Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 39 The Hero Who Saved The Refuge? ! 【New Book Asks For Everything】

Inside the metal gate.

Listening to the constant threat sound outside the door, everyone's expressions were very complicated.

I don't know if I should believe what the thugs say.

There was a long silence.

A middle-aged woman seemed to be moved, and whispered to Wen An: "Anzi, or open the door and give them three hundred catties of grain." ”

"We still have five hundred catties left, save some food, and there should be no problem staying up until the next planting room harvest."

The middle-aged woman's words seemed to break the atmosphere of silence.

All of a sudden, six or seven opened their mouths to offer their opinions.

"Auntie is right! Uncle Wen, if they really break down and come in, we will all die, it is better to give them three hundred catties of grain, and we should break the wealth and eliminate the disaster." ”

A young man in a down jacket spoke with a trembling voice.

"yes! Uncle, when the grain is gone, it can be planted again, and when the people are gone, they are gone. ”

"Let's give them food, otherwise we can only wait for death here..."

Others agreed.

It was agreed that it was better to send away these plagues with food.

Otherwise, it is really a small life.

Naturally, food cannot be more important than one's own life.

Even if the thugs did not keep their promises and robbed them of all their food.

They can also go to official shelters in Gyeongsan County.

After all, the official shelter of Gyeongsan County is not as unlucky as the official shelter of Shanhai City, which was affected by the explosion of giant meteorite fragments.

The damage was not serious, and the damage was not very large.

At present, there is still the ability to receive people.


Not everyone is so naïve.

A tall woman wearing a white cardigan spoke up: "Uncle, I don't think the door can be opened, we can't take chances." ”

"There is nothing to believe in the words of those thugs."

"If we open the door, without the metal gate, we will have to let them slaughter."

"Those thugs will absolutely kill us and prevent us from finding the enforcers of the official shelter in Gyeongsan County."

As soon as her words came out, the faces of the people who spoke in front suddenly became ugly.

After all, they were the ones she said was holding a fluke mentality.

Maybe you can't hang on your face.

A middle-aged man wearing a mink coat directly opened his mouth and scolded angrily: "Wen Qianqian, you don't want to mess around here, what do children know!!" If we don't open the door, will we just sit and wait for death? Those people have guns in their hands..."

"I'm just talking about things!"

Wen Qianqian's brows furrowed and replied.

Then, his eyes looked at Wen An and asked, "Uncle, what do you think we are going to do?" ”

Wen An is the principal of the shelter.

With Wen Qianqian's question, everyone's eyes in the shelter were focused on him.

Feeling this pressure, Wen An was silent, but he was always unsure of paying attention.

If the door is not opened, the iron gate can only last for another hour at most, when the thugs will break into the door.

Open the door, the words of those thugs are obviously not so reliable, in case of repentance, they still have to die.

Just when Wen An hesitated.


The gun-wielding thugs outside were already a little impatient.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The rapid hammer knocking sounded continuously.

The large metal iron gate is deformed little by little.

Although it could not be broken for a while, the gradually deformed metal iron door brought a great pressure.

It was as if death was approaching.

In the simple shelter, except for Wen An and the imperial sister named Wen Qianqian, the fear on the faces of the others became stronger and stronger.

As if some string in his brain had broken, the young man in the down jacket couldn't help shouting and pleading: "Uncle, give it to them!" Open the door and send them three hundred pounds of grain, and let these people hurry up, otherwise we will die." ”

As he spoke, there was a hint of crying in his voice.

Hearing this, Wen Qianqian gritted her teeth and spoke, "No!" When we open the door, we are really dead, and we fight with them. ”

"What to spell? They have guns, how can we possibly beat those vicious thugs?! ”

The vast majority retorted.

To resist is to die.

They don't want to fight the thugs.

As successful people who are pampered in peacetime, they are very desperate.

Nothing is as important as your own life.

Seeing this, Wen An also sighed helplessly, since no one in the shelter was willing to desperately, there was obviously only one choice left.

Open the door!

Now we can only hope that the thugs will talk about credibility and not kill people.


Hearing Wen An's decision, most of the faces in the shelter showed a hint of joy.

"Uncle, it's long overdue!"

"Some grain is just that, there is nothing to grow again, where our lives matter."

"yes! If we don't open the door, when they break the door and come in, we will all die. ”

"Open! I'll open the door now! ”


Under the threat of life and death, they lost their usual sanity and grabbed the "life-saving straw" thrown by the thugs outside the door.

As for whether it is true or not, their brains have automatically blocked this question.

"Don't smash the big brother outside the door! We'll open the door and give you supplies!! ”

The young man in the down jacket immediately ran to the door and shouted outside.

There was a hint of joy in his tone.

It seems to be thought that the thugs will keep their promises.

Outside the metal iron door.

The bald man who was directing his subordinates to continue to smash the door, heard these words, and a trace of ecstasy appeared in his fierce eyes.

This group of fools actually believed his words.

It seems that today's "work" can be much easier.

"Hahaha! These people really have no brains, they won't be mentally retarded, do they believe in this kind of words ?! Is it really that my acting skills are so good?! ”

Ecstasy in the heart.

The bald man gave himself a code word to get ready.

Then he said loudly to the inside: "Good! As long as you open the door and give us three hundred pounds of grain, we will definitely not hurt you a single hair. ”

"Thank you big brother for your mercy! We believe that "big people" like you will not lie to us. ”

Inside the metal iron door, the young man in the down jacket who had completed the negotiation with the bald man showed a smug look on his face, as if he thought that he was a great hero in saving the shelter, and quickly turned back to the others in the shelter and said, "Hurry up and get three hundred catties of grain." ”

"As long as we hand over three hundred catties of grain, we will be saved."

"Don't open!"

Wen Qianqian's face turned pale and tried the final dissuasion.



Everyone ignored him and quickly took out three hundred catties of grain from the storage room.

"Open the door! As soon as the grain is handed over, it will all be over, and we will not have to worry about it anymore. ”

"People on the mixed road are the most particular about spitting a nail and will not lie to us."

The young man in the down jacket said loudly.

Then, all the locks on the metal iron door are opened.

The door is open.

In the next second, a large knife fell on his head.

Blood splattered.

In an instant, the simple shelter was plunged into blood.

The wailing, the pleas for mercy, are endless.


ps: New book asks for data

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