Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 202 The Super Weapon That Instantly Destroys The Mountains

"The super light design diagram is as follows........"

Saying that, an extremely complex design drawing appeared on the big screen in front of Li Hao.

This design drawing looks like a transparent 'cover', which is composed of mirrors with extremely precise angles.

In addition to this, there is something like a launch tube on top of the hood.

A parameter is densely marked on this blueprint.

With the appearance of this super light weapon design blueprint, Jarvis continued: "According to the computational simulation, after wrapping the small artificial sun in the shell constructed with this design map, it can almost perfectly concentrate the photons emitted by it, although the photon energy will be lost during the convergence process, but the loss will definitely not exceed 20%..."

Confirming the feasibility of his idea, Li Hao said with a hint of excitement: "What is the power of this super light weapon?" Will it be able to kill the Sea Emperor "Seven Four Zero" Behemoth?!"

Jarvis: "Based on the maximum photon energy output power of the small artificial sun, the high-energy light subset beam emitted by this super light weapon is powerful enough to instantly turn a small mountain range into a magma basin..."

"According to calculations, even if the Sea Emperor Behemoth's defense and vitality are a hundred times stronger, it will not be able to withstand the blow of the super light energy weapon."

"Very good!"

Hearing this, Li Hao's face suddenly showed a hint of color.

Immediately, he spoke: "What are the requirements for the manufacturing materials of this kind of weapon?!"

Jarvis: "To build this weapon, you need a material that has mirror properties and can withstand millions of degrees of heat..."

"A material that has mirror properties and can withstand millions of degrees of heat?!"

Li Hao's brows furrowed slightly.

With a collection of materials of these properties, the fixed price is not much cheaper.

Open the System Marketplace and look for materials with these properties.

After some searching, Li Hao's face became more and more ugly.

As he expected.

Each of these properties is expensive.

The cheapest material formula costs 160,000 points.

It's not at all what he can afford now.

"Jarvis, can you lower the material requirements?"

Closing the system mall interface, Li Hao asked with an ugly face.

If not, then the super light weapon program he envisioned can only be temporarily 'bankrupt'.

160,000 points!!

He didn't use anything halfway, and it would take at least half a month to accumulate it.

Fortunately, Jarvis's answer did not disappoint him.

"Yes! However, the mirror nature is a must! After the temperature that the material can withstand is reduced, it will not be able to exert the maximum photon energy output power of the small artificial sun, and the power will be greatly reduced. .........”

"For a super light weapon to have the power to inflict fatal damage on the Sea King Behemoth, how high the temperature must the materials needed to withstand it?!"

Li Hao breathed a slight sigh of relief in his heart and asked again.

Since it is impossible to create a super light weapon with a power comparable to a super-large-yield nuclear bomb at one time, it is not bad to be able to retreat to the second place, and make a primary version.

Anyway, if you have points later, you can buy more advanced materials and slowly level up.

Jarvis: "Taking the example of the mutated giant seal that attacked the undersea base not long ago, the materials used to make super light weapons only need to be able to withstand temperatures of about 300,000 degrees

"Although the super light energy weapon created by this level of material cannot exert one-tenth of the power of a small artificial sun, the power of the high-energy light subset beam gathered together is enough to cause fatal damage to it, and when it hits the key part, it can easily kill one of them."

"Mirror material that withstands 300,000 degrees of heat?!"

Hearing this, Li Hao immediately opened the system mall again and began to search for material formulas that met these two requirements.

After some searching, Li Hao also locked in a formula called high-temperature mirror alloy.

【High temperature mirror alloy】

【Synthetic materials】: sphalerite zinc, silver, nickel, carbon...

[Strength]: 160

[toughness]: 180

【Introduction】: This is a special high-temperature resistant alloy formula, which can produce a mirror alloy that refracts light, with strength and toughness more than 100 times that of ordinary steel alloys, and itself also has high temperature resistance, which can withstand high temperatures of nearly 350,000 degrees.

【Price】: 72200 points

"The alloy formula was perfect for the material I needed."

"It's just that the price is a little expensive, and it takes more than 70,000 points."

"I only have more than 36,000 points in my hands now, which means that I am still more than 30,000 points away from purchasing this alloy formula"

"However, a lot of things happened today, and tomorrow's survival event settlement should be able to settle more than 10,000 points.

"The remaining more than 10,000 points, if settled by daily survival events, it will take about three or four days to make up..."

"According to this estimate, it will take about four or five days before I can buy this alloy formula."

Thinking of this, Li Hao's face was also a little depressed.

Sure enough, it's still too 'poor'.

You can't even afford the material formula needed to make a low-end version of a super light weapon.

There is no way.

Li Hao can only temporarily postpone the work schedule on creating a low-end version of super light weapons and strengthening the defense system of submarine bases.

Leaving Jarvis on constant alert to monitor the surrounding sea, Li Hao walked in the direction of the bedroom.

It's not early.

It's time to rest.

August 16, 2021

6 a.m.

Li Hao, who tossed with Zhao Xueshi for one night yesterday, slowly opened his eyes.

Waking up from sleep.

"There are some bad things about being too strong in physique!"

Looking at Zhao Xueshi, who was sleeping soundly on the side, Li Hao also showed a smug and depressed smile on his face.

That aspect is too strong, and it is difficult for him to have fun.

After getting up and washing.

"After so many survival events yesterday, I don't know how many points can be settled."

"System, open the task log!"

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Li Hao meditated in his heart.

The voice fell.

A translucent virtual screen that only Li Hao could see appeared in front of his eyes.

[Doomsday Survival (long-term mission), today's mission reward settlement completed.] 】

【Survival performance】:

You complete 0.9 daily maintenance work for the underground shelter, +50 points

You complete daily physical exercise with +200 points

You find the Sea King Behemoth and thousands of Ocean Behemoths coming towards the undersea base, with +1000 points

You successfully use the defensive weapons of the undersea base to inflict massive damage on the sea behemoths, with +3000 points

You use the small artificial sun to fight off the Sea King Behemoth, the mutant giant seal, and destroy the incoming Ocean Behemoth Horde with +9500 points

With a small artificial sun as the core, you designed the design drawings of the super light weapon with +4000 points

You eat three meals a day, steadily consume energy, and maintain a balanced body nutrition. +20 points

You go into a deep sleep, refreshed, and the physical energy consumed yesterday is fully restored. +30 points

[Congratulations to the host for earning 19,700 points.] 】。

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