Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand three hundred and eleven, fifty-one billion (a 20,000-word chapter)

Latest website address: About 10 minutes later, Luman called again.

After the call was connected, Luman burst into laughter from the other side: "Haha! Your Excellency Su Yu, good news! The legion commander has agreed to this transaction!

If you have time, we can sign the contract now and you can get the money when the reward is over. "

"That's great!" Su Yu smiled with satisfaction.

Got 100 billion holy silver coins!

"And there is another good news..." Luman continued: "The official position offering the reward for the second place is the star district director of the Ministry of Public Security. He is responsible for managing 50 star districts in total and is a 42nd-level position.

The commander of the legion means that if you can restore your planet-level strength, then after your strength is restored, the guard legion will recommend you as the deputy minister of public security and become one of the three deputy ministers of the Ministry of Public Security. "

Su Yu was stunned: "Is there such a good thing?"

And he immediately realized that the Feige Guards were trying to win over him!

"Of course." Luman talked eloquently: "According to the "Personnel Planning Guidelines for the Formation of the Feige Government" issued by the parliament, ministerial-level positions must be held by planetary-level fourth-level or above, and deputy ministerial-level positions must be filled by planetary-level or outstanding business capabilities. An eighth-level cultivator is in charge.

If your strength returns to planetary level, coupled with your demonstrated business capabilities, it will be easy to hold the position of deputy minister!

And after some time, I will also join the Ministry of Public Security as the ‘Acting Minister’, and we will be colleagues by then. "

"Oh, that's a good relationship!" Su Yu said in a respectful tone: "Then I'll have to rely on the minister for guidance in the future!"

"Haha, easy to say, easy to say..."

"Under your leadership, the security management of Feige Junction will definitely open a new chapter!"

After a while of slightly cheesy greetings, Su Yu ended the call with Luman.

Seeing Su Yu hang up the phone, the cat Chenxing, who was lying on the table studying the bracelet, raised his head to look at him and said, "Nemesis, you have changed."

"Have I changed? Where have I changed?"

"You've become so good at flattering others! What you just said sounded so disgusting."

"Hey, that's just to build a good relationship with the guards. We didn't come to Feige Junction to make enemies. The fewer enemies, the better."

Su Yu shook his head, walked to the table and picked up the bracelet in front of Chenxing.

At the same time, he changed the subject: "Gred's words also gave me an inspiration - when he communicated with the commander of the Guard Army, he should have been in Sector 1 or 2, right?"

"Huh? What do you want to do?" Cat Chenxing didn't quite understand.

Su Yu snapped his fingers: "Since those stellar bosses are in Star Sectors 1 and 2, should we go to Star Sectors 1 and 2 to activate the 'Psalm Tower' first?"

"What a great idea!" Upon hearing this, Cat Chenxing's eyes lit up.

She stood up from the table and said excitedly: "This is a good idea! If we activate the 'Hymn Tower' over there, then won't we be able to control all the communications between these star levels and the top planet levels? Already?"

"Yes, Blue Whale, is it difficult?" Su Yu turned to the AI ​​Blue Whale and asked.

"It's not difficult, Administrator Su Yu." AI Blue Whale replied: "If all the 'Song Towers' in those sectors are activated, I will definitely be able to monitor all communication behaviors, including stellar levels."

But after saying that, Blue Whale suddenly changed the topic: "But there are certain risks in doing this, I must warn you in advance."

"What's the risk? You tell me."

"The first risk is that I can only monitor their verbal communication and cannot detect mental communication. If there are people above the planet level who use mental power to communicate with each other, then I will not be able to know the specific content of their communication."

"Well...that's a question." Su Yu touched his chin and nodded.

Communication at planetary level and above, especially face-to-face communication, almost all uses mental power. Because mental communication is extremely fast, several or even dozens of messages can be transmitted between lightning and flint, which is much faster than verbal communication.

Unless you are talking to someone over a long distance or meeting someone via projection, you will only use language to communicate.

AI Blue Whale cannot monitor the mental communication of these big guys, so its role will be much smaller.

"Is there anything else?" Su Yu asked.

"There is another risk point." AI Blue Whale continued: "You must be extremely careful when entering star sectors 1 and 2 and activating the 'Song Tower'.

If your actions are remotely scanned by planetary and stellar systems, they may see through what you are doing, or think that you are tampering with external devices on the hub's public network, and the consequences will be very troublesome! "

Speaking of which, we have to mention the public network of Feige Hub.

After the chant disappeared, all network connections in the hub were interrupted.

Everyone cannot use the Internet to communicate with each other, which has a huge impact on everyone, and also causes a fatal blow to the major industries in the hub.

In order to solve the network problem, Andrew Soren, the president of Feige Central Bank and a stellar existence, made a suggestion, which is to build another network and build a new network that can cover all star regions.

Fortunately, the equipment for building a network is not difficult to produce.

After more than a month of unremitting efforts, Feige Hub has truly built a global coverage network that can connect all star regions, all towns, and all residents.

The network was named - Feige Public Network.

The network can be accessed using the original Saint Singer Ring or the bracelet issued by the Feige Guards.

The emergence of public networks has solved some of the Internet access problems of hub residents.

Although the public network has just been successfully built, the service capabilities are not as good as the Anthem network, or even far worse.

But at least there is such a network that allows everyone to view information, watch daily parliamentary videos, and also allows everyone to have a platform to discuss issues. It is always a good thing.

