Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 91 The Dilapidated Shanhai City, A Fully Automatic Fresh Water Manufacturing Machine【Please

May 2, 2021

The super storm that lasted two days and two nights was over.


However, during the super storm, the sea level did not stop surge, but ~ and became more turbulent.

Now it has rushed through the cities in the middle of the inland area, and is quickly rushing towards the towns in the large rear of the inland area.

In the process, countless people could not escape and died under this boundless cold sea.

Compared to before, the Doomsday Forum is also countless times deserted.

There are very few posts about speeches.

Apparently too much has happened lately and too many people have died.

In the face of the marine natural disasters that are about to sweep every corner of the continent, those who are still alive today are also "fighting" for their own survival, and who will post on it leisurely.

There are no sand sculpture netizens to chat.

Li Hao is also idle and bored after reading the lunar shift analysis estimate report "borrowed" from the official server every day.

However, fortunately, he collected a lot of entertainment products before the end of the world.

In addition to a large number of games and movies, TV videos, there are tens of thousands of music, tens of thousands of novels, and so on.

In the short term, you don't have to worry about not having anything to pass the time.

What's more, there are also three daughters of Zhao Xueshi in the shelter, who can play casual board games online together.

It's also a great way to pass the boring time.

After playing a game with Zhao Xueshi's three daughters, Li Hao picked up a novel and read it with relish.

The day passed quickly.

Coupled with the fresh water hoarded yesterday, the progress bar of the [Fresh Water Collection] task has been more than half completed.

May 3, 2021

The sea has covered towns behind the flooded interior.

It is quite close to Shanhai City, where Li Hao is located.

At most, in a day or two, you can reach Shanhai City.

Under such circumstances, Shanhai City C also became extremely chaotic.

The sanctuary that owned the sea ark was coveted by others, became the target of everyone, and was collectively besieged by everyone.

Throughout the day, the gunfire echoed through the city, barely stopping.

Of course, in addition to those who tried to snatch the sea ark, there were also many people running towards the plateau where the official location was located.

Most of these people have some confidence in their professional skills and consider themselves elites.

Therefore, he planned to go to the official and enter the official sea ark.

While everyone in the outside world was running for their own lives, Li Hao was not idle and began to fix the facilities and equipment in the shelter.

Prevent damage that may be caused by vibrations in the shelter when it is impacted by seawater.


Sea levels continue to approach cities in the hinterland.

More and more people are fleeing to Shanhai City.

With the frenzied influx of a large number of refugees, Shanhai City became even more chaotic.

In addition to those who fought the battle around the Ark at Sea, there were many madmen who had fallen into a state of despair and collapse to "make trouble" everywhere, wanting to drag others to die with them

The situation in Shanhai City was almost chaotic.

Gunships, handmade cannons, homemade howitzers, many "heavy weapons" roared through the city, killing in bursts.

In the flying gunsmoke and war, Shanhai City, a city that has been "baptized" by various disasters, looks more and more dilapidated.

Most of the city is in ruins.

However, the chaos and fighting in Shanhai City did not affect Li Hao.

After all, since the official release of the news of the arrival of the marine natural disaster, he has been hiding in an underground shelter extremely "low-key".

Who will notice him?

No one could have imagined that Li Hao would be able to quietly complete the construction of an alternative "sea ark" underground with only the resources of his own shelter, and have the capital to easily survive marine natural disasters.

Occasionally, a few madmen who wanted to pull others to die together were also ordered by Li Hao to "cook" all the clone warriors and send them back to the west in advance.

If there is no big movement, it will naturally not attract the "attention" of others.

As such, the area around the Li Hao shelter is now almost "forgotten" by everyone.

Almost no one came.

The outside world is hot, but Li Hao is "leisurely" hiding in the shelter and watching the changes in the storm.

In the evening.

After four days, the [Fresh Water Collection] task progress bar is finally full.

"It's finally done."

As soon as the task was completed, Li Hao opened the system inventory.

Sure enough.

The reward for the [Fresh Water Collection] mission has arrived.

A thick stack of technical information appears in the system inventory.

Shown above is the advanced freshwater manufacturing technology.

According to the introduction displayed by the system, as long as the technical principle of this technical information is followed, a fully automatic fresh water manufacturing machine is built.

Seeing this, Li Hao immediately got up from the sofa and strode towards the industrial workshop.

Come to the super 3D printer bed.

Remove this technical information from the inventory and enter it into the drawing library of the printer bed.

... Ask for flowers.........

Seeing new manufacturing options appear on the printer bed's display, Li Hao clicked directly on Manufacturing.

Super 3D printer bed starts.

Under the "printing" of robotic arms equipped with various high-end technological tools, the extremely precise parts are quickly formed and assembled together.

About ten minutes later.

A long cylindrical machine that was five or six meters long came off the tracks of the machine.

Li Hao opened the device's properties panel.

【Automatic fresh water making machine】

[Output]: ten tons———— fifteen tons/day

【Introduction】: This automatic fresh water manufacturing machine has the functions of peeling filtration, decomposition and purification, fresh water synthesis, etc., no matter how seriously polluted the polluted water enters this machine, it can be "purified" to synthesize the purest fresh water. (Note: The more polluted the water, the longer it takes to purify)

"At least ten tons of fresh water a day?! The yield is not bad. ”

Li Hao also had a satisfied smile on his face.

At present, the total amount of domestic water and industrial water in the shelter is about 25 tons, of which industrial water accounts for the vast majority.

Even at a minimum of ten tons of fresh water per day, only two more needs to be built to fully meet the daily operation needs of the shelter.

"With the automated freshwater manufacturing machine, the problem of fresh water needed for life in the marine era in the future will also be completely solved."

Two more automated freshwater making machines were manufactured.

Li Hao found an empty room in the shelter to use as a water purification room, and put all three devices in it.

Subsequently, a basin of pure fresh water was obtained, deliberately "contaminated" with a lot of salt and mud, and poured into the three devices.

Start the device.

Backbite! Backbite!

The indicator lights on the devices lit up one after another, and the turbid salt water instantly disappeared into the water inlets of the three devices.

A few seconds later.

Extremely clear water flows from the spouts of the three devices.

After tasting it, Li Hao found that it was indeed pure water.

There is not a hint of salt and earthiness.

"Sure enough, the filtration efficiency is very high and thorough!"

"However, the current era of oceans has not really arrived, so continue to use groundwater."

Confirming that the automated freshwater making machine was working properly, Li Hao walked out of the water purification room with a smile on his face.

The problem of fresh water in the future of submarine-type mobile marine shelters has been solved.

His heart was more calm and peaceful about the arrival of the Ocean Age.

Playing games leisurely, the day passed like this.

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