Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 93 A Super Tsunami With A Height Of Thousands Of Meters! ! 【Please Subscribe, Ask For Full O

May 9, 2021

The outside sea is still "regressing".

So far, the sea has been poured out for hundreds of miles.

Many submerged towns and villages have resurfaced from the sea.

Seeing this, the news that the marine natural disaster has subsided is more and more believed.

The nerves that were originally tense to the extreme in people's hearts have also become more and more relaxed.

People even began to travel to towns that had receded to search for available supplies.

Only a few remain skeptical.

No matter what others think, inside the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter, Li Hao still maintains his original vigilance, allowing Jarvis to observe and analyze the movement of the sea every day.

May 10, 2021

2:53:46 a.m.

"Bell! Bell! Bell!"

The electronic alarm clock on the side suddenly sounded without warning.

"Something happened?!"

Li Hao opened his eyes in vain, and this thought flashed through his mind.

These days, he lets Jarvis control a stealth hovering drone to observe the movement of the sea day and night, and immediately notify him if there is a big change or a large marine disaster in 15 years.

The electronic alarm clock that suddenly sounded in the early hours of the morning was obviously Jarvis's notification reminder.

Turn off the alarm.

Li Hao got up and brought the tablet on the table next to him.

"Angkor, what's wrong?"

The moment Li Hao got up, a cold wind blew into the bed, and Zhao Xueshi was also frozen and trembled, opened her eyes in confusion, and looked at Li Hao who got up to take the tablet on the side.

"Something may have happened!"

Returning to the bed with the tablet, Li Hao replied with a solemn look on his face.

Opening the tablet in his hand, Li Hao directly authorized Jarvis to take over the tablet.

Next second.

The player automatically opens and starts playing the image currently captured by the stealth hovering drone.

I saw that in the picture, under the dim night, a "blue high wall" that seemed to be connected to the sky swept from far away.

"What the hell is this?"

Li Hao's solemn face showed a hint of doubt.

As if aware of Li Hao's doubts, the camera of the stealth hovering drone began to automatically zoom.

The camera zooms in.

The moment he saw what this "blue high wall" seemed to be, Li Hao also gasped in his heart.

"Tsunami?! How could there be such a terrifying tsunami?!"

Li Hao was shocked with a hint of disbelief.

He never thought that this thing would be a tsunami!

You know, humans have observed that the tallest in the tsunami is only more than 80 meters and more than 40 stories high.

And this one in front of him, just by looking at it, he feels that it is at least thousands of meters.

That's as tall as a 500-story building.

The difference in height alone is more than ten times, and the power is even more different.

Compared with the tsunamis that could only flood the coastal area on the blue star, the current super tsunami may be able to directly flood the entire continent.

In the face of this kind of super natural disaster covering a continent, human beings are undoubtedly extremely small.

"Brother Hao, will we die?"

Zhao Xueshi, who drilled her head into Li Hao's arms on the side, looked at the terrifying picture on the tablet computer that was countless times more shocking than a science fiction movie, and her voice couldn't help but tremble.

"It won't! Although the power and coverage of this super tsunami is large, the power is not concentrated, and our submarine-type mobile marine shelter shell should be enough to withstand this impact. ”

Although he was shocked in his heart, Li Hao's face was not flustered.

Although the power of this super tsunami in front of you is extremely terrifying, its coverage is too large, it can cover an entire continent, and the power is actually relatively scattered.

You only need to withstand a very small part of the impact force relative to the entire super tsunami, and you will be safe.

He is still quite confident about this.

After all, the shell armor of a submarine-type mobile ocean shelter is composed of more than a hundred tons of energy-absorbing alloys.

With its energy-absorbing characteristics and its own strong defense, I am afraid that a nuclear warhead exploded above the shelter, and it also wanted to directly break through the shell armor of the shelter.

Of course, for ordinary people, facing this super tsunami is certain death.

Even those who have a shelter for the Ark at Sea are a little choking.

If the tonnage is too light, bad luck, the sea ark will be directly "knocked over" by the huge impact of the tsunami, and the people inside will also die on the spot.

"Let's go to the safety shelter first to prevent injury due to the vibration caused by the violent impact."

Saying that, Li Hao held the tablet in one hand and Zhao Xueshi in the other hand and quickly walked out of the bedroom.

Wake up Zhao Xuehua and Zhao Xueqi's two daughters.

Li Hao and his three daughters ran directly to the safety shock house inside the shelter.

This safe shock house was the same room he used a long time ago to avoid the violent earthquake that the giant meteorite had just fallen.

The interior is made of flexible resin material, which can effectively reduce external vibration and prevent severe vibration from causing harm to the human body.

After avoiding the earthquake caused by the fall of the giant meteorite, he did not tear it down, thinking that it might one day be able to be used.

This does not!

Today, it's really used.


Entering the safety shock house, Li Hao closes the door and locks it.

Then, sitting on the resin mat, turn your gaze to the tablet in your hand again.

The period of time he had just taken Zhao Xueqi and the others to hide in the safety shock house was definitely not more than two minutes.

I saw that on the screen, the super tsunami that originally seemed quite distant had approached rapidly.

He could clearly see the "roaring" waves on the "blue high wall", and the "rushing" 990 sea water was "galloping" towards Shanhai City with the momentum of destruction and decay.

Along the way, one abandoned town building after another was directly washed away and disappeared into the endless deep water.

As if nothing could stop it.

Seeing this scene of destruction ten thousand times more terrifying than the most terrifying disaster movie, Zhao Xueqi and Zhao Xuehua couldn't help but tremble their bodies, pulling Li Hao's arm to find a sense of security.

This is the instinctive reaction of human beings in the face of super natural disasters.

"It's okay! It is impossible for this super tsunami to break through the shelter's defenses. ”

Sensing the fear in the three women's hearts, Li Hao said with relief.

You know, the submarine-type marine shelter is located underground on the outskirts of the eastern district of Shanhai City, with a thick layer of soil and building cushions overhead.

Coupled with the strong defenses of the shelter itself, it is not much of a problem to survive this super tsunami.

It seems that feeling the confidence in Li Hao's words, the fear in the three women's hearts has also calmed down a lot.

To calm the emotions of the three women, Li Hao turned on the split screen of the tablet, put the picture transmitted by the invisible hovering drone on the left split screen, and then opened the Doomsday Forum on the right split screen.

The vibration of this super tsunami is absolutely super.

Now the Doomsday Forum is probably also exploding.

The vast majority of people should not understand the situation at all.

I thought an earthquake was coming.

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