Everyone is uploading content to the public network, which makes the network content increasingly rich.

As for how the public network is built, it is inseparable from the "Hymn Tower" in the center of all towns.

In order to build a public network, the relevant responsible departments have installed an external device on all "Anthem Towers".

This device can send signals by borrowing the signal transmission device of the "Hymn Tower".

With this external device, the public network can use the "Hymn Tower" to spread the signal far away and cover the entire town, so that the public network can cover all residents.

If the external device is destroyed, residents of the entire town will experience a major network outage!

This is exactly what AI Blue Whale is worried about.

If Su Yu gets close to the "Hymn Tower", he may be considered to have damaged external equipment, and their situation will be very dangerous.

The other star areas are fine. There are countless powerful people watching in Star Areas 1 and 2, so we need to be extremely cautious.

Su Yu also knew this very well.

However, considering the strategic significance of monitoring Star Sectors 1 and 2, he still made a decision: "After the bounty is over, we will go to Sector 1 and activate the 'Hymn Tower' as much as possible."

Blue Whale immediately reminded: "Then please be careful!"

"Don't worry, I will be measured." Su Yu smiled.

Time passed by in a hurry, and soon, 10 days passed, and the time came to June 24 in the Feige calendar.

As for the bounty activities that everyone is paying attention to, there is no suspense to highlight one in these 10 days.

Su Yu signed a contract with Feige Guards on the first day, and then began to control points, and without any surprise he got second place. A total of 31013 points were obtained.

With the help of Su Yu, the Feige Guards team successfully won first place. A total of 31,750 points.

As for the "Lemo Mercenaries" team, as early as the third day of the bounty, they realized that they could not win the championship and the first place reward was out of reach. So they withdrew from the competition that day, and their results plummeted, eventually falling to sixteenth place.

The third place bounty was won by the Central Bank's team "Guard Credit", with a total of 29,363 points.

There was no suspense about the points from the second day until the dust settled on the tenth day. At least there was no change in the top two positions.

The melon-eating public did not see the fierce competition they wanted to see, and everyone felt extremely unhappy.

But Su Yu's "Feige Rising Stars" team has received a lot of attention.

As the only team without the endorsement of a major force, being able to take second place in an environment surrounded by powerful enemies speaks volumes about their strength!

There were also many people who suspected that Su Yu was cheating.

After all, "Feige Rising Star" was able to get first place at the beginning, and the first settlement point was even 1,000 points higher than the second place! Why did the crotch suddenly stretch out from behind?

But suspicion is suspicion, and we have no evidence to prove it. Of course, it is not ruled out that Su Yu's team won second place due to lack of strength. After all, they really do not have a large number of non-staff members.

In any case, Su Yu's team attracted a lot of attention in the hub, and Su Yu and "Feige Rising Stars" also became an instant hit, becoming a well-known star team in the hub!

Within the "Feige Nova" adventure group, such as group leader Janet and Simon Herage, they also guessed that Su Yu was probably paddling.

After all, Su Yu was obviously fishing for fish a lot of the time, even getting people in the group to play online games without searching for cases.

But they also know that this matter cannot be revealed, and there are some things that should be asked and some things that should not be asked.

Maybe Su Yu just doesn't want to be too ostentatious and doesn't want to take first place?

So after the bounty ended, Janet just expressed her regret in a tactful way in the chat group: "Oh, what a pity. We are only 700 points away from getting first place!"

"There is really nothing we can do about it." Su Yu said shamelessly in the group: "My prophecy ability can only reach this level. I cannot defeat such a strong opponent by relying on my own strength alone."

Simon Herage: "But this is already great! We don't have a lot of non-staff like those big forces. To be honest, being able to get second place is enough to shock me!"

Su Yu: "The second place will be the second place, there will be a lot to gain."

Su Yu: "As for the 30 billion promised to everyone, I will transfer it to you when the reward is received."

Janet: "Haha, easy to say, easy to say... But having said that, I would like to thank you for taking us to participate in this bounty, otherwise we would not be able to get so many rewards with the strength of our adventure group!"

Simon Herage: "Yes, yes, Mr. Su Yu, please remember to contact us again if you have similar projects in the future! Our adventure group will definitely abide by your orders, and we will not fight against you!"

Su Yu: "Definitely next time!"

Su Yu: "Wait a minute. I have a call coming in. You continue chatting, I will withdraw first."

After chatting with the adventure group, Su Yu went to answer the call.

The call was from Brigadier Greed. As soon as the reward ended, he called immediately: "Hello, Mr. Su Yu, congratulations on winning second place!"

"Haha, congratulations on getting first place!"

"The reason why I am contacting you this time is to inform you that the 100 billion in the contract has been received. You can see it now by logging into the central bank software with your wristband."

"Has it already arrived? So soon?!"

Su Yu opened the bracelet at the speed of light to check.

Sure enough, 100 billion has arrived. There was an extra "1" at the front of his bank account balance.

At this time, his account balance has reached an astonishing "157.3 billion", which is completely different from when he first came to Feige Hub half a month ago!

Let me tell you, Su Yu made a lot of money during this period!

First, 24.6 billion was found on Glenway's robbery of the five-person group, and more than 30 billion was easily made from punishing the criminals during the reward process.

Including the 100 billion sent by the guards, his bank account balance is as high as 157.3 billion!

