Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 203 Official Fleet With Heavy Losses

"19,700 points?!"

Looking at the numbers on the settlement panel, Li Hao showed a look of satisfaction on his face.

He also didn't expect that yesterday's survival performance could actually reap so many points.

I thought it would be nice to have more than 10,000 people.

Unexpectedly, nearly 20,000 points were settled.

"This has made me much faster to get together the points I need to buy high-temperature mirror alloys."

"Add the previous points, I have more than 56,000 points in my hand, and only 16,000 points are missing, and I can buy a high-temperature mirror alloy."

"According to the settlement of points on weekdays, it only takes about two or three days to get together."

Thinking of this, Li Hao nodded in satisfaction.

As long as you can buy this high-temperature mirror alloy and create a super light weapon, the defense system of the submarine base can be improved qualitatively in an instant.

At that time, in the face of the attack of the Sea Emperor Behemoth, it will no longer be as passive as before.

Finish breakfast.

Li Hao immediately walked towards the combat command room on the third floor of the undersea base.

Enter the combat command room.

"Jarvey 15, have you found any trace of that Sea King Behemoth?!"

Looking at the radar screen in front of him and the thousands of surveillance videos on the side, Li Hao asked.

In order to grasp the whereabouts of the mutated giant seal.

Yesterday, he asked Jarvis to use the underwater stealth monitor 1,000 kilometers in diameter around the submarine base and start a large-scale search operation in the surrounding sea area in the direction of the mutant giant seal escape.

It stands to reason that there should be results today.

Jarvis: "According to the video information fed back by the underwater stealth monitor, so far, no traces of the Sea King Behemoth ———— mutated giant seals have been found within a radius of 4,000 kilometers from the base of the seabed, and it is suspected that they have escaped to farther seas............."

"That's good."

Li Hao was also slightly relieved in his heart.

The super light weapon he envisioned is not yet complete.

If this mutant giant seal was still roaming around the undersea base, he would really have some trouble sleeping.

Be prepared for attacks every day.

"Continue to be vigilant, increase the search area, and pinpoint the exact location of the thickened giant seal...

"Let the mecha formation patrol the surrounding waters and clean up the marine behemoths around the submarine base............."

Li Hao ordered again.

After yesterday's big battle, his vigilance against the sea behemoth has intensified.

In order to prevent the evolution of monsters such as the Sea Emperor Behemoths in the surrounding seas, he decided to carry out a large-scale sweep of the sea behemoths in the surrounding seas.


Jarvis relayed Li Hao's orders.

Soon after.

Inside the hangar, all the Godou mechs were turned on one after another.

Hundreds of mechs formed an imposing force, heading towards the surrounding seas, ready to clean up the surrounding sea behemoths.

Looking at the embryonic mecha legion under his command, Li Hao also felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Li Hao muttered, "I almost forgot!" Today is Monday, and the tasks refreshed by the task refresh bar have not yet been seen.

Open the system tray.

Li Hao found that there was only one task this week.

【Hunting the Sea King Behemoth (Survival Mission)】

[Mission Description]: Your undersea base was attacked by the Sea King Behemoth, and although you temporarily repelled the other party with serious injuries, this Sea King Behemoth also hated you for it

Ask the host to cut the grass and remove the roots, and kill the sea emperor ear beast, the plum fruit type seal.

[Mission Reward]: 50,000 points

"Is that Sea King Behemoth so vengeful?!"

Looking at the description of this task, Li Hao was also stunned.

Since that mutant giant seal has already hated him, it is obviously impossible to give up!

After he recovers his injuries, he will definitely make a comeback.

"I hope this monster's injury heals more slowly!"

"It's best to wait until I'm done crafting the Super Light Weapon."

"Otherwise, it's really hard to deal with that monster."

However, the recovery speed of the injury of transforming into a giant seal is obviously beyond his control.

Therefore, Li Hao can only let Jarvis continue to raise his guard to prevent the sudden attack of the mutant giant seal.

"Claim the quest to hunt the Sea King Behemoth!"

After doing all this, Li Hao also took this task.

Anyway, according to the current situation, he and that mutant giant seal will have to fight again sooner or later.

This mission does not conflict with his purpose of killing the mutated giant seal.

No collar, no collar.

After receiving the mission, Li Hao, who had nothing to do, immediately began to browse the information on the Doomsday Forum and some documents from the official server.

Expect to be able to gain important information from this to earn more Survival Event Mission reward points.

Purchase high-temperature mirror alloy formulations from the System Mall as soon as possible.

After all, the sea is now becoming more and more dangerous.

Without the killer skills to deal with the Sea Emperor Behemoth, he was always a little uneasy and insecure.

August 17, 2021

The Doomsday Forum has become 'boisterous' again.


After this period of 'calm period', the Sea King Behemoth ———— mutated giant killer whale repelled by the official fleet made a comeback.

And compared with before, the mutant giant killer whale has become more than two hundred meters larger, reaching nearly 1800 meters in size.

The group of ocean behemoths led by him has also nearly doubled.

Nearly two thousand sea behemoths rushed into the official territory again under the leadership of the sea emperor behemoth, the mutant giant killer whale.

As if knowing that the closer you get to the steel island, the more dangerous it is, and the loyal killer whale is very clever to launch an attack on the official steel fleet stationed on the periphery, as well as the sea arks at temporary docks.

As if retaliating for the damage inflicted on the official fleet before.

Wait until the elite fleet inside the steel island comes to the rescue.

The mutant giant killer whale has long escaped without a trace with his 'subordinates'.

In this attack, both the fleet stationed by the official 697 and the private sea ark suffered heavy losses.

This official garrison fleet, which consisted of thousands of steel giants, was only half of its composition.

The ships of a small half of the fleet were sunk and sunk to the bottom of the sea.

In addition, the private sea ark in the official temporary stop also sank nearly two hundred.

With such a tragic loss, the impact is naturally enormous.

On the official territory of the outside world, people are also panicking now.

The official temporary stop that had just been attacked by the Sea King Behemoth had almost no docking at the Sea Ark Shelter.

Many private sea arks, fearing another attack by sea behemoths, left their official temporary docks and scrambled to enter the port of Steel Island.

The situation is very chaotic.

Looking at this situation, the official headache at the same time, can only compromise.

Closer to the Steel Island, a huge circular port was built and more fleets were stationed.

This barely suppressed this chaotic situation.

Just when the outside world became chaotic because of the Sea King Behemoth that attacked again.

Li Hao didn't care too much about it.

He now has a big problem that he himself has not solved.

The fleeing Sea King Behemoth 'appeared' ——— mutated giant seal.

Jarvis found the trail of the mutated giant seal in the surveillance video fed back by the underwater stealth monitor sent out.

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