Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 213 Epoch-Making Research Results - Strong Reproductive Cells【Please Subscribe, Please Order

"That mutant giant killer whale was wiped out?!"

Looking at this sudden shocking news, Li Hao's face inevitably showed a hint of surprise.

This time, the official put a 'big satellite'!

"However, this is also expected.

Coming back to his senses, Li Hao thought about it, and there was no big surprise in his heart.

After all, the impact of that mutant giant killer whale was too bad.

Inflict heavy damage on the official fleet, raid private sea ark shelters, and wait for an opportunity to attack the official patrol fleet

This incident not only caused a lot of official losses, but also caused considerable chaos.

It can be said that this mutant giant killer whale has become an official thorn in the eye.

In this case, it is naturally impossible for the officials to continue to sit idly by and let this mutant giant killer whale wreak havoc around its own territory.

Once the official really starts to get serious and put in all its strength, it is naturally impossible for the mutant giant killer whale to make any waves.

As long as you accurately control the location of the mutated giant killer whale, a nuclear warhead smashes down, and everything is solved. 15

What really surprised Li Hao was the so-called Evolver force mentioned in the official banner.

"Evolutionary Force?!"

"Could it be that official research on living meteorites has already yielded results?!"

Thinking of this, Li Hao immediately couldn't wait to click on the official banner message.

Looking at all the contents inside, Li Hao also has a general understanding of the roots of the newly created evolutionary army in official secrets.

"According to this official news broadcast, this evolutionary force was created by an officially developed thing called strong cells..."

"However, the information disclosed above is very general."

"There is no way to know the specific effects of this strong cell agent."

"It seems that you can only go to the Yifang server to find relevant specific information.

With a strong curiosity, Li Hao immediately got Jarvis into action.

"Jarvis, secretly hacked into the official server and copied the file information with the keyword strong cells."

Receiving the master's order, Jarvis was familiar with connecting to the official internal communication satellite through the small integrated signal base station inside the submarine base.

Use it as a springboard to drive straight into the official internal server.

Ten seconds later.

Jarvis: "Complete the invasion!" All documents related to strong cells have been reproduced. ”

The voice fell.

Folders appeared on the display of Li Hao's computer.

There are not many files.

There are only seven.


Li Hao's attention was immediately attracted by a document called [Research and Analysis Report on the Effect of Strong Growing Cells].

Click in.

After reading all the research and analysis reports, Li Hao's face could not help but show a look of amazement.

"Unexpectedly, the official used living meteorite fragments to study such epoch-making research results!!"

"According to the above instructions, strong cells are extracted from special mutant fungi cultivated by officially using living meteorites to emit highly bioactive evolutionary radiation, after hundreds of millions of directed evolutions."

"After this kind of cell is injected into the human body, it will form a symbiotic relationship with human beings, allowing human beings to quickly evolve like marine behemoths, and then quickly enhance the physical fitness of users, and even combine with human cells to evolve some special energy response organs, allowing people to have energy attack means like superpowers."

"Although the biological energy of human beings itself is far inferior to the relationship between the Sea Emperor Behemoths and lack the support of energy, these energy attack methods are generally not powerful, far less powerful than the power exerted by the Sea Emperor Behemoth, and not even one ten-thousandth of it."

"But strong cells derived from the same special mutated fungus have a special biological connection with each other."

"With this special biological connection, the biological energy between users can be borrowed from each other!"

"As long as there are enough homologous strong cells implanted, under the sufficient and extremely biological energy supply, the energy attack methods evolved by human beings can even exert far more power than the Sea King Behemoth..."

"According to the cases in this report, this time hunting the Sea Emperor Behemoth, the mutant giant killer whale, the huge biological energy gathered by 50,000 evolutionaries, the ginger attack urged, and even directly damaged the mutant giant killer whale, making it lose the ability to escape."

The more he looked, the more surprised Li Hao became.

This strong cell with symbiotic evolutionary characteristics is completely a different kind of mature living meteorite (alien parasite)!

However, compared with the strong cells that can make the biological life level jump rapidly and evolve to more than 10,000 meters, the effect of this strong breeding cell is obviously much worse.

At best, it's a super low-end version.

"But even so, the value of this research result is extremely amazing."

"After all, the number of living meteorite fragments is limited, but the strong cells extracted from the special mutated fungus can be mass-produced.

"Its unique biological characteristics are extremely suitable for clan combat."

Thinking of this, Li Ji couldn't help but marvel at the strength of official scientific research.

With this kind of strong cell, the huge human resources that the official itself has can quickly play its due role.

There is definitely a huge surge in official power.

It is also much easier to deal with the increasingly terrifying plague of the sea behemoths.

"However, implanting such strong cells is not without cost."

According to the report, after injecting 750 cells into the strong breeding of this species, although human beings will evolve rapidly, their body speed will increase rapidly, and they will obtain some magical abilities, but their own lifespan has not increased at all.

Even due to the need to provide life energy as the 'nutrient' of strong cells in the body, the life expectancy of injectors is about 30% lower than that of ordinary people.

In other words, if an ordinary person can live for a hundred years, injecting strong cells, the lifespan will be reduced to 70 years.

"This kind of price can be said to be almost equivalent to nothing for human beings today."

After all, in this extremely harsh doomsday environment, the vast majority of people do not know how long they will survive.

As long as you can get great power, that invisible loss of life is nothing.

If there is a choice, most of them will probably inject strong cells without hesitation.

"If I didn't have a system and didn't inject genetic evolution potions, I would have chosen the same."

Li Hao lamented.

Relative to the perfect, side-effect-free genetic evolution agent in the system.

The official research of this strong cell is obviously too 'rudimentary' and crude.

It's not so much evolution as an alternative weapon.

A 'special biological weapon' that lives in symbiosis with the human body.

Li Hao, who has been injected with a perfect gene evolution agent himself, naturally cannot inject such life-wasting strong cells.........

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