And that's not all the money he earned.

There is also a reward of 80 billion for the second place. (The total reward is 110 billion, of which 30 billion will be distributed to the Feige Nova Adventure Group.)

Adding everything up, he made more than 230 billion in the past half month! And this was his own pure profit, and the original plan to sell Darak's body had not even been touched yet.

Cat Chenxing was using his mental energy to laugh and said: "I make money so fast! Before I knew it, I already had one or two hundred billion!"

"Yes! ... But almost all the money we make depends on Blue Whale, and we may not have such an opportunity in the future."

"Well... Blue Whale is indeed very important, but we can't do it without you!" Chenxing shook his head and said: "In addition to Blue Whale, we also rely on you to come up with these ways to make money! If it weren't for your brains, even if we had Blue Whale Whales may not be able to make so much money.”

"Haha, that's true."

Su Yu was very satisfied with the balance of his account.

It costs a lot of money to resurrect Blue Star humans, especially to resurrect high-level humans, the money and resources required are astronomical.

Earning this large amount of money would be enough for him to resurrect many high-level humans, and he could also use the best materials for them when they were resurrected.

After calming down, Su Yu asked: "Your Excellency Greed, when will the reward I am offering for the second place be distributed?"

Luman touched his chin and replied: "Well... I'm afraid you have to wait a little longer.

Bounty rewards have to go through a process, and now the government departments are not complete, and many processes are not so easy to follow... If you want to get the reward, it can take as short as a few months, or as long as three to five years. "

"Three...three to five years?" The smile on Su Yu's face froze: "Did it take so long?"

"This is not a long time. For us who have a life span of ten thousand years, this time can be said to be a blink of an eye.

Moreover, there is a lot of tax on bonuses, at least 25%, so you don’t know how much you will have left. "

"Okay... okay." Su Yu's mouth twitched.

Fortunately, he gained 100 billion from the deal with the guards, otherwise if he had waited for the reward, the day lily would have been cold!

"Oh, and I have two final things to inform you." At this point, Luman's face became solemn and he said seriously: "The first thing, Su Yu, you need to complete an acceptance speech."

"Award-winning speech?" Su Yu was stunned.

"Yes, acceptance speech." Luman nodded: "In the past two months, the hub official has held many large-scale events.

Every time a team wins a place in a large-scale event, they have to give an acceptance speech, which is about thanking their teammates, thanking the audience, etc.

There are many videos of award-winning speeches posted on the public Internet. You can roughly understand it by looking at it and make one according to that type. "


Do you actually have to give an acceptance speech at Feige Hub? Suddenly Su Yu thought he was in Blue Star.

But this is not a big deal. Just let Blue Whale study it and draft one for him.

"Sir Greed, which sector should I go to to deliver my acceptance speech?" Su Yu asked.

"Which star sector are you going to?" Luman looked confused: "Why which star sector? Oh, you don't have to go anywhere, just stay in your own star sector. You only need to record a video of your acceptance speech and upload it directly to the reward system Just one page is enough, no other complicated operations are required.”

"Uh, so that's it." Su Yu understood.

He also thought that he was going to attend an award ceremony in a certain star region and deliver an acceptance speech at the ceremony.

I didn’t expect to just upload a video!

Luman reminded: "The official will hold a simple online award ceremony at 6 p.m. three days later, and your acceptance speech video will also be played at that time. So you should record the video as soon as possible, and at least upload it successfully before the award ceremony starts. Understand?"

"Understood." Su Yu nodded.

This is just a small matter, nothing for him to worry about.

At the same time, he asked: "Sir Greed, what is the other thing?"

"The last thing is about your position." Luman replied: "Although it will take a long time for the bounty to be distributed, the official position of the reward has taken effect. Now you are the Star District Supervisor of the Ministry of Public Security, a level 42 position. .

Now that you have become a supervisor, you must report to the Ministry of Public Security as soon as possible. It is best to come tomorrow. The latest office location of the Ministry of Public Security is in Shenyu City, Sector 3. "

"Reporting? I'm afraid that won't work." Su Yu looked embarrassed: "I can't report. To be honest, I want to take a long vacation."

"A long vacation?"

"Yes. I have to return to my home planet to regain my strength. It will probably take a few months or even a year or two."

"Oh, it turns out he is recovering his strength! It's understandable."

Luman also sincerely hopes that Su Yu can regain his strength as soon as possible. The eighth level is really not enough.

He nodded and said: "Then you can go back and try to recover as soon as possible!

That's all I have to say, do you have anything else to ask? If not, I'll hang up. "

"..." Su Yu originally wanted to say no.

But suddenly, he thought of a question.

So he asked: "Wait a minute, Mr. Greed, I have a little thing to ask - do you know any reliable merchants who sell high-end materials? I want to buy something, but there is no familiar merchant. I hope you can Recommend one to me...

Of course, it is best to be a merchant who is close to our guards, so that I can buy with confidence, and try not to let outsiders make away with the money. "

"Businessmen who sell high-end materials...coincidentally, I know quite a few of them!" Luman smiled.

Su Yu just received 100 billion. Is this because he can no longer resist the urge to spend money?

However, Su Yu's words "We are guarding the army" also made Luman feel happy!

This young man is very smart. It seems that their wooing was successful!

"Well... I'll recommend one to you. His name is Red Dodds..."

