Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 214 Mobile Super Fortress Of War

After reading the document [Analysis Report on the Effect of Strong Colonizing Cells], Li Hao read all the other files.

From other documents, he also learned another rather heavy news.

In two days, officials will begin to promote the universalization of open strong cells.

At that time, even ordinary people will be able to buy strong cells, inject them, and become 'evolutionaries'.

"It's really bold!"

"It seems that the news officially released today is not only to announce the killing of mutant giant killer whales and stabilize people's hearts, but also to publicize the strength of strong cells from the side, and to promote the national warming of strong cells!"

Sorting out the current information, Li Hao instantly understood the intention of the official pop-up banner news released today.

Just when Li Hao was thinking about whether to wait for the official opening of strong cell purchases and get a few back for research.

And at this moment.

The system suddenly publishes a new task.

【Strong cell research】

[Mission Description]: You found that official research has cultivated a special magical biological cell, which seems to have quite powerful potential. Ask the host to collect the biological cells and study their nature.

[Mission Rewards]: Titan-type creature mech*1 (one of the most powerful mid-level mechs, almost perfectly suitable for most terrain battlefields)

"Temporary mission?!"

Listening to the system prompt ringing in his ears, Li Hao was also a little surprised.

Since the system task panel was updated and was able to automatically refresh tasks, he has not received tasks from the system for a long time.

"It seems that this strong cell is really not simple!"

"Otherwise, it is impossible for the system to actively publish tasks."

Coming back to his senses, Li Hao's eyes flashed thoughtfully.

Of course.

Whether his guess was correct or not, he would definitely go back and complete this task.

After all, the task is not difficult.

Just go to the official territory and buy a few strong cells to study back.

Such an easy task, he naturally will not let go.

"Looks like I have to go out~||!"

"However, before that, it is necessary to upgrade the submarine-type mobile marine shelter first.

"Otherwise, with the weapon system of the submarine-type mobile marine shelter now, it will probably be quite difficult to sail all the way through thousands of kilometers of uninhabited sea and official territory."

"If the unlucky sea emperor behemoth attacks, the current submarine-type mobile ocean shelter, I am afraid that it will be good to be able to escape..."

Thinking like this, Li Hao did not have much ink, and immediately began to move, walking towards the area where the submarine-type mobile marine shelter was stored.

Walk inside the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter for a few laps.

As for how to upgrade the submarine-type mobile marine shelter, Li Hao suddenly had a general plan in his mind.

"The submarine-type mobile marine shelter was previously designed as a mobile marine base, positioning it as a survival home."

"In order to be able to guarantee long-term survival, many of the facilities of submarine-type mobile marine shelters are about material and food production."

"And now that I have an undersea base, and submarine-type mobile ocean shelters are no longer used as a survival home, then these facilities are obviously not needed."

"The vacated area can be completely remodeled and planned."

"Transform the submarine-type mobile marine shelter from a mobile marine survival base integrating combat and production into a transportation vehicle specializing in combat and navigation..."

Thinking like this, Li Hao's thinking is becoming clearer and clearer.

Confirming the direction of the modification, Li Hao immediately began to order Jarvis to follow this direction and optimize the design of the old submarine-type mobile marine shelter.

Having received the order, Jarvis immediately began to calculate.

"Introduced the design drawings of the submarine-type mobile marine shelter, began to delete the old production facilities, and replanned and transformed the old design drawings..."

About ten minutes later.

After hundreds of millions of deductions, the design drawings of the new submarine-type mobile marine refuge have also been freshly baked.

The final renderings of the new drawings were sent by Jarvis to Li Hao's computer.

Open the final renderings of this new submarine-type mobile marine shelter optimization completed.

Li Hao couldn't help but be dazzled.

Compared with the previous somewhat bloated and bulky submarine-type mobile ocean shelter, this new submarine-type mobile marine refuge has undergone considerable adjustments both in terms of external and internal structures.

The appearance gives people a fierce and hideous feeling.

In fact, it is.

This new submarine-type mobile ocean shelter is completely a war machine.

Except for a few functional areas, more than 80% of the interior area is occupied by weapons areas.

According to Jarvis' annotations and displays, these weapons areas will eventually be able to accommodate at least a hundred special torpedo missile launch systems and more than a dozen infrasonic penetrating cannons.

These weapon systems erupted at the same time, exerting power enough to destroy a group of hundreds of marine behemoths in an instant.

Even if the Sea Emperor Behemoth attacks, I am afraid that it will not get any benefits.

Not only that, due to the optimization of the external structure, the shell of the new submarine-type mobile marine shelter has been adjusted to the shape most suitable for underwater navigation, which can greatly reduce the resistance of seawater, and the speed directly increases by nearly 30%.

In other words, compared with the original submarine-type mobile ocean shelter with a maximum speed of only 65 knots, the underwater speed of the new submarine-type mobile marine shelter can reach more than 90 knots

A combination of both.

It can be said that this new submarine-type mobile ocean shelter is completely a super war fortress with extremely flexible movements.

".” This optimization is a great improvement compared to the original combat effectiveness. ”

"But such a big change, if it is modified with an old submarine-type mobile ocean shelter, the workload is simply amazing."

"It's better to just reinvent one quickly."

Looking at this drawing, Li Hao was satisfied at the same time, but also a little helpless.

However, this result was also expected by him.

After all, the positioning of these two submarine-type mobile ocean shelters is completely different.

One is as a base for long-term survival, and the other is as a (good lee) transport vehicle for navigation and combat.

The design of the two is not highly overlapping.

After thinking for a moment.

Li Hao eventually decided to rebuild a new submarine-type mobile marine shelter.

Of course.

The old submarine-type mobile marine shelter, Li Hao does not intend to break it down into raw materials for use.

After all, he is still quite 'nostalgic'.

Although the design of the old submarine-type mobile marine shelter is very 'crude', he built it little by little.

Along the way, he has been with countless difficulties.

Without a shortage of raw materials, it is naturally impossible for him to dismantle them.

He intends to 'retire' the old submarine-type mobile marine shelter for use as a backup traffic vehicle.

"Jarvis, according to this new drawing, start manufacturing a new submarine-type mobile ocean shelter!"

Receiving the master's order, Jarvis immediately began to adjust the industrial system of the industrial manufacturing area in the submarine base and began to quickly produce related parts.

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