.

As a last resort, he didn't want to use such a stupid approach.

"Jarvis, deduce other ways to kill this mutant giant sea crab."

Li Hao ordered again without hesitation.

Receiving the order, Jarvis began to calculate while controlling the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter to attack the mutated giant sea crabs that were chasing behind him to collect data.

Ten minutes later.

Jarvis: "The deduction is complete!" Here's how to kill: ............."

Dozens of kill schemes appeared on the big screen in front of Li Hao.

Taking a rough look, Li Hao found that the most successful and efficient solution would take nearly two days to kill the mutant giant sea crab.

This is still the case if he does not run away.

However, the action plan that used mecha formations to contain and harass in these killing plans gave Li Hao some inspiration.

Perhaps, the mecha formation can be used as the main force to surround and kill the mutated giant sea crabs.

With the 'slow' movement of the mutated giant sea crab, I am afraid that it will not be able to attack the extremely flexible mecha at all.

"However, the weapon configuration of the primary underwater fighter mech is difficult to break the defense against the mutated giant sea crab."

"This plan requires equipping the mech with a weapon that can penetrate the mutated giant sea crab carapace..."

Thinking like this, Li Hao immediately opened the system mall and began to select weapons with powerful cutting power.

Points are limited to around 30,000.

After all, the points in his hand are only in the early 10,000s.

After some selection, Li Hao quickly locked on to a weapon.

【High Frequency Cutting Sword (for mecha)】

【Length】: 26.5 meters

【Width】: 6.9m

【Introduction】: A melee weapon designed based on vibration science attacks the opponent through a high-frequency vibration 'blade', peels off and divides matter from the molecular level, can cut almost everything, and can directly cut the enemy's body.

【Price】: 25200 points

"It's a good choice."

The cutting power of high-frequency weapons goes without saying.

Many Gundam anime have introduced the so-called high-vibration particle chopping knife, which is similar to the principle.

As long as the frequency is high enough, even the shell of a starship capable of traveling at the speed of light can be directly cut open.

You can imagine how fierce its cutting ability is.

Of course, the high-frequency cutting sword he selected, which is worth more than 20,000 points, is definitely not so fierce.

However, although it is impossible to cut the armor shell of a lightspeed starship, it should be more than enough to cut the carapace of a mutated giant sea crab.

Unless, there are no 'gaps' between the molecules that make up this mutated giant sea crab carapace

If you really want to be perverted to this extent, Li Hao needless to say, hurry up and prepare to slip away.

Thinking so, Li Hao did not hesitate to buy it.


After completing the purchase, Li Hao immediately walked towards the hangar where the mecha was stored.

He was ready to personally deal with this mutated giant sea crab with a body size of more than seven hundred meters.

With bullet time, his mecha operation level is obviously master.

As long as this high-frequency cutting sword can cut through the shell of the mutated giant sea crab, he has absolute certainty of killing it.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't kill it.

He still values his little life.

With the flexibility of the mech, there will be no danger.

That's why he chooses to do it himself.

Walk to the machine Curry.

Li Hao took the High Frequency Cutting Sword out of the system inventory and placed it on the mech he was going to pilot.

Afterwards, enter the cockpit of the mech.

Startup complete.

The side hatches of the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter open and the mech turbine engine starts.


Li Hao drove the mecha and rushed out.

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