After ending the call, Su Yu turned on the camera and quickly recorded an acceptance speech.

This acceptance speech is very simple, simply thanking my teammates for their help and thanking the organizers for the rewards.

However, at the end of the video, he added an extra "little surprise", which should attract the attention of many people.

After recording his acceptance speech, Su Yu did not upload it immediately.

If it is uploaded now, the video may be seen by the review staff.

If seen, the "little surprise" he recorded wouldn't have the effect he wanted.

So he told AI Blue Whale: "Wait 10 minutes before the deadline before uploading the video."

"Understood, Administrator Su Yu." Blue Whale replied.

Cat Chenxing was shocked by the "little surprise" Su Yu recorded just now.

At this time, she asked with her eyes widened: "Are you really going to do this? Isn't it a bit too risky?"

"Don't worry, it'll be fine." Su Yu shook his head carelessly: "We will return to Blue Star immediately after finishing this vote, and try to come back to the planet level. There won't be any danger. We'd better contact Leiterdozi Bar."

Su Yu told AI Blue Whale to dial Leiter Dozi's contact information.

Two hours later, Su Yu's aircraft appeared over a space city in Sector 46.

This city is called Tyrant Lava City, and it is the base camp of Leiterdozi.

Leiterdozi is the representative figure of the Giant Rock Clan. Although he is not the leader of the clan, his popularity as a second-level planet-level clan leader has far surpassed that of the clan leader of the sixth-level planet-level clan.

The giant rock tribe is a kind of stone man. They are human-shaped on the surface, but their whole bodies are covered with thick rocks, with only their eyes exposed.

Most stone people are mainly white, but there are also similar races with other "skin colors", but most of them are simple colors such as gray and black.

And they fit in perfectly with everyone’s stereotypes.

The stone people of the Giant Rock Tribe often have dull expressions, clumsy movements, and slow reactions. They are powerful spokespersons for the term "silly and thick".

It can be said that if you find 100 stone men, 99 of them will be like this.

But among the many giant rock men, Red Dozi is an exception!

Reddozi's skin color is red and blue, and his skin color alone is different from that of most of his compatriots.

And unlike other stone people who are "stupid and rough", Leiterdozi is very eloquent and very good at socializing, even compared to many races that rely on communication for a living!

Not only that, he is very smart and good at business.

He was in charge of the finance and trade within the clan, and he made the poor and backward Giant Rock clan prosperous!

And with his strong ability to make money, even though his cultivation talent is not very high, he has accumulated enough resources to upgrade his strength to the second level of planetary level.

Of course, there is also an emphasis on hymns.

Although Leiterdozi's cultivation talent was poor, just because of his business ability, Psalm gave him a lot of resources and sent him to the top business school in the Holy Silver Federation for further study.

After the Psalms disappeared, the Council of Fegh was formed.

Leiterdozi immediately joined the Assembly, where he often spoke boldly in order to gain acquaintance.

The last time Su Yu watched the parliament meeting, he took the initiative to speak in the middle.

In addition to serving as a councilor, Leiterdozi also decisively led the Giant Rock tribe to join the Feige Guards.

At the beginning of the disappearance of the hymn, planet-level beings with a little bit of brains should have realized that they had to gather together quickly.

Without the protection of Psalm, and if you don't join a big force, your own risks will be extremely high.

The most powerful force in the hub at that time was definitely the Feige Guards, there was no doubt about that.

So Leiterdozi immediately brought the Giant Rock Tribe to join the guard force, and they have been sincerely loyal to this day.

Brigadier Grid knew Red Dodds well and often bought things from him.

Leiterdozi knew that Luman was the confidant of the legion commander. In order to curry favor with him, he would often sell things at cost, even at the cost of losing some money.

Therefore, Luman has a high opinion of him.

The reason why Luman introduced Leiterdozi to Su Yu was actually to kill two birds with one stone.

First of all, Leiterdozi knew that Su Yu was one of his own, so he would definitely not cheat him on the price.

Secondly, Su Yu has 100 billion in his hands! Letting Su Yu spend money at Leiter Dozi's place can be regarded as giving Lei Tedozi some benefits.

So with his help, Su Yu came to the Stone Man's territory.

As soon as they arrived at Tyrant Lava City, Leiterdozi was already waiting with his men in the sky above the city.

Seeing the aircraft that Su Yu was riding, Leiterdozi's eyes lit up and he immediately came over to greet him: "Haha! It's Your Excellency Su Yu, welcome!"

Of course Leiterdozi knew about Su Yu. In fact, Leiterdozi started paying attention to him as early as when Su Yu made two suggestions.

These two suggestions are no small matter!

The first suggestion was to start a bounty, which attracted the attention of the whole hub; the second suggestion even caused a half-hour discussion in the parliament, and the legion commander personally designed a compensation method.

Where do ordinary eighth-level cultivators get such treatment? !

And what happened next shocked him even more!

Su Yu personally led the team, and it can be said that he got the second place in the bounty alone, and he was even ahead at the beginning of the bounty. This was simply a miracle in the eyes of Leiterdozi!

What ability does Su Yu have to achieve such results? It’s unimaginable!

The vast majority of Feige residents knew Su Yu to some extent.

Without hesitation, Su Yu is now even more famous than him! It's really unconvincing.

And there is another very important point, that is, he, like many Feige residents, thought that Su Yu was paddling and deliberately took second place.

