Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 222 An Inhumane Bid 【For Subscription, For Full Subscription】

Upon being notified, Li Hao immediately took a few of his clone warriors and followed the black market attendants into the higher rooms of the giant sea ark.

Enter your own box.

Through the transparent glass window, Li Hao observed the auction table below and other boxes in the surrounding area.

"There are at least hundreds of boxes in this auction venue."

"Even if there are only half of the boxes occupied, there are more than fifty people participating in this auction."

"There are so many 'rich people'!"

Li Hao muttered.

However, there was not the slightest expression of worry on his face.

After all, he is a man with black technology.

If you can lose to those 'ordinary people' in terms of financial resources, it will be a big joke.

In Li Hao's view, the strong cell is already in his pocket.

About ten minutes later.

The time came to 10:30.

All the 'rich people' who participated in this auction were present.

The black "753" city auction officially began.

A charming-looking beautiful auctioneer took the stage and began today's auction.

Missile launchers, ammunition lines, helicopter gunships .........

As one auction item after another came to the stage, the rich people sitting in the box also began to bid one after another.

The atmosphere is quite fiery.

Over time, these 'rare' auction items were auctioned off.

These auction items, Li Hao does not need.

Therefore, he had no intention of bidding, as if he were an outsider.

Watch this hot black market auction with cold eyes.

Wait until 11:45 p.m.

Only the last item left in the auction - strong cells.

"Finally out."

Seeing his 'goal' appear, Li Hao couldn't help but be shocked.


The auction method of this strong cell is different from the previous auction items.

It takes the form of a dark mark.

And five strong cells are bundled together for auction.

There are ten in total, divided into two groups of auctions.

"This black market owner really knows how to do business!"

Hearing this, Li Hao instantly understood the purpose of the black market boss.

Obviously, this is to maximize the benefits of these five strong cells.

After all, the whole process of this form of auction is closed.

No one knows what price others offered.

People who want these five strong cells can only give their highest psychological bottom price under the suspicion of competing with each other.

Black market owners, on the other hand, are able to reap the benefits of fishermen.

Pick the highest one of these auctions.

Earn a lot of money.

"It seems that you have to write an absolutely safe bid."

Thinking like this, Li Hao's eyes flashed, and he unhurriedly wrote his bid on the bidding book marked with the number 27.

Five tons of radiation-free pure table salt.

According to his understanding, in the auction a few days ago, the highest price of a strong cell was 556 kilograms of radiation-free pure table salt.

In this way, the value of these five strong cells is almost 2,500 pounds of pure table salt without radiation.

He now offers five tons of non-radiant pure salt.

If converted into catties, it is 10,000 catties.

The auction price has increased nearly fourfold compared to a few days ago.

Even if the price of strong cells skyrockets this time, it is absolutely impossible to reach this height.

"This should be foolproof!"

Thinking like this, Li Hao also had a smile on his face.

For the price I gave, I am not distressed at all.

After all, pure table salt without radiation is really no different from sediment for him.

The non-radiating pure salt produced by the salt making machine in the submarine base has been piled up in several large warehouses.

If he is alone, I am afraid that he will not be able to eat for thousands of years.

If you can exchange the non-radiation-free pure table salt of 'sediment' to strong cells, it is simply cost-effective.

Ask the black market attendant in the box to deliver the bid to the auction stand.

Wait until all the bidding books are in the hands of the beautiful auctioneer.

The results of this secret mark are also about to be revealed.

In the box.

Li Hao remained motionless, quietly looking at the beautiful auctioneer on the stage.

"Box 1, bid: 3,500 pounds of pure salt without radiation."

"Box 2, bid: 3,700 pounds of pure salt without radiation.

"Box 3, bid: 4,150 pounds of pure salt without radiation."

"Box 4 bid! 4. Pure table salt without radiation.

With the singing of the beautiful auctioneer, the value of these five strong cells has also risen.

All the way to 4,600 pounds of non-radiant table salt.


After reaching 4,600 pounds of radiation-free table salt, the bidding book behind is not much higher than this number.

Almost all hovered around four thousand.

Obviously, in this competition of financial strength, the bid of box 4 is almost unique and dominates.

Just when everyone thought that these five strong cells were going to fall into the hands of Box 4.............

The beauty auctioneer continued to sing the offer.

*Box 27, bid: five... Five tons of radiation-free pure table salt. ”

Hearing this price, everyone present couldn't help but gasp.

It's so rich!

This bid is directly more than double the bid for box 4.

It's simply trench inhumanity.

In an instant, countless shocked, red-eyed eyes focused on the 2 boxes.

All eyes are watching.

Next, there is not much more to say.

There is simply no bid that can exceed this number.

This first group of strong cells (five) was successfully taken by Li Hao.

After completing the auction of the first group, the second group also began quickly.

In order to prevent the number of items from running out of enough to meet the requirements of the task, Li Hao decided to buy this second group as well.

Directly write the bid for the second group of strong cells at the same price as the previous first group.

This price is already crushing.

No need to add more.

Even if those people guessed his bid, they couldn't possibly offer a higher price than him for the five strong breeders.

The ending is also unsurprisingly.

Although the highest price offered by others this time has increased, it still does not exceed six thousand kilograms of radiation-free pure salt.

Completely crushed by Li Hao's bid.

Two bids.

Li Hao spent a total of ten tons of radiation-free pure table salt and successfully took all the bloody cells.

Others have nothing.

Under such circumstances, there are more and more unkind eyes looking at Li Hao's box.

Among them, there are many ill-intentioned ones. 1.8

After all, Li Hao's 'financial strength' is too strong.

How is it possible not to arouse the covetousness of others?!

Li Hao naturally knows this.

However, he smiled lightly and didn't care at all.

With the completion of the auction of these two groups of strong colonization cells, this black market auction is also a successful end.

After the end, the black market auctioneers immediately came to Li Hao to start delivering the goods.

After handing over ten tons of non-radiation-free pure table salt to the auction personnel, Li Hao also successfully obtained his own auction item, strong cells (ten).

After achieving his goal, Li Hao did not stay long, and immediately left the black market and returned to his Poseidon ship.

Start the return voyage.

Heading towards the submarine base.

And shortly after Li Hao left.

More than a dozen 'little tails' also quickly followed.

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