Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand three hundred and ten, Su Yu’s request——100 billion

Chapter 1249 Su Yu’s request——100 billion

As soon as they finished speaking, before Luman had time to contact them, the 3D projection of Legion Commander Darando Manle had already appeared in front of them.

Darlando has also been keeping an eye on the bounty points.

Seeing the trend of points, he knew that the Guards team could not win the championship, so he rushed over.

As soon as he arrived, he asked: "What's the situation of Su Yu's team 'Fege Rising Stars'?"

"That's it..." Luman did not hesitate and gave a brief report to the commander of the Dalando Army.

Finally, he concluded: "From the current point of view, our team will definitely not be able to defeat Su Yu's team. We are considering whether to interfere with them."

"Well... without a large number of non-staff personnel, how did Su Yu's team achieve such a lead?" Darlando Manle touched the tentacles on his chin and fell into deep thought.

"..." Luman and his assistant Bella looked at each other. They couldn't answer, and this was what they wanted to know.

After thinking for a while, Darando glanced at them and said, "Forget it, you guys just wait, I'll go to Su Yu's place to check on the situation and I'll be back later."

After saying that, his projection disappeared and left the office.

Luman and Bella could only continue to wait.

About half an hour later, Darlando returned to the office again.

Seeing the projection of the legion commander appear again, Luman immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

He quickly asked: "Legion Commander, what did you find?"

Darlando's projection quickly solidified in the office.

He didn't say it directly, but smiled: "I went to observe Su Yu just now, and I met many old acquaintances in sector 170. Lemo and Sauron are all there."

Hearing this, Luman and Bella's pupils quickly dilated.

Bella even lost her voice and said, "Ah! Are Mr. Lemo and Mr. Sauron also there? I didn't expect that this Su Yu would attract the attention of so many big guys!"

The "Lemo" in Darando's mouth refers to Acting Speaker Lawrence Lemo, and "Solon" refers to Andrew Solon, the president of the Feige Central Bank. This time, the Central Bank also sent a team to participate in the reward.

These two are truly stellar figures!

Unexpectedly, Su Yu could attract the attention of so many star-level bosses. For ordinary practitioners, it can be said to be the pinnacle of life!

Luman was also extremely shocked that three big bosses actually went to spy on Su Yu.

However, peeping was disgraceful after all, so he coughed twice and said, "Ahem, have you come to a conclusion, then, Army Commander?"

"A little bit." Darlando Manle nodded and said, "According to my observations, Su Yu seems to have amazing prophecy ability."


"That's right. After he chants a few spells, he can quickly determine the crime location and go to the crime location to arrest the criminal. The whole process is like a hymn secretly assisting him.

My evaluation is that he has strong prediction ability and relied on his own ability to get the first place. "

"That's it." Luman and Bella suddenly realized.

It turns out that Su Yu used "prophecy" to catch criminals.

And this ability to predict is really extraordinary!

The three to four thousand non-staff personnel of the guard army were actually not as useful as one of Su Yu's prophecies.

"Master Greed, Master Manle." At this time, Bella said: "Su Yu's prophecy is so powerful. Do we have a similarly powerful prophecy controller in Feige Hub? If so, we can hire non-staff personnel. In the team, wouldn’t it be easy to get first place?”

"..." Luman was stunned for a moment and said nothing.

Darlando was also slightly startled, and then said with a smile: "With the prophecy ability that Su Yu has shown now, of course there are people in our Fege hub who are better than him, but we can't afford to hire him!"

"Can't afford to hire someone?" Bella wondered, who is this? Their guard army can't afford to hire them?

"Ashley, do you know? Oh, her name has been changed to 'Mystery' now, and her prophecy ability is slightly stronger than Su Yu's."

"Ah...Your Excellency Ashley?!" Bella was shocked when she heard the legion commander's words! She couldn't believe her ears.

Ashley is one of the 8 stars in the Hub and is good at divination, calculations, and prophecies.

The loss of Psalm hit Ashley hard.

In the past two months, other star levels have been busy building forces. After all, times have changed, and Stellar also needs network power to consolidate its position.

But Ashley didn't. She was still alone, staying at home every day, and renamed herself "Mystery". Occasionally when I go out, I just recite some incantations that people can't understand.

But even so, there is no doubt that she is one of the most powerful prophecy users in the hub.

Su Yu's prophecy ability can actually reach Ashley's level? How can this be?

So when Bella heard the legion commander's words, she was so shocked that her ears almost fell off!

Darlando touched his chin and said: "To a certain extent, Su Yu's prophecy ability is indeed comparable to Ashley. Ordinary planet-level prophecy ability users simply cannot reach such a level. This is why he can obtain the third level of prophecy ability." One reason.”