After all, it was just a fault-level lead at the beginning, so why did it suddenly collapse?

Su Yu probably paddled on purpose to take second place, but it's unclear why he paddled.

Now Su Yu suddenly contacted him and told him that the contact information was given by Brigadier Greed. Leiterdozi immediately wanted to understand the reason!

There is no doubt that Su Yu must have paddled deliberately to take second place!

He must have reached some kind of deal with the guards, exchanging the first place for some benefits.

Otherwise, Luman will definitely not give his contact information to Su Yu. Su Yu has his contact information. This is a sign of Luman's trust and shows that everyone is one of our own!

This also shows that Su Yu did reach some deals with the guards, and then Luman gave his contact information to Su Yu.

After figuring this out, Leiterdozi was particularly enthusiastic!

Although Su Yu was only an eighth-level cultivator, Leiter Dozi received him in full accordance with the etiquette of receiving people of the same level.

"Are you Mr. Leiterdozi? Nice to meet you." From a distance, Su Yu saluted him as a mage, and the cat Chenxing on his shoulder also waved his paw at Leiterdozi.

"I'm also very happy to meet you." Leiterdozi quickly returned the gift and said at the same time: "Please come with me. What do you want to buy this time? You said you wanted to buy high-end materials during the call just now. By coincidence, I am here We have collected a lot of high-end materials, and the categories are by no means inferior to other peers..."

Leiterdozi took Su Yu and flew towards a building in the center of the city.

This building has a red appearance and towers into the clouds, as if it is made entirely of rocks. This is in line with the architectural characteristics of the Stone Man.

At the same time, he began to talk about the high-end materials he collected, and almost every item he mentioned was a treasure.

But unlike Leiterdozi, the stone men behind him all had cold faces.

They didn't know why the boss showed such a good attitude towards Su Yu. What qualifications did a mere eighth-level cultivator have to make the boss so groveling?

Therefore, they all acted very unfriendly and treated Su Yu coldly.

Su Yu didn't mind the attitude of the stone man's brother and laughed it off. How could a person be as knowledgeable as a stone?

But Leiterdozi's smile was slightly bitter.

His group of younger brothers have hindered him countless times. If the younger brothers had half his IQ, he would have promoted the tribe long ago!

"I wonder what you plan to buy during this trip? Do you have a specific purchase plan, or are you just taking a look?" Leiterdozi asked enthusiastically.

Su Yu nodded slightly and said seriously: "I want to buy [Eternal Eye], the purity is above 7, the energy intensity is above 10,000 mils, and the total weight is about 1,000 tons.

You definitely don’t have that much here, so do you have any channels to get this kind of material in large quantities? "

"What? [Eternal Eye]?!" Leiterdozi stared at his stone eyes.

I didn't expect that Su Yu would find such precious material as soon as he opened his mouth! And so many! 1,000 tons!

The men behind him were immediately frightened, as motionless as if they had turned to stone.

What? 【Eternal Eye】? High quality [Eternal Eye]? Do you know how much this is worth?

The large-scale magic weapon that Su Yu planned to use to resurrect the Blue Star people was called the "Fountain of Eternity".

The "Eternal Fountain" occupies a very large area, covering more than 30,000 square meters. It is a large pool with a diameter of 200 meters.

The bottom of the pool is mainly made of the rare stone "Eye of Eternity".

There are many methods of making resurrection instruments and various resurrection secrets preserved in the hymn.

Among these magic weapons and secret techniques, there are pure technological methods for resurrection, such as using biological cultivation to recreate body organs, and pure magic methods to create virtual fitting bodies...

However, after browsing all the methods, Su Yu and AI Blue Whale agreed that "Eternal Fountain" must have the best effect.

"The Fountain of Eternity" is a large magic weapon that can resurrect creatures in large quantities.

First of all, it can build the highest quality body, and its body perfection is higher than that of the Holy Silver Human Race, and comparable to the Singer Human Race! (The singer human race is already the most perfect human form collected by Psalm so far. Of course, there are more powerful bodies beyond that, but they are no longer human race.)

Secondly, the energy of the "Eternal Fountain" is gentle, the probability of human resurrection is high, and the memory can be preserved as much as possible.

Finally, the "Fountain of Eternity" has strong customization capabilities and can restore the original appearance of the deceased to the greatest extent, instead of becoming grotesque after resurrection.

Based on all the above information, Su Yu chose "Eternal Fountain" as the magical weapon he wanted to create.

The core material of the "Fountain of Eternity" is the [Eye of Eternity], a pure white precious material that is countless times smoother than jade. This must be purchased first.

Hearing Su Yu's request for purchase, Leiterdozi's voice trembled slightly: "[Eternal Eye], the purity is above 7, the energy intensity is above 10,000 mils, and the total weight is 1,000 tons... Mr. Su Yu, you know How much does this cost in total?”

"Of course I know. Do you think I'm here to make you happy?" Su Yu couldn't help rolling his eyes:

"According to the current market price in Feig Hub, 1,000 tons of [Eternal Eye] of this quality is worth about 210 billion holy silver coins. I won't say anything else, but I'm just asking you if there is any channel to get such a large amount of goods."

"If it's 1,000 tons..." Leiterdozi didn't answer directly, but thought for a long time.

His younger brothers were still in a state of confusion, not even daring to take a breath.

