Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 225 The Huge Potential Of Strong Germ Cells [For Subscription, Full Subscription]

Unaware that he became the legendary prototype of the mysterious man in the circle of captains of the Ark at Sea.

"It's almost time to go."

After letting the Poseidon use missiles to blow up the nearby gunship, Li Hao is also ready to start returning.

There was no intention of chasing the few sea arks that fled in a hurry.

After all, those sea arks are also a bit far away.

Chasing and killing the past and killing those people is not of great benefit.

Those people got out of their own way and saved him trouble.

After all, catching up, the distance must be getting closer and closer to the official sea.

In case something happens, it will not be good to attract official attention.

And those sea ark inheritances that followed the Poseidon have already been obtained.

"Jarvis, switch to the Poseidon form and start the return voyage."

Thinking so, Li Hao spoke.

After receiving the order, Jarvis immediately began to execute 523.

Creak! Creak!

The sound of metal deformation sounded.

The shape of the Poseidon began to change rapidly.

Under the action of the primary metal deformation device, it gradually changed from the cruise ship form to the submarine form.

A few minutes later, a huge metal monster in the shape of a flat spindle appeared on the surface of the sea.

Revert to its original submarine form.

The Poseidon began a rapid dive.

Two of the three power vents at the tail emitted huge blue flames of light.

Under the huge impetus of the plasma jet, the Poseidon was like a phantom, disappearing into this sea area like lightning.

The journey back was also very smooth.

Didn't run into those difficult sea emperor behemoths.

At most, it will encounter the attack of some large sea behemoths.

And in front of the Poseidon armed to the teeth, these large (BFFB) marine ear beasts are obviously not enough to see.

It's almost instantaneous.

There were no major obstacles.

Under the amazing speed of the Poseidon up to six or seven hundred kilometers per hour.

In less than ten hours, the Poseidon returned to its undersea base.


It was already past 12 p.m.

Zhao Xueshi and the others had already fallen asleep.

After returning to the undersea base.

Li Hao did not waste time, and directly took the strong cells bought from the black market and walked towards the biological laboratory on the first floor of the undersea base.

Come to the biogene editing table.

Li Hao began to operate.

Open the display of the biogene editing table and find the function option of [Gene Analysis].

Following the instructions above, Li Hao poured all ten strong cells bought from the black market into a clear glass jar containing blue nutrient solution on the right.

Then, press the [Start Resolution] button.


The indicator light of the biogene editing table suddenly lights up to indicate that work has begun.

A dark blue light suddenly lit up from the left, shining into the transparent glass jar, constantly scanning those strong cells.

It took about five or six minutes.

The faint blue light that scanned the strong cells was completely extinguished.

The genetic analysis report of the strong cell appeared on the display screen of the biological gene editing table.

"What is the mystery of this strong cell that the official research has finally been able to glimpse it."

With a strong curiosity, Li Hao immediately toured the genetic model analysis report of living meteorite fragments.

"According to this genetic model analysis report, this strong cell is implanted in the body for symbiosis, absorbing the life energy of the host for proliferation, but over time, this strong cell can also subtly affect human genes, so that human genes begin to evolve, and eventually integrate with human genes, regardless of each other..."

"After reaching this stage, humans, no, the biological energy level of the new human can be comparable to the thousand-meter level of the ocean behemoth, and the mature strong cells can automatically form a biological armor..."

The more he looked at it, the more surprised Li Hao became.

After reading this analysis report, Li Hao's face couldn't help but let out a long breath.

The basic characteristics of this strong cell were not different from what he had seen from the official internal server before.

He was amazed at the potential of strong cells.

"It's really awesome!"

"Isn't this a biological mech?!"

According to the biological gene editing table, after reaching this stage, the human implanted with strong cells is almost equivalent to a humanoid biological mecha.

Based on the data of its genetic model, the combat effectiveness of a single new human at this stage can even single out a kilometer-level ocean behemoth.

"This is not the most terrifying!"

"The most terrifying thing is that after reaching this stage of evolutionary growth of strong cells, its original biological connection with other homologous strong cells will be nearly a hundred times stronger again. n

"There will be almost no loss of biological energy transmitted to each other."

"If tens of thousands of biological energy levels can be comparable to the new humans of thousand-meter ocean behemoths, and the biological energy is concentrated in one person, the combat power exerted...

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