Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 218 Set Sail, Go To The Official Steel Island [For Subscription, Please Complete Subscriptio

"After replenishing all the weapons, ammunition, and energy of the Seagod, notify me immediately!"

Li Hao said without hesitation.

Now that the new car has been built, it is time to complete the [Colonic Cell Research] task released by the system.

"Yes, sir!"

"It is expected that in three hours, the Poseidon will be able to complete the replenishment of ammunition and energy."

Jarvis spoke.

Hearing this, Li Hao did not stay here long, went directly back to the bedroom, held Zhao Xueshi's warm body, and fell asleep.

More than three hours later.

It's August 30, 2021 at 2:37.

Bell! Bell! Bell!

The alarm goes off softly.

As soon as the bell rang, Li Hao immediately opened his eyes and woke up from his sleep.

He knew the ringtone was Jarvis' a 'notification'.

Obviously, Jarvis has completed the ammunition and energy replenishment work for the Poseidon ship.

Wash up.

Li Hao left a note to Zhao Xueshi, who was in a deep sleep, that he would be out for a few days, and then walked towards the dock.

Walk into the dock.

Thousands of clone warriors15 are already fully armed and waiting in this area in an orderly manner.

Next to these array of clone warriors are six beautiful maids dressed in maid costumes.

The leader is Miki Nishien.

This was specifically ordered by Li Hao.

During his previous voyages, he was on the verge of vomiting when he ate those cookie-cutter fast foods.


This time out, Li Hao decided to bring a few good cooking maids to be cooks.

After all, if there are conditions to enjoy, do not go to enjoy, isn't that shabi?

Seeing the arrival of Li Hao, Miki Nishien, who had already been completely 'conquered' and completely adapted to the identity of the maid, immediately greeted her with several maids behind her.

Take these maids into the Poseidon with them.

Those clone warriors also took a uniform step.

Immediately following.

Came to the combat command room at the front of the Poseidon ship.

Jarvis: "Sir, the Poseidon is ready, will it leave for the official No. 1 Steel Island?"

Sitting on the soft reclining chair, Li Hao picked up the teacup, took a sip of the top red robe that the maids had just prepared, and said, "Go now!"

Receiving the order, Jarvis immediately began to act.

The 'alloy hatch' of the dock opens again.

Countless seawater poured in.

Followed by.

The tail spout of the Poseidon suddenly spewed out countless light blue plasma streams.

The plasma propulsion engine starts.

Under the control of Jarvis, the Poseidon quickly left the undersea base and rushed towards the distance.

About an hour after the voyage.

The Poseidon appeared in the sea a thousand kilometers away from the undersea base.

After these days of evolution and evolution, there are more and more marine behemoths outside the radiation range of these submarine base 'forces'.

The strength is also getting stronger and stronger.

Three or four hundred meters in size of the sea behemoth can be said to be very common.

If the Poseidon rampage in this sea area, it will definitely cause the attack of these sea behemoths.


Fortunately, Li Hao had already known this situation through the Skynet monitoring system, and specially brought the Ocean Behemoth Expeller made of the energy organs in the mutated giant seal.

Relying on the deterrent power of the sea behemoth expellor, wherever the Poseidon went, those sea behemoths also fled.

So far, the voyage of the Poseidon has been very smooth.

Didn't have any trouble.

Poseidon, head observation chamber.

"At the current speed, if nothing else, in about eight hours, the Poseidon will be able to reach the sea area where the official No. 1 Steel Island is located..."

"However, after arriving at the official steel island, how to buy strong cells is also a problem!"

Two days ago, the official has opened the right to purchase injections of strong cells.

Set out to promote the evolution of all people.

However, it seems that due to the lack of 'production capacity' or the 'changes' brought about by the regulation of strong cells, the official did not directly release a large number of strong cells at one time, allowing people to buy them at will.

Instead, certain conditions need to be met in order to be prioritized for injections.

According to information obtained from the Doomsday Forum, in order to qualify for the injection of strong cells, you need to obtain the right of residence on the Steel Island or become an official public official.

And Li Hao obviously does not meet the requirements for buying strong cells.

Unless for a short period of time, the official completely relaxed the purchase restrictions.

Otherwise, Li Hao would not be able to buy strong cells from official hands.

"Moreover, it seems that each person can only buy one copy of strong cells, and after purchase, it will be injected on the spot by official personnel, and it is impossible to buy it from other buyers." arrive

Thinking of this, Li Hao also has some headaches.

"Forget it! For the purchase of strong cells, let's wait for the official steel island and watch it!"

"There will always be a way!"

Thinking of this, Li Hao no longer thinks about it.

Today is Monday.

Open the system tray.

Li Hao is also starting to look at this week's refresh.

[Capture the Sea King Behemoth (Exploration Mission)]

[Mission Description]: Ask the host to capture a sea 690 emperor behemoth with a body size of more than one thousand meters for living observation and research.

[Mission Reward]: 100,000 points

"One hundred thousand points?!"

Li Hao couldn't help but show a surprised expression on his face.

Seeing the requirements of this task, Li Hao's face also changed from surprise to helplessness.

"Groove! This kind of difficult task again.

"Although the super light weapon can easily kill the Sea King Behemoth, killing and capturing are completely two concepts.

"The latter is obviously dozens of times more difficult than the former."

"With my current armed forces, it is almost impossible to capture a Sea Emperor Behemoth.

"It seems that you can only abandon this task."

Thinking like this, Li Hao closed the system tray in frustration.

There is nothing to do.

Li Hao can only pick up the tablet on the side and communicate and chat with netizens on the Doomsday Forum to pass the time.

In the blink of an eye.

Six hours passed.

At the moment, the Poseidon is quite close to the official steel island.

Only about a thousand kilometers remained.

In another two hours, the Poseidon will be able to enter official waters.


Right now.

Backbite! Backbite!

The alarm in the Poseidon combat command room suddenly sounded.

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