After about three minutes, Leiterdozi raised his head again: "I can get so many goods...but, can you afford to pay?"

Leiterdozi still had a certain understanding of Su Yu. He knew that Su Yu only came to Feige Hub for the first time after the inter-galactic teleportation was re-opened.

But now it’s only half a month since teleportation started again! How could Su Yu get so much money in half a month?

You know, even if many planet-level powerhouses sell out all their belongings, they may not be able to come up with 200 billion!

Moreover, Su Yu couldn't borrow so much money even if he took out a loan. With his strength as an eighth-level cultivator, a loan of several hundred million holy silver coins would be enough.

Is Su Yu really bragging?

Su Yu still maintained an inscrutable expression.

He glanced at the younger brothers behind Leiterdozi and hesitated to speak.

Seeing Su Yu's gaze, Leiterdozi understood.

He immediately ordered all his brothers to go back.

After the younger brothers walked away, Su Yu smiled and said, "Look, should we find a relatively quiet place to chat further?"

"Of course! Come with me."

Leiterdozi didn't dare to neglect this big customer, so he quickly took Su Yufei into the headquarters.

Five minutes later, they arrived at a quiet room inside the headquarters.

This quiet room is only about forty or fifty square meters, not very big.

But unlike the rough and heroic style of the stone man, this quiet room is colorful, with colorful flowers placed everywhere, and even the entire quiet room is arranged at the base of the root system of a giant plant.

From this point of view, it is enough to see that Leiterdozi is an outlier among stone people.

"He can't be the reincarnation of a strong plant type, right?" Su Yu secretly guessed in his heart.

Entering the quiet room, two green birds flew over carrying two green drinks and placed them on the table in the center of the quiet room.

This green drink was bubbling and accompanied by thick heat. Su Yu didn't dare to drink it after just one glance.

Leiter Dodds liked the drink.

He drank the glass in front of him in one gulp and said with a smile: "Your Excellency Su Yu, can we start now?"

"Of course." Su Yu nodded slightly and then got to the point: "On the way here, I investigated your personal information."

"Oh? How many did you find?"

"More than you think."

Su Yu was using the AI ​​Blue Whale to investigate the information about Leiter Dozi. The character information of Leiter Dozi was very clear. He already had a good understanding of Leiter Dozi.

"Oh, what next?" Leiterdozi was a little surprised. Why is Su Yu talking about this?

Su Yu replied: "Based on your personal information, I think you are a good partner."

He came closer and continued: "I wonder if you would like to play a big game with me?"

"Playing big? You...what do you mean?"

Leiterdozi was stunned for a moment, and then he thought of a possibility: "Wait a minute? You don't want to invite me to rob, do you? I am a serious businessman, and I will definitely not do such a thing as robbery!"

Leiterdozi decided that Su Yu had no money. Since there is no money, what is the way to make money quickly? Of course it's a robbery!

In Feige Hub now, "robbery" can be said to be very popular. Among young people, robbery has even become a new trend!

That is to say, during the reward period, robberies in broad daylight will stop. At other times, robberies can be said to be everywhere!

Without the supervision of Anthem, the government's security team is also absent, which makes the entire hub completely a lawless place.

After Su Yu arrived at the hub, he easily caught three robberies on the first day and was even robbed once. This was not a special case.

And after the reward ended, robberies resumed immediately!

Now a large number of criminals have taken to the streets to commit revenge crimes, and the crime rate is even higher than before the reward was launched!

Because of this, Leiterdozi wondered if Su Yu wanted to invite him to rob, right?

The giant rock tribe is indeed suitable for robbery, and even Leiterdozi knows that many tribesmen are already doing this.

But Leiterdozi doesn't intend to do it. He has enough strength to do business and make money, so why should he take the risk?

Hearing Leiterdozi's words, Su Yu couldn't help but raise his forehead: "Well, it's not robbery, it has nothing to do with robbery. How can I, a criminal nemesis who has just participated in the reward, run to rob? If I really want to rob, I should do it. It’s the robbery criminals.”

Su Yu calmed down and continued: "What I want to do has nothing to do with robbery. Let's sign a confidentiality agreement first. After signing the confidentiality agreement, we can talk about the next content."

"Okay." Leiterdozi did not refuse.

The two simply drafted a confidentiality agreement and swore in the name of the hymn that what they said would never be leaked to the outside world.

Although the Psalm has disappeared and is useless, even if Red Dozi leaks the secret, he will not be punished by the Psalm.

But this confidentiality agreement is still binding on Leiterdozi. After all, he is a big businessman and attaches great importance to credibility.

If others knew that he had violated the confidentiality agreement, or even violated the confidentiality agreement sworn in the hymn, it would be an immeasurable loss to his business reputation.

After signing the confidentiality agreement, Su Yu immediately threw the agreement into the necklace space level.

Leiterdozi has a very unique vision. When he saw Su Yu's [Plantagenet Chain], his eyes immediately lit up!

This is great stuff!

If you read it correctly, the space necklace Su Yu wears alone is a rare treasure. It contains half a plane. It should be no problem to sell it for nearly 10 billion holy silver coins!

But at this moment, Su Yu threw over a space ring.

Jingle bell!

The crystal-like ring made a crisp collision sound with the table, as if the owner of the ring didn't care about the ring at all.

"Look at this." Su Yu showed a smile: "What is the value of this? Can it pay for the [Eternal Eye]?"

