Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter Thirty-Eight The Thugs Break The Door

January 18, 2021

8:00 a.m.

After breakfast, Li Hao was ready to go.

Taking a few clones with No. 1, Li Hao headed for the underground garage outside the shelter.

Since there were no bulk cargo in this transaction, Li Hao decided to drive a radiation-proof snowmobile.

This model is more suitable for snow driving than nuclear battery heavy-duty trucks weighing tens of tons, and the speed is also much faster.

Bring the 100 pounds of rice needed for this transaction.

Number 1 takes the driver's seat.


Drive a radiation-proof snowmobile and slowly drive out of the underground garage.

Snow rained down in the sky.

The north wind is howling, and the cold wind is biting.

The whole heaven and earth seemed to become a pure white world, life was extinct, and everything was dead and silent.

The engine of the radiation-proof snowmobile roared, speeding through the white world, speeding into the distance.

This time, the destination was in a county called Gyeongsan Prefecture under Shanhae City.

Although this county seat belongs to Shanhai City, it is a bit far away from Shanhai City.

The whole journey is more than 200 kilometers.

Even if you take the highway, it takes about three hours to get there.

With the increasingly severe cold weather now, it will obviously take longer.

According to Li Hao's prediction, he will be good to be in Gyeongsan County at 12 p.m.

It took about an hour.

Radiation-proof snowmobiles passed the highway intersection where the previous accident was piled up.

Li Hao found that the bodies of more than two dozen roadblock robbers he had killed before were all missing.

Not even bones remained.

"Now that the weather is freezing and the temperature between heaven and earth is much lower than in an ice cellar, it is impossible for these corpses to decay in such an environment."

"But now it's gone! Could it be that the official sent someone to clean it up? ”

Li Hao guessed in his heart.

However, it has been so long since the bodies of those roadblocks disappeared.

As for how it disappeared.

Mind his.

It doesn't threaten him anyway.

Without much thought, the radiation-proof snowmobile followed the road he had cleared before, along the highway, and galloped towards Gyeongsan County outside Shanhai City.

The trip was also quite smooth.

I didn't encounter any rotten moths along the way.

There are no robbers standing in the way.

At about 12 noon, the radiation-proof snowmobile successfully drove into Gyeongsan County.

After arriving in Gyeongsan County.

According to the trading location sent by the man, Li Hao asked No. 1 to drive towards the Anfeng community on Yushu Street in Gyeongsan County.

Smooth journey.

Li Hao made it to his destination.

Drive the car to the Anfeng community and find a place to park.

Afterwards, Li Hao took a few clone warriors and strode towards the person who contacted him for the deal, the place of the said transaction.

"Building 5 Unit 811, it should be here."

Comparing the address information that the contact said, Li Hao found a building marked Unit 9 underneath.

5 blocks of 9 units is here, that's right!

According to the general house numbering rules, house 811 is obviously on the eighth floor.

Confirming that he was not in the wrong place, Li Hao took the clone warrior and walked upstairs.

No way, the elevator has long been completely wasted.

I had to walk the stairs slowly.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

At the door of room 811, a group of big men wearing radiation protection suits are holding several large iron hammers to frantically hammer the modified metal iron door in front of them.

The person at the head is a bald man with a tiger's back and a bear's waist.

That size, that muscle.

Just looking at it makes people feel a rather strong deterrent.


"If you don't want to starve to death, just smash me hard!"

The bald man held a shotgun and roared loudly.

With his roar, the others also trembled and smashed harder.

The clatter of the hammer colliding with the metal gate also became louder.

Constantly echoing through this floor.

However, no one of the people living in this building dared to come out to take a look, completely ignoring the sound, as if they had never heard it.

Obviously, no one dares to provoke these fierce thugs and get themselves into trouble for the sake of an unrelated neighbor.

Behind the big iron gate of Room 811 is a simple shelter that has been transformed.

There were about a dozen people living inside.

There are both men and women, young and old, all of whom are relatives who are close in blood.

This simple shelter was built by several of them.


Listening to the sound of hammers banging outside the door, everyone in the shelter showed a scared, terrified expression.

"Uncle, that... Those people have been smashing doors outside, what should I do? ”

A thin man with glasses, looking at the middle-aged man not far away, asked.

The middle-aged man's name was Wen An, and he was also the one who contacted Li Hao to trade before.

He contributed most of the effort to the construction of this simple shelter.

Therefore, he is also extremely prestigious among his relatives and has always been the backbone and decision-maker of this simple shelter.

However, now that this kind of thing is encountered, he is also helpless.

After all, if he can't fight and fight, what else can he do?

The difference in the value of force between the two sides is too large.

He also had no firearms in his hands.

Could it be that he relied on his mouth alone to let all the gangsters outside the door retreat?!

Stop dreaming.

Seeing that Wen An didn't mean to speak at all, the atmosphere in the shelter suddenly became heavier.

Fear spreads in the air.

At this time.

Outside the door.

The bald man saw that the metal iron door in front of him had been smashed for a long time before he was a little deformed, and he was also a little worried that if the time dragged on, there would be some accidents, so he waved his hand to let his subordinates temporarily stop their movements and shouted inside the iron gate: "Boss Wen, we don't want to hurt you, but the brothers are all going to eat, and the blizzard some time ago made all the food grown in our shelter gone." ”

"As long as you give us 300 pounds of food, we will immediately turn around and leave."

The bald man was half threatening and half appeased, as if that was the case.

However, the expressions of him and his men outside the door became more and more hideous, and as soon as the door opened, they rushed in and plundered.

"Boss Wen, how are you thinking about it, can you open the door or not?!"

"Even if you don't open this door, we can open it sooner or later, and then I won't be so good to talk to."

"Now as long as you open the door and send us three hundred pounds of food, I promise not to touch a single hair of yours..."

The iron gate in front of him did not move, and the threat in the great Chinese atmosphere at the moment was even heavier.

Coercion and inducement.

Crazy puts psychological pressure on the people inside the iron gate.


ps: I went out today to get the signing contract for this book, it's a little late to update, sorry

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