Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 217 The Poseidon Is Completed! ! 【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】

After 3 hours.

Jarvis: "Sir, the plasma propulsion engine has been manufactured and installed in the power compartment of the new submarine-type mobile ocean shelter, will the second round of sea trials begin?"

"Is it ready?!"

Hearing this, Li Hao, who was exercising in the 3x gravity area, also showed a look of anticipation on his face.

Took a shower.

Li Hao immediately walked in the direction of the 'dock'.

Come to the 'Dock'.

Enter inside the new submarine-type mobile marine shelter.

"Start the second sea trial."

Sitting in the combat observation room, Li Hao spoke.

Bang! Bang!

The ocean passage of the dock was opened again.

The new submarine-type mobile ocean shelter once again rushed quickly into the distant seas.

Compared with before, Li Hao clearly felt that the new submarine-type mobile ocean shelter was several times faster than the original in terms of starting speed and acceleration.

And this is still the "four-six-three" plasma propulsion engine that did not start at full power.

"Jarvis starts the plasma propulsion engine at full power to test its ultimate speed."

Li Hao said without hesitation.

The voice fell.

The light flame at the tail of the new submarine-type mobile ocean shelter soared several times, directly evaporating all the sea water hundreds of meters behind.

Next second.

Li Hao only felt an extremely obvious push back sensation coming from him.

The speed of the new submarine-type mobile marine shelter is skyrocketing.

In just a few seconds, the speedometer's hand broke through the 110 knots per hour.

And it continues to rise rapidly.

Under such circumstances, the surrounding underwater landscape is like a streamer.

The final speedometer needle froze at 220 knots.

"With the installation of the plasma propulsion engine, the limit speed of the new submarine-type mobile marine shelter has more than doubled from 98 knots to 220 knots per hour."

"According to the conversion of 1 nautical mile to 1.852 kilometers, the speed at this stage is almost 400 kilometers per hour."

"It's still not fast enough!"

Li Hao was still a little dissatisfied.

Although this speed has made a qualitative leap compared to before.

But in his opinion, it is still not enough.

After all, this speed can only 'run' the Sea King Behemoth with average speed at most.

If you encounter a Sea Emperor Behemoth that specializes in evolving speed, this speed is obviously difficult to run away.

Thinking of this, Li Hao also frowned.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Li Hao's eyes lit up.

"Jarvis, can you expand the power chamber and add a plasma propulsion engine to increase the speed of the new submarine-type mobile ocean shelter?!"

Li Hao asked.

If feasible, the new submarine-type mobile ocean shelter could gain double the power.

Maybe the speed can double again.

Hearing this, Jarvis immediately began to calculate the feasibility of this plan.

About a minute later.

Jarvis: "The deduction is complete!" The final conclusion is feasible! After using this scheme, the speed of the new submarine-type mobile marine shelter is expected to be increased by 1.8 times and the energy consumption will be tripled..."

"1.8 times higher than the current one?! That is to say, after using this scheme, the new submarine-type mobile marine shelter can reach more than 700 kilometers per hour. ”

"Jarvis, can you continue to increase the number of plasma thrusters?"

A glint flashed in Li Hao's eyes and he asked again.

Jarvis: "Doable! But this is not recommended! According to the current design of the new submarine-type mobile marine shelter, the plasma propulsion engine that can be used is limited, the best is two, once more than two, although the powerful propulsion force can make the speed of the new submarine-type mobile marine shelter reach thousands of kilometers per hour, reaching the speed of sound, but the huge water pressure will make the energy index of the energy-absorbing shell rise rapidly..."

"Moreover, the energy consumption of the three plasma propulsion engines is too huge, and it is difficult to drive the three plasma propulsion engines for a long time with the energy that the new submarine-type mobile ocean shelter can reserve."

"This way!"

Hearing this, Li Hao also touched his chin, and a light flashed in his eyes.

Ponder for a moment.

After considering the pros and cons, Li Hao opened his mouth and ordered: "Increase the number of plasma propulsion engines in the power compartment of the new submarine-type mobile ocean shelter to three, two of which are in normal use and one is used as a backup... .........”

This scheme is equivalent to giving the new submarine-type mobile ocean shelter an additional speed burst mode.

In the normal state, two plasma propulsion engines are used.

Once the emergency time and space are reached, when more speed is required, the third plasma engine is turned on, directly overloading the new submarine-type mobile ocean shelter.

Increase the speed to near the speed of sound.

Although this solution is not perfect, it is the most effective and efficient solution at present...

Waiting for the order, Jarvis calculated and said: "According to this plan, it is necessary to merge the two small torpedo missile launch rooms in the surrounding area, and it is expected that the firepower of the new submarine-type mobile marine shelter will decrease by about 6.5%. .........”

"A 6.5% drop in firepower?!"

"The new submarine-type mobile ocean shelter already has some excess firepower, and it is not a big deal to drop a little!"

"Just follow this plan!"

Hearing this, Li Hao muttered.

Confirm the final improvements.

Li Hao quickly returned to the new submarine-type mobile ocean shelter that completed speed tests.

Return to the undersea base.

With Jarvis in control, the transformation plan of the new submarine-type mobile marine shelter does not require him to do it himself.

With nothing to do again, Li Hao can only run to the entertainment area to play games with the three sisters Zhao Xueshi to pass the time.

In the blink of an eye.

Seven hours passed.

The time came to eleven o'clock in the evening.

Finish your late-night snack.

Li Hao immediately walked towards the dock on the first floor of the submarine base.

Calculate the time.

The powerhouse renovation of the new submarine-type mobile marine shelter is also nearing completion.

Step into the dock.

Jarvis: "Sir, the power room modification of the new submarine-type mobile marine shelter has been completed."

Compared to the previous one, the new submarine-type mobile marine shelter now has two more vents in the stomach position.

These two nozzles are combined with the previous one to present a character 2.3 shape.

Boarding the new submarine-type mobile marine shelter, Li Hao began testing again.

Drive a new submarine-type mobile ocean shelter and race across the seabed.

Half an hour later.

Li Hao walked down from above with a satisfied smile.

Obviously, the speed of the new submarine-type mobile ocean shelter has fully met his expectations.

And even beyond quite a bit.

"The current new submarine-type mobile ocean shelter is not used as a shelter, but as a mere combat vehicle, so it is not appropriate to call it that."

"Let's give this submarine carrier a name."

After a moment of silence, Li Hao decided to name the new submarine vehicle the Poseidon Tower.

It means that this submarine can traverse the ocean like a sea god.

"Jarvis, prepare to leave for the official steel island..................".

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