"Let me take a look." Leiterdozi immediately put his mental power into the space ring.

But it was okay not to look at it. When he looked at it, he was immediately startled, and a big one!

"Oh my god!" Leiterdozi's expression changed drastically, and his stone eyes were almost stiff.

He yelled in an extremely incredible voice: " is this possible?! Where did you get this thing?"

At the same time, he quickly put his mental power into the ring to check again.

After repeated confirmations, he was sure that what he saw in front of him was real and not an illusion.

The thing inside Su Yu's space ring is of course Darak's body.

Su Yu had previously recorded his acceptance speech, and the "little surprise" he added in his speech also meant that he wanted to auction the Darak's corpse publicly.

Presumably this "little surprise" will cause quite a shock in Feige Hub.

As for Leiterdozi, he is now so surprised that there is nothing more to add!

He never dreamed that he could see such a thing.

The corpse of a Dark Thunder Dragon!

And the wingspan is close to 230 meters. There is no doubt that this is the body of a planetary dragon of level 4 or above!

" this something that can be found in the Fege Hub?" Leiterdozi was a little dazed and was in a state of confusion for a while.

Feige Hub has nearly 100 billion legal residents, and there are nearly 1 billion stars within the hub's jurisdiction.

In such a large jurisdiction, there are only more than 400 planet-level existences above the fourth level. They are really the ones standing at the top of the pyramid.

Even if a being of this level is slightly injured, it can cause huge waves in the hub, let alone kill one!

Moreover, dragons and human races are different from smaller races. They are huge and full of treasures!

This corpse was so complete that it was hard for him to imagine how much such a corpse was worth. It’s no exaggeration to say it’s worth even the ball!

And why did Su Yu have such a thing in his hand?

Even a star-level power may not have a corpse of this level in his hands!

"Your Excellency Su do you have such a thing in your hand?" Leiterdozi's words began to become awkward.

He respectfully picked up the ring and handed it to Su Yu.

He wouldn't dare think of grabbing something like this and keeping it for himself.

joke! What kind of thing is this? Can he afford to swallow it privately?

Moreover, he also doubted whether Su Yu was the illegitimate son of a certain star, or simply a trumpet with a new skin.

Otherwise, the first move would almost scare people to death!

Su Yu still maintained a faint smile.

Facing the trembling Leiterdozi, he smiled and said: "I can give you a brief introduction to the origin of this thing..."

Then, Su Yu told the story of how his hometown was attacked by dark energy rebels, the planet was sacrificed with blood, and Darak was eventually killed.

Listening to Su Yu's narration, Leiterdozi's agitated mood gradually calmed down.

"..." But after listening to it, Leiterdozi had a lot of doubts in his heart.

There were many parts of the story Su Yu told him that he didn't understand.

There are no problems with the previous story, but this ending is very problematic, and the problem is huge!

So I wanted to ask a question, but hesitated.

Su Yu noticed his expression.

After finishing the story, Su Yu smiled and said, "What do you want to ask? Just ask now."

"Well, I really have a few questions to ask." Leiterdozi clarified his thoughts and asked slowly, carefully considering the words: "This Dark Star Dragon was split in half by a single blow, right?"

"That's right."

"There is only one person in the Fege Hub who has such strength, and that is Acting Speaker Lawrence Lemo. Is the big shot you mentioned who passed by and killed the Dusky Star Dragon the same as Mr. Lemo?"

A fourth-level planet-level Dark Thunder Dragon can be easily killed with one move, which is impossible for an ordinary star-level one.

You must be above the sixth level of the star level and be fully prepared to accomplish such a feat.

Judging from Su Yu's description, among the top powerful people in the entire Fege Hub, only Acting Speaker Lawrence Lemo has this strength. Others like the commander of the Guard Army may not be able to do it.

Could it be that the one who killed Dusky Star Dragon was the Acting Speaker?

"I don't think so." Su Yu shook his head: "Although I didn't see the big man's face clearly, it gave me the feeling that he was not the acting speaker, but another adult."

"Uh, okay." Leiterdozi frowned.

If it’s not the Acting Speaker, then who is it? Is it the power of other hubs?

But it's normal for other hubs.

This level of power will not be restricted by location, and it is not surprising to appear in Fege Hub.

But another problem comes.

Leiterdozi continued to ask: "Why did this Lord give you the Dusky Star Dragon corpse?

Even for star-level beings, there is no reason not to take materials of this level lightly. After killing the Dark Thunder Dragon, why not take it away? "

Su Yu spread his hands and said, "How do I know this? This big guy didn't say anything.

The situation at that time, he glanced at our bare planet that had been sacrificed by blood, and sighed softly, 'Oh, I will give this dragon's body to you. ’ Then he left and never came back. "

Su Yu crossed his arms: "Besides, if that big shot really wants to take away the body, do we still have the ability to stop him?"

"Haha, that's true." Leiterdozi smiled bitterly.

Indeed, what Su Yu said made sense. If this was really not a gift from the boss, then there was no way to explain why Su Yu could obtain such a complete corpse.

According to Su Yu's words, Leiterdozi could only think of 3 possibilities:

"The first one is just like what Su Yu said, a certain big shot passing by was kind and gave the body to them;

The second possibility is that Su Yu killed Darak by himself, and he pretended that there was a big boss behind him;

The third possibility is that Su Yu is a re-skinned trumpet of a star-level boss, and he just makes up any excuse to frustrate him. "

After thinking about it seriously, Leiterdozi suddenly felt that the first two possibilities could be ruled out.

