Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 223 The Group Of Giant Ocean Beasts That Appeared Unexpectedly 【Please Subscribe, Please Sub

"Did the tail keep up?"

Putting away the ten strong cells, Li Hao looked at the red dot on the radar system display in front of him, and a faint sneer appeared on his face.

For this situation, he also expected it.

After all, people who appear on the black market obviously can't be good people.

It's even ruthless characters.

Seeing the amazing financial power he shows, it's strange that those wolf characters can not be moved.

Of course.

Li Hao, who has countless black technologies, does not pay attention to these so-called ruthless characters at all.

In his eyes, if these people dared to follow, it would only take some time to solve it.

These 'little nuisances' are nothing compared to the strong cells needed to complete the tasks of the system.

"It's better to stay away and solve these people again."

"It's still a little close to the official territory!"

"In the process of solving these people, it will attract the attention of the official 15, then it will be trouble."

Li Hao thought to himself.

Immediately, he gave orders to Jarvis.

Take control of the Poseidon (cruise ship form), make the illusion of a quick escape, and sail in a direction far away from the authorities.

Seeing the Seagod leaving quickly, the 'little tails' hanging behind also accelerated to follow at the same time.

Little did they know that the prey in their eyes was not a sheep, but a prehistoric tiger that ate man.

He has already stepped into the ghost gate with half a foot.

As the distance from the sea directly controlled by the authorities has grown, the distance between the two sides has also become closer.

According to the radar display in front of Li Hao, the nearest red dot is only about a kilometer away from the Poseidon ship.

Both sides have even been able to confirm each other's location with the naked eye.


The Poseidon is also at least six hundred kilometers away from the official sea.

I feel that this distance is almost the same.

"It's almost time to solve this group of people."

Li Hao thought to himself.

After solving this group of guys, it is almost time for the Poseidon to change back to its submarine form and begin to officially return to the undersea base.

Thinking like this, Li Hao immediately prepared to give orders to Jarvis.


Right now.

Jarvis: "Sir, there is a group of sea behemoths with optical stealth capabilities lurking underwater, these ocean behemoths are rushing towards us, and it is expected that in a minute...

"A gregarious sea behemoth?!"

Hearing this, Li Hao also frowned slightly.

This kind of accident is not what he wants to see.

After all, solving a group of sea behemoths is obviously not the same as solving the movements of those pretenders who follow out in the black market.

The sea behemoths came out to stir things up.

The Poseidon apparently had to use torpedo missile systems.


At a distance of just over six hundred kilometers from official seas, such explosive high-powered weapons are used.

As long as the official is not 'deaf', it is easy to detect.

When the time comes to alarm the official, that .......

"Forget it!"

"If you do that, things will become more and more troublesome."

"However, the appearance of this group of sea behemoths is not all bad."

"If you use it properly, you may not need my hands at all to use the power of these sea behemoths to quietly kill all those pretenders who are following from the black market...

As if thinking of something, Li Hao also showed an inexplicable smile on his face.

At Li Hao's order, the Poseidon stopped directly.

Seeing this, the pretenders chasing behind immediately increased the speed of the ship, wanting to rush to the Poseidon first and divide the wealth on the Poseidon ship.

With the Poseidon not moving, the ships behind quickly closed the distance with the Poseidon .

"People die for wealth, birds die for food!"

"It is indeed an unchanging truth since ancient times."

Looking at the sea arks that were trying to divide up and seize his 'wealth', Li Hao's face couldn't help but show a hint of 'sigh'.

These lust-stricken people have obviously lost their ability to judge.

In the face of the abnormal beginning of the Seagod, the Seagod rushed over so impatiently.

I just don't know how death is written.

"Still, there are smart people who are 'calm'."

"But it's too late now!"

"These people have entered the attack 527 range of the Ocean Behemoth Group.

"With the strength of these people, if you want to escape the attack of the sea giant beast group and escape a catastrophe, you need a lot of luck..."

Looking at the red dot that began to slow down on the big radar screen in front of him, Li Hao's face was shocked.

He didn't care about the life and death of these people.

For him, if he did not want to alarm the authorities and attract official attention, the Poseidon he piloted would not be much more difficult to crush those pretenders than to crush an ant.

Another minute or so passed.

Most of the sea arks that followed in pursuit were already within 1 kilometer of the Poseidon .

The nearest one is even less than 300 meters away from the Poseidon ship.

"It's about the same time."

"According to Jarvis's calculations, that group of sea behemoths should be almost there by now."

Seeing this situation, Li Hao's face did not have the slightest panic, as if everything was under control.

As Li Hao muttered and fell.

"Roar! Roar!".

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