"Then, Lord Legion Commander, should we interfere with him?" Luman's expression turned serious. This Su Yu doesn't seem to be an easy character to deal with!

"Hmm..." Darando Manle thought seriously.

In the end, he replied noncommittally: "Gred, you can communicate with him more and make a detailed judgment on the specific situation."

"..." Luman was stunned.

Is it possible to interfere or not? Why is the Legion Commander's wording so vague?

He wanted to continue asking.

But Darando added: "We, the Guards, want to win over Su Yu, and the strength he has shown is worthy of our win. In my opinion, it is not a bad idea to let him serve as the deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security. You can see for yourself the specific situation." Let’s do it!”

After speaking, without waiting for Luman to ask questions, Darlando's projection disappeared into the office, leaving only Luman and Bella looking at each other.

"Uh, what the legion commander means..." After Darando left, Bella tried to understand: "We don't need to interfere with Su Yu and let Su Yu get the first place?"

Luman nodded slightly: "That's what I mean."

But he added: "But if we don't interfere, it may not be able to win over Su Yu, right? Forget it, I'll contact him first and make a decision based on the results of the contact."

After saying that, he took out his bracelet and dialed Su Yu's contact information.

At the same time, Su Yu received a call request from Lu Man.

Seeing Luman's name on the bracelet, Su Yu showed a faint smile.

Su Yu previously knew that Darlando was peeping from the side.

With the AI ​​Blue Whale around, even stellar-level snoops can't hide. It's just that these stellar-level people don't know that Su Yu already knows the information they are snooping on.

In Su Yu's eyes, the call that his subordinate Luman sent as soon as Dalando left was just a guess, and Su Yu could roughly guess the content of their exchange.

So after Su Yu connected the phone to Luman, he got straight to the point and said: "100 billion."

"???What did you say? What 1,000?" Luman looked confused.

"I mean, the number one spot is 100 billion. If you pay me 100 billion holy silver coins, I will give you the first place. How about that?" Su Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Su Yu himself was very thoughtful.

If the Feige Guards were willing to spend 100 billion, he would not mind giving up the first place position.

Although the 48th-level position of "Deputy Minister of Public Security" is very powerful, and he had also imagined entering the Feige government to be close to the center of power, this 48th-level official position saved him a lot of effort.

But in front of 100 billion, the 48th-level official position still has to be held back a little bit. He is very short of money.

"Ah? 100 billion?" Luman was shocked.

He didn't expect Su Yu to be so direct, and the asking price was really not low!

You know, he himself has lived in the Holy Silver Federation for 60,000 to 70,000 years, and the total amount of resources he has on hand now is only 700 to 800 billion. Su Yu said 100 billion!

However... I have a word... The price of 100 billion is not particularly outrageous for the position of "Deputy Minister of Public Security". It is within a reasonable price range and is right at the upper limit of the reasonable price range.

Therefore, the stunned Luman fell into thinking.

Seeing that Luman didn't answer, Su Yu started to strike while the iron was hot: "Your Excellency Greed, this is a precious level 48 official position!

And I also looked at the situation between the guards team and the Lemo mercenary team. The results are very good, it can be said that they are almost the same.

If you are willing to pay this money, I can help your team while controlling points, so that you can get first place smoothly without any suspense! "

"..." Luman still didn't answer, still thinking.

Su Yu took out his trump card: "If you don't agree, then I will go find the Lemo Mercenary Group.

I'm too lazy to contact them, and I have a good impression of the supervisor, so I want to make this deal with you first. Don’t miss this opportunity, it won’t come back again! "

"..." After hesitating for a while, Luman said: "This matter is beyond the scope of my decision... Well, just wait a moment, I will contact the legion commander, or let the legion commander make the decision."

"Okay, then hurry up."

After ending the call with Luman, Su Yu in the aircraft breathed a sigh of relief.

He casually ordered: "Blue Whale, analyze the probability that the Feige Guards will agree to this deal."

AI Blue Whale's calculation speed for this kind of problem is often within milliseconds.

As soon as Su Yu finished speaking, it replied: "About 24%. If you can lower the asking price to 80 billion, then the possibility of them agreeing will increase to 1%."

"85%?" Su Yu nodded: "This probability is enough. If they don't agree, then consider bargaining."

Cat Chenxing also said happily: "Okay! I have another extra income! One hundred billion! Before I came here, I was still worried about how to make money."

"Haha." Su Yu reached out and rubbed Chenxing's little head and said with a smile: "The boat will naturally straighten up when it reaches the bridge. I never thought I could make so much money before."

He looked out the window: "Now, we just have to wait for a call back."


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