Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 212 The Official Evolutionary Army? ! 【Please Subscribe, Ask For Full Order】

“... Although it cannot control the sea behemoth, it can deter the sea behemoth.

"Judging from the current test results, the marine behemoths below five hundred meters in size will be shocked by the 'superior predator aura' emitted by the special energy organ belonging to the mutated giant seal in this device, and they dare not approach the marine behemoth control device within 10 kilometers in diameter.........."

"As for the marine behemoths over 500 meters in size, because there are no marine behemoths of this evolutionary level in the surrounding seas, there is a lack of experimental test data, but it is not clear how effective this device is on it."

"But if you think about it, the effect will definitely be there."

Thinking like this, Li Hao suddenly showed a smile on his face.

Although the device to control the sea behemoth was not available, this device that could expel the sea beast by mistake was actually not bad.

With this thing, the ocean behemoths that mistakenly break into "four eight seven" around the submarine base will definitely not be there again.

This can also save a lot of trouble.

"However, since this device cannot control the Ocean Behemoth, it is obviously a little inappropriate to name it the Ocean Behemoth Control Device."

"In that case, then call it the Ocean Behemoth Expellor."

After completing the testing and naming of this new device, Li Hao, who has been idle, life has become leisurely again.

Bask in the 'sun' and keep fit, play games with the three sisters of Zhao Xueshi, and even those maids...

It can be said that the small life is quite comfortable.

In such a time, the time of the day passes like this.

August 23, 2021

Due to the role of this marine behemoth expellor, the marine behemoths that often appear around the submarine base have also completely disappeared.

The surrounding sea is dead silent.

This also made Li Hao's ear roots a lot clearer.

Get up in the morning.

Meizhi ate a hearty and delicious breakfast.

Li Hao lay on the couch in the entertainment area and opened the task panel.

Check out the new tasks refreshed this week.

There aren't many tasks refreshed this week.

There is only one.

[Upgrade the 'Skynet' monitoring system (survival mission)]

【Mission Description】: The improvement of the monitoring system can better control the surrounding situation and possible potential crises. Please continue to upgrade the existing 'Skynet' monitoring system of the submarine base, and cover the sea area with a diameter of 5,000 kilometers centered on the submarine base.

[Mission Reward]: 30,000 points

"The task of refreshing this week is not bad!"

Looking at this task, Li Hao couldn't help but show a smile on his face.

This task is not difficult, but it is only a bit time-consuming.

But the rewards are quite generous.

This kind of task is his favorite.

"Receive the task of upgrading the 'Skynet' monitoring system.

Thinking like this, Li Hao did not hesitate to take this task.

Subsequently, Li Hao immediately asked Jarvis to put the manufacture of underwater stealth monitors on the agenda again.

Until the production of underwater stealth monitors sufficient to cover the sea area with a diameter of 5,000 kilometers around the surveillance of submarine bases.

"Next, just have to wait."

"By the time Jarvis has all those underwater stealth monitors produced and set up, my mission should be complete."

Thinking of this, Ji Hao also showed a smile on his face.

It's an easy task.

August 24, 2021

The Doomsday Forum was also extremely noisy.

Because, the Sea Emperor Behemoth Bright Giant Killer Whale, which raided the official territory a few days ago and caused heavy damage to the official fleet, is back.

Or maybe the mutant giant killer whale here has not left since the last raid.

He has been leading a large group of sea behemoths, wandering around the official seas, waiting for opportunities.

It can often be seen around the official sea.

If it were not for the fact that after suffering a big loss before, several steel fleets were sent to strictly defend the surrounding seas.

The mutant giant killer whale may have already rushed into the official sea area again and began to kill.

However, even so, this mutant giant killer whale is very restless.

From time to time, harass and attack the patrolling official steel fleet.

After succeeding, he did not stay much and fled immediately.

Extremely cunning.

Under such circumstances, the south has also lost nearly ten first-class warships these days.

Although the loss is not very large, the impact is not small.

After all, such a terrifying ocean behemoth has been peeping secretly, who can withstand it!

Everyone who lives on official territory has a feeling of being on their backs.

Just when others were worried because of the threat of the Sea King Behemoth...

Li Hao, who is located in the undersea base, is very leisurely.

After all, with the existence of super light energy weapons, those sea emperor behemoths of more than a thousand meters that appeared in the disaster of ocean behemoths at this stage could not threaten the submarine base at all.

Under such circumstances, Li Hao's heart is simply bursting with security.

Without external threats, Li Hao's attention is now mostly focused on the task of upgrading the 'Skynet' monitoring system.

After these two days of production and manufacturing, the expanded underwater stealth monitor has reached more than half of the requirements of this task.

With only about 30% of the progress left, the upgrade of the 'Skynet' monitoring system can be completely completed and the monitoring range will be extended to 5,000 kilometers.

"It should be done tomorrow."

August 25, 2021

Five o'clock in the afternoon.

After dinner.

Li Hao, who was bored, picked his teeth while using his computer to check the latest information on the forum and understand the changes in the outside world.

These days, the mutant giant killer whale is also becoming more and more 'excessive'.

Under his orders, the sea behemoths in the surrounding waters of the official area are also gathering more and more.

Affected by this, the defensive pressure of the official fleet instantly increased by a lot.

Artillery fire and gunfire reverberated almost all the time in the waters around the official area.

It can be said that the official coastal defense border has been completely reduced to an extremely fierce battlefield.

"In such a bad doomsday environment, the official life is also difficult!" 2.5

"However, according to the documents recently obtained by Jarvis from the official server, the official top management does not seem to be too nervous about the current situation."

"It seems that there are still a lot of hole cards in the hands of the official!"

Combined with the information he got recently, Li Hao thought to himself.

Just as he was about to close this forum page.

A large banner suddenly popped up and appeared at the top of the forum.

"The official news is again?! There won't be any early warning information about the super catastrophe, will there?!"

Li Hao was also shocked in his heart, and quickly clicked in to check it.

"Great victory! Last night, the Third Strategic Fleet deployed a pocket array to encircle and suppress the mutant giant killer whale, and after more than an hour, it successfully wiped out the mutant giant killer whale and its marine behemoths, during which the newly established evolutionary force performed very well and achieved extremely important results in this battle..."

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