Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 94 The World Has Entered The Ocean Era, The System Is Updated 【Please Subscribe, Please Orde

Sure enough!

Log in to the Doomsday Forum, Li Hao found it very "lively".

Many people were awakened from their sleep by this violent vibration and posted on the Internet to inquire about the discussion.

"Wow! What happened, why is there suddenly a tremor everywhere, it won't be a big earthquake, right?!"

"It can't be! Doesn't it feel like that?! Labor and management now run into the street, and there is no crack in the ground. ”

"It won't be the sea water at low tide these days, what's the problem?"

"Stop being alarmist! The marine disaster is over, what is so strange about low tide. ”

Not to mention that many people really guessed the truth by accident.

Marine natural disasters have never ended, and the marine era has never stopped "footsteps"

The low tide is only a prelude to today's superocean disaster.

"If it goes on like this, these people may not know that disaster is coming until they die..."

Looking at these people who still did not know that the crisis was coming, Li Hao directly recreated a trumpet, took a screenshot of the split screen on the left for more than ten seconds and posted it to the Doomsday Forum, marked as "the source of the shock———— super tsunami has come".

And let Jarvis obtain the highest authority of the Doomsday Forum, forcibly top and mark this screen in red.

"Done! The next thing is life or death, depending on these people's own creation. ”

Looking at the top-up picture on the Doomsday Forum, Li Hao's eyes were deep.

Let him risk his own safety to save others, he can't do it.

But if just raising his hand and not harming his own interests, he can give others a higher chance of survival, and he still doesn't mind doing it.

After all, everyone is human.

Now there are many people in the Doomsday Forum who discuss this inexplicable earthquake.

Soon, Li Hao's forced top and red-marked post attracted the attention of most people.

Click to climb the number.

However, no one replied.

At the same time, the time of the entire Doomsday Forum seemed to have completely stopped.

The previous lively discussion post instantly became extremely cold, and no one posted again.

Obviously, after seeing the video footage given by Li Hao, everyone fled for their lives.

Who is in the mood to post!

Seeing this, Li Hao also closed the doomsday forum, which had become "dead silent" again, and refocused his attention on the super tsunami shown in the left-screen split-screen screen.

As Li Hao posted just now, the super tsunami has crossed a distance of tens of kilometers, destroying more than a dozen towns along the way, and pointing directly at Shanhai City.

"The super tsunami just passed by and destroyed Ansan County, so it should be less than twenty kilometers from Shanhai City."

"With the speed of this super tsunami, it takes less than a minute to arrive."

Looking at the super tsunami that swept through everything in the video screen, Li Hao thought silently in his heart.

Within a minute, Shanhai City will be destroyed by the super tsunami that hits.

At that time, the submarine-type mobile marine shelter will have to withstand the impact and water pressure of the super tsunami.

Quietly gaze at the spectacular super tsunami in the video.

That's less than a minute.

About 30 seconds later, the camera of the stealth levitating drone tracking the super tsunami also faintly appeared in the picture of Shanhai City.

Shanhai City is already in sight.

Ten seconds later.

Rumble! Rumble!

The roaring billions of tons of seawater rushed into Shanhai City mercilessly.

Along the way, high-rise buildings are like building blocks for children to play, all broken and shattered.

Even Li Hao was in the video picture transmitted by the stealth suspension drone camera, and saw that many people's figures were submerged and involved in this infinite sea water, and finally disappeared without a trace, silently disappearing under the icy seawater.

The whole disaster picture cannot show even the most terrifying disaster movies by one ten-thousandth, and the cruelty is cold to the extreme.

In the next second, hundreds of millions of tons of seawater roared into the eastern suburbs of Shanhai City.


A monstrous wave stretching for tens of kilometers was photographed.

Even with the energy-absorbing alloy shell armor and the double absorption barrier of the safety shock chamber, Li Hao can feel a very strong vibration sensation very clearly.

You can imagine how terrifying the power of this big wave is.

Looking at the picture transmitted by the stealth suspension drone camera, under the impact of this big wave, the entire suburb of the eastern district of Shanhai City was completely destroyed.

Followed by the suburbs of the southern district, the suburbs of the western district, the urban area of Shanhai City, and the suburbs of the northern district............

In less than a minute, the entire Shanhai City was "demolished" clean, all areas were submerged by the sea, and the roaring sea water still did not stop, the momentum did not abate, and continued to rush deeper inland.

However, although the super tsunami left, its subsequent effects did not dissipate.

Shanhai City is still ravaged by the rushing and violent currents.

The violent currents generated by this super tsunami lasted for several days in Shanhai City.

Li Hao and others also hid in the safety shock room for three days, eating self-heating rice and self-heating hot pot on the main day.

Three days later, the submarine-type mobile marine shelter finally stopped vibrating.

"Finally can come out!"

After determining that the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter could fully withstand absorbing the impact of the violent ocean currents outside, Li Hao couldn't wait to take the three women out of the safety suspension house.

After eating self-heating fast food for three days, he almost vomited on the taste.

As soon as it came out, Li Hao asked Zhao Xue to cook, cook a big meal, and celebrate a super natural disaster.

After a full meal.

Li Hao lazily lay on the sofa, looking at the image of the stealth hovering drone on the tablet in his hand.

Perhaps because the current submarine-type mobile marine shelter is under the sea, the signal is interfered by the current, and the picture is somewhat intermittent.

But you can still clearly see the endless sea water rushing and churning in the original location of Shanhai City, forming a wave vortex.

It's very violent.

Of course, the current is much smoother now than before.

This is evidenced by the fact that submarine-type mobile ocean shelters no longer feel vibrating.

".” With the arrival of the Ocean Age, my submarine-type mobile ocean shelter can also be moved. ”

"But it seems that this violent current is estimated to continue for a while before it completely disappears."

"Let's stay here during this time."

With this huge turbulent current, if the shelter wants to move, I am afraid that it will also be disturbed.

To be on the safe side, Li Hao didn't mean to move the shelter right away.

Making a decision, Li Hao threw the tablet in his hand aside.

"That's right! I haven't seen the settlement of survival events in the past few days!"

"Survive this super tsunami, you should get a lot of points from settlement!"

In anticipation, Li Hao opened the system log.

[Doomsday Survival (long-term mission), today's mission reward settlement completed.] (Li Qian's)

【Survival performance】Serery:

Get a reminder notification from Jarvis and you find a sweeping megatsunami with +2000 points

In the face of the menacing super tsunami, although you are confident in the defense of the shelter, you take your woman to hide in the safe shelter house to be on the safe side

+3000 points

You spread the news of the Super Tsunami to the Doomsday Forum to remind others that +1000 points

You survived the Super Tsunami and entered the Ocean Age with +25,000 points

You eat three meals a day, steadily consume energy, and maintain a balanced body nutrition. +20 points

You go into a deep sleep, refreshed, and the physical energy consumed yesterday is fully restored. +30 points

[Congratulations to the host for earning 32,400 points.] 】

"Ding! Congratulations on surviving the super tsunami of the ocean inverted continent and becoming a survivor of the Ocean Age, the doomsday black technology system began to update automatically, the update time is expected to be: five days, during the update period all functions of the system can be used normally....",

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