Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 226 Titan-Type Biological Mecha 【For Subscription, Please Customize】

... I'm afraid that even the thousands of meters of the Sea Emperor Behemoth can be easily killed in seconds!!"


Thinking of this, the surprise in Li Hao's eyes became even stronger.

Of course.

He also knows that it's actually difficult to do that.

After all, after the strong cells have completely evolved, although there is almost no loss of energy transmission between them.

But there is a limit to man's own ability to bear.

Tens of thousands of life energies of the same level are concentrated in one person.

That person definitely can't bear it, and he will directly explode and die~.

"However, based on the analysis of the data of this genetic model, the new humans after the fusion and evolution of strong cells still have no problem withstanding the life energy of hundreds of people!"

The life energy of hundreds of people gathered, and the power that erupted was absolutely terrifying.

At least killing those Sea King Behemoths that appeared at this stage with a size of less than two kilometers was a breeze.

The officially controlled human resources are hundreds of millions.

Once the progenitor cell is popularized, it is allowed to mature.

That's really all the people.

It is equivalent to at least one million thousand-meter sea emperor behemoths (every hundred new humans gather the power to burst).

"The development potential of this strong cell is really strong!"

"As long as the official can realize the potential of this strong breeding cell, it should be enough for humans to gain a foothold in this world where sea behemoths are rampant before the plague of the Ocean Titans..........."

"You can even expand the maritime territory you control and explore other areas."

Li Hao murmured.

This is rare good news.

After all, he also did not want to survive to the end.

Human civilization dies.

There is only him and his woman in this world.

In that case, it is too "lonely".

"Now that the nature of this strong cell has been understood, the research on strong cell should be completed!"

Thinking like this, Li Hao immediately opened the system inventory and looked at it.

Sure enough.

The task reward of [Strong Cell Research] has been successfully received.

【Titan-type biological mecha (special class mecha)】

Owner: Li Hao

【Height】: 161.5 meters

【Weight】: 430,000 tons

[Fire configuration]: Bioenergy Particle Light Cannon, Thunder Storm Generator, Titan Hammer...............

[Defense configuration]: Super isolation position generator

[Propulsion device]: Super biodynamic engine (36 groups)

[Maximum propulsion speed]: 5700 km / h (close to about five times the speed of sound)

[Energy source]: Small antimatter biological reactor

[Introduction]: This is a medium-level fighter mech known for high attack (strength) and high defense, full of special biological alloys, using humanoid design, almost able to simulate the actions of normal creatures, extremely flexible movements, equipped with firepower, enough to easily carry out devastating blows to most lives that have failed to evolve into cosmic creatures, its equipped defense system can resist the intensive bombing of large nuclear warheads without injury, and the built-in small antimatter biological reactor provides a steady stream of energy. It can support the mech for ultra-high-intensity combat for more than a year. (Note: Compared to other mid-level mecha, although the configuration of this mecha is quite powerful, it is still inferior to other mid-level mecha that specializes in speed.) )

"The configuration parameters of this mech are also too strong!!"

Li Hao had a look of amazement on his face.

The parameters of the underwater fighter mech are compared to this titan-type mech.

It's not even a fart.

The gap between the two is too big.

Both firepower and defense, as well as speed, were crushed in all directions.

At least from the configuration parameters described.

Seeing this, Li Hao's face suddenly showed a hint of expectation. ......... Ask for flowers...

When you want to take this mech out of the system inventory and test drive.


It was as if something had come to mind.

Li Hao temporarily stopped his movements.

"I almost forgot that this Titan mech is 161 meters tall, and it can't be accommodated at all with the size of a hangar that is more than fifty meters high at the current undersea base.

"It seems that before taking out this mech, you need to build a hangar dedicated to placing this mech."

Thinking of this, Li Hao immediately began to act.

Under Li Hao's orders, Jarvis quickly controls the fully automated multi-functional mechanical building Octopus in the base to carry out related construction work.

About ten hours later.

A separate large mech garage was built.

After completing the construction work, Li Hao immediately rushed to the hangar.

Remove this huge mech from the system inventory.

Next second.

A huge silver-black mech like a mountain appeared in front of his eyes.

If nothing else, this mech is at least five times the size of an underwater fighter mech.

Coupled with its own design with high attack and high defense as its core advantages, its armor and appearance volume can be imagined.

If the underwater fighter mech is a 'normal person', then this titan-type biological mech is completely a giant with muscles all over his body.

It was as if an underwater fighter mech could be easily stepped on into a discus with one kick.

It gives people an extremely huge, mountain-like sense of oppression.

The impact is extremely powerful.

Not to mention the super giant cannon with a caliber of tens of meters in both hands, and the super hammer with hundreds of meters behind his back.

Anyone can imagine how 'brutal' this thing will be once it starts fighting.

Anything in front of it will be torn to shreds.

Deterrence max three.

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