Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 90 Crazy Refugee, Fresh Water Problem 【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】

April 27, 2021

Sea levels continued to rise, flooding some inland towns, and many people who did not have a sea ark and no official boarding qualifications began to flee deeper inland.

However, everyone knows that this kind of escape is not very meaningful at all, at most it can only delay the time of death.

Wherever they escape, the rising waters will eventually catch up until they inundate all continents.

Although the heavens and the earth are big, there is nowhere to hide.

Unless they can get an ark at sea, they will have a chance to survive.


The sea crosses inland towns and heads towards inland cities.

More and more people are fleeing deeper inland.

In order to survive, these refugees, who had nothing left, began to band together and storm the shelters where the arks of the sea were in hand.

Attempt to fight hard and seize the Ark of the Sea to get a chance to survive.

But the sanctuaries that owned the arks of the sea were clearly not good to go along with.

After all, to be able to build a sea ark in this environment, the strength of each force should not be underestimated, otherwise it would have been "eaten" by other shelters with belt bones.

These powerful shelters naturally could not allow the escapees to seize their hope of survival, and directly and mercilessly launched attacks on the onseizing refugees, and 403 tried to use force to forcibly suppress and deter this group of people.

However, this is clearly of no use.

Facing the impact of a marine disaster, all the fleeing people have become extremely crazy.

Allowing those sanctuaries with sea arks to slaughter many people, they will not retreat.

After all, if you don't fight again, it will be too late when the marine natural disaster completely arrives.

Resistance does not necessarily mean death, you may be able to seize a sea ark and get a chance to survive, but if you do not resist, you will definitely drown in the sea.

In this case, everyone will give it a go.

This scene appeared in every corner of Xia Country.

There are successes, but more often there are failures.

Many shelters have become extremely tragic "battlefields".

The frenzied fleeing flees have brought chaos to the extreme in areas that are not yet submerged by the sea.


The outside temperature rose to 35 degrees, and the weather was quite muggy.

However, this high temperature has not stopped human beings from wanting to live.

The onslaught of the fleeing on the shelter that owned the Ark at Sea continues.

Many shelters that failed to complete the sea ark in time also joined the "big war".

Under such a high-intensity "impact", many shelters with sea arks are also a little unbearable.

For a time, many sea arks changed owners.

April 30, 2021

In the early hours of this morning, a huge storm swept through most of the Xia Kingdom.

Under this super storm that swept everything, the chaos seemed to have been completely calmed down.

May 1, 2021

A new January has begun.

At noon on this day, the system that had been silent for a long time released a new appointment.

【Fresh water collection】

【Mission Statement】: The world is about to enter the marine era, and fresh water is an indispensable substance to maintain the normal operation of the human body. Ask the host to collect and store 100 tons of fresh water.

[Mission Rewards]: Advanced freshwater manufacturing technology (Note: This freshwater manufacturing technology can "purify" any polluted water into pure fresh water. )

"Collect fresh water?! Damn it! How did I almost overlook this. ”

Seeing this task, Li Hao seemed to remember something, and his face showed a trace of solemnity.

After completing the shelter renovation, he seemed a little too relaxed.

One hundred secrets.

For a while, it was forgotten to solve the problem of replenishment of fresh water from submarine-type mobile marine shelters.

You know, water is known as the source of life.

If you don't eat, humans can live for about 10 days, and they can't withstand it for 3 days without drinking water.

You can imagine how important water is to human beings.

At present, all the fresh water used for evacuation is groundwater extracted from the ground.

Once the shelter starts moving, it is obviously impossible for the (BFCD) to continue pumping water from the ground.

Without the support of fresh water in the ground, and without the means to stabilize the replenishment of fresh water, the shelter will soon fall into a dilemma of water shortage.

This is clearly intolerable for Li Hao.

This system mission comes at the right time, and it is not so much a task as a "welfare". ”

Because accomplishing this task is too simple.

You only need to get a hundred square meters of water storage in the shelter, and then pump groundwater, pump a hundred tons.

It is precisely because of this that Li Hao said that this task is like a "welfare" compared to the task he completed before.

"The task is simple, but it must be completed as soon as possible."

"Water is so important for shelters."

"It's not just people who need to drink water, but technological props such as oil manufacturing devices and salt synthesis machines need water to operate, otherwise they will fall into a state of shutdown."

Thinking of this, Li Hao immediately walked out of the bedroom and walked towards the industrial workshop.

To complete this task, he must first get a few large water towers for storing water.

Access to industrial workshops.

Coming to the super 3D printer bed, Li Hao casually bought a drawing of a water tower with a capacity of 100 tons from the Doomsday Black Technology Mall and entered it.

Then, find the icon of the water tower and click Manufacture.

A minute later.

A large water tower came down from the super 3D printer bed.

"Now it's time to stock up on water."

Let the fully automatic multi-purpose mechanical building octopus carry this large water tower to a room near the water supply room.

Li Hao uses a large water pipe to connect the inlet of the large water tower to a pumping machine in the water supply room.

Subsequently, the water began to flow into the large water tower continuously.

"The water storage rate is still a little slow! Recently, we should shut down the oil manufacturing equipment and salt synthesis machine.

"Anyway, there is a lot of oil and salt in the current reserve of the shelter, and it is okay to close it for a day or two, and it will be good to restart it when this task is completed."

Looking at the progress bar on the task panel, Li Hao was a little dissatisfied with his face.

Go to the oil manufacturing room and salt manufacturing room, and turn off the oil manufacturing equipment and salt synthesis machine.

Without the operation of the two equipment, the oil manufacturing device and the salt synthesis machine, the consumption of groundwater was suddenly greatly reduced, and the flow of water to the water tower became larger and more numerous.

"At the current rate of water hoarding, it should be possible to complete the [freshwater collection] task before the arrival of the ocean era."

After estimating the completion time of the [Freshwater Collection] mission and confirming that it could be completed before the arrival of the Ocean Era, Li Hao was also relieved [began to think about other aspects of the test shelter.

After all, the negligence of this freshwater problem really reminded him.

He needed to make sure that other aspects of the shelter were not experiencing major problems like fresh water.

After checking the entire shelter and confirming that there was no problem, Li Hao really relaxed.

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