Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 221 Black Market Auction 【For Subscription, For Full Order】

"However, the background of people who can engage in this black market is definitely not simple."

"If nothing else, the strength is definitely at the top of the private sea ark shelter, otherwise it will not be able to control those 'guests' who come to the black market."

Li Hao thought to himself, speculated.

However, he didn't care too much about it~.

After all, these things - have little to do with him.

He just thought about buying strong cells.

Who is the boss behind the black market, and he has nothing to do with half a dime.

According to the black market coordinates given by the manager of the market management office, the Poseidon quickly sailed out of the official territory and into a remote uninhabited sea.

Another distance of about two hundred kilometers.

The coordinates are about to be reached.

Li Hao spotted a sizable group of Ark ships at sea ahead.

Hundreds of sea arks docked around a sea ark of thousands of meters.

Obviously, the huge sea ark of thousands of meters is the trading place of the black market.

"It's finally here!"

"I hope it has what I need!"

Li Hao had a hint of anticipation in his heart.

No need for Li Hao to say more.

Jarvis quickly steered the Poseidon and approached the giant sea ark.

Wait until the Poseidon approaches the giant sea ark 5 kilometers.

A patrol ship quickly came over to guide the Poseidon.

Take the Poseidon to the designated location and stop.

Li Hao put on the mask and black robe that had been prepared for a long time, and took a few clone warriors to enter the giant sea ark in a special reception boat.

Via deck stairways.

Go inside it.

Li Hao suddenly found that this place was also quite lively.

One by one, black-robed people wearing various masks are 'setting up' Ya here

Compared with the goods sold at the pier market, the style of goods here is very different.

There are no daily necessities at all.

Instead, artillery, machine guns, weapons and ammunition were everywhere.

Many people in black robes walked through these stalls to buy their favorite 'goods'

While lively, it also gives people an inexplicable weird feeling.

After all, no one shows their faces here.

Even the body is covered by the black robe, and it is difficult to see the body shape.

It is impossible to identify who is who.

"It's a bit of an interesting black market."

"There is a feeling of a demon dance."

Seeing this scene, Li Hao is also somewhat novel.

Wandered around this black market for a while.

Li Hao also had a general understanding of the trading rules of this black market.

Compared with the outside market, the trading process of this black market is not substantially different.

The same is the barter model.

It is only because of the goods circulating on the black market that the value is generally very high.

If you pay for food, the amount required is obviously very large.

It is very inconvenient to trade.

Therefore, the default hard currency used in the black market is high-value, non-radiant, pure table salt.

The second is all kinds of arms.

Of course.

As long as you can come up with goods that satisfy the seller, you can trade without these hard currencies.

"However, there don't seem to be strong cells here!"

"Wouldn't there be strong cells for sale today?!"

Thinking of this possibility, Li Hao's heart sank slightly, and his face under the mask was also a little unpleasant.

Take another walk.

Take a look at each booth.

Anti-aircraft machine guns, heavy artillery, and even torpedo ammunition are available.

However, there was no shadow of the strong cell he needed.

"It shouldn't be!"

"According to the manager of the market management office, the black market owner has released the news that there will be strong cells for sale when the black market opens.

"Unless you want to smash your own signature reputation, the behind-the-scenes owner of this black market should not be able to break his word."

Thinking like this, Li Hao also quickly thought in his heart, it should be that he was mistaken.

After all, it is obviously impossible to sell strong cells, a rare commodity that officially restricts the purchase qualifications.

Get out of this lively trading market.

Li Hao approached the management service of the black market to inquire.

After asking, Li Hao also got the answer he wanted.

Today's black market does have strong cells for sale.

However, it was not in those free-trading stalls.

Instead, it appears at black market auctions.

The auction is about two hours away.

...... Ask for flowers............

If you want to participate, you must first pay a deposit and verify the capital.

Ensure eligibility to participate in the purchase of auction items.

Knowing these things, Li Hao did not ink, and directly explained his intentions.

No surprises.

Li Hao's financial resources to participate in the auction are obviously more than enough.

Under the reception of this black market service worker, Li Hao successfully completed the capital verification and paid 50 kilograms of non-radiation pure table salt as a deposit, successfully obtaining the qualification to participate in the black market auction.

"The black market auction will be held at 10:30, and it's only around eight-thirty."

"For these two hours, I can only visit the black market market.

Put away your credentials for participating in black market auctions.

........ 0

Li Hao once again entered the black market to hang out and pass the time.

I have to say that this black market is also a bit of an 'eye-opener' for him

As time goes on, more and more people sell goods.

There are also quite a few crossbow pear dealers.

Robust men, women with good faces, and bodies became goods in the hands of these people.

"Sure enough, the doomsday environment without order is a hell for the weak."

Seeing this, Li Hao also sighed in his heart.


But he was not nosy and wanted to be the 'savior'.

After all, even if he bought all these crossbow pears, what was the use of giving them freedom.

Without a living sea ark, without residency on an official steel island, these people simply have nowhere to go.

He can't bring all these people who don't know good or bad and don't know their roots back to the undersea base to raise them, right?!

And even if he buys these people and brings them back to the base to raise, it will not make much sense to improve this situation.

The crossbow pear trade will not decrease.

This is due to the current environment of doomsday and lack of order.

He was also powerless to change.

Therefore, Li Hao had no intention of making a move at all.

Walked around a lot.

Li Hao didn't buy anything either.

The main commodity in this - munitions, crossbow pears, he does not need it at all.

Time flies.


More than an hour passed.

The black market auction is about to start nine.

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