The first is the first possibility.

If this possibility is true, then why did the passing boss give the body to Su Yu? Act of kindness?

Even if he really had good intentions, the big boss should understand the principle that "everyone is not guilty but the one who possesses the jade is guilty". His good intentions would actually be a disaster for the indigenous planet;

Let’s talk about the second possibility.

If the second possibility is true, Su Yu can kill the Dark Thunder Dragon simply and neatly, so there is no need to go around in circles with him here.

In summary, both possibilities can be ruled out.

Eliminating these two possibilities, there is only one possibility left - Su Yu is the reskinned trumpet of a stellar boss!

" seems that this is indeed the case!" Leiterdozi's mind was running rapidly and he was thinking quickly.

But the more he thought about it, the more he felt that his judgment was correct!

Su Yu seems to be a stellar trumpet. Once this is established, everything will make sense.

Moreover, Su Yu was introduced by Brigadier Greed, which means that Su Yu is most likely the trumpet of the legion commander himself? !

Thinking of this, Leiterdozi immediately felt that his ideas were clear and all the contradictions were easily solved!

Su Yu should be the trumpet commander of the army!

It is precisely because he is the trumpet commander of the legion that he has such a scary thing in his hand;

It was also because he was the trumpet commander of the legion that he approached him for a deal.

As for the one thing that doesn't make sense, that is - the legion commander doesn't seem to be able to kill a dark thunder dragon of this level neatly, right?

After a brief thought, this point was also ignored by Leiterdozi.

"Maybe the Legion Commander has some secret killer weapon!" He thought to himself.

In short, he had completely determined that Su Yu was the trumpet commander of the legion. Because of this, he immediately became respectful to Su, and his eyes even became much more humble.

Su Yu didn't know yet that Leiterdozi regarded him as the trumpet commander of the legion.

He smiled and said: "Let's go back to the price itself! Mr. Leiterdozi, is this enough to pay for the [Eternal Eye]?"

"You don't dare to take it as 'Your Excellency', just call me Xiao Lei!" Leiterdozi wiped his sweat and said with an apologetic smile: "Of course, this is certainly enough to pay for the [Eternal Eye]... But, do you really want to pay for it?" Is this a move?"

"That's right." Su Yu replied: "I came to you this time to buy a large amount of materials. In addition to the [Eternal Eye], I also need to purchase more than 300 billion materials."

Su Yu's original budget was to only purchase 400 billion in materials, because he could only get 400 billion from selling Darak's body, so he spent whatever he had.

But now that he has made another 200 billion, he might as well buy 100 billion more materials.

This 100 billion can buy a lot more materials for making living things, which is enough for him to spend a long time on Blue Star.

"You want to buy another 300 billion?!" Leiterdozi was stunned, his eyes straightened.

Holy song, this is an epic list that is rare to see in a thousand years! He has never encountered a total transaction volume of 510 billion in his life!

Moreover, the amount of transactions he has completed in the past 10 years has not been so large. He did not expect that he would meet such a big God of Wealth today! Lord Greed is truly his benefactor!

And this also solidified his idea that Su Yu was the trumpet commander of the legion.

Besides the legion commander himself, who else could come up with such a big deal? 510 billion!

So he immediately said: "I will work hard and live up to your expectations!"

Su Yu waved his hand: "Don't worry, the benefits will be yours."

Leiterdozi quickly calculated in his mind.

Since Su Yu is the trumpet commander of the legion, he does not dare to make any money from Su Yu and strives to buy everything Su Yu needs at cost price.

"Then, Your Excellency Su Yu, what's the other side?" he asked respectfully.

"The other aspect is, of course, selling the body of this Dark Thunder Dragon."

"Oh, do you want me to help find a suitable buyer?"

While asking, Leiterdozi had already quickly screened a few of the top beings in his mind. I'm afraid only planet-level sixth-level beings have enough financial resources to afford it, right?

However, Su Yu shook his head: "Didn't I just say that I wanted to play a big one? In fact, I plan to sell it at auction."

"Auction?!" Leiterdozi's eyes widened and his voice suddenly rose.

Actually going to auction? Was it actually such a big deal?

Leiter Dodds knows the difference.

If you are just looking for a buyer secretly, then even though this list is huge, it will not attract too many people's attention.

However, if there is an auction, everyone in the entire hub may know about it!

No, it’s not just Feige Hub, but top-level beings from other hubs may also come to join in the fun!

"Are you...are you really sure you want to auction it?" Leiterdozi's voice became unconvincing again.

"Of course." Su Yu nodded.

The reason why he wanted to sell Darak's body through auction was to get money quickly.

If we were looking for a buyer secretly, or splitting and selling off the goods, then I don’t know how long it would take to settle the payment for such a large order.

Su Yu didn't want to delay it for so long.

He just wanted to get the money as soon as possible, exchange the money for the required materials, and return to Blue Star as soon as possible.

So he chose the auction where he could get the money the fastest.

But Leiter Dodds didn’t think so.

He was still wondering why Su Yu wanted to play so big.

Is it just to buy the materials for [Eternal Eye]?

No, no, definitely not.

The legion commander’s own collection is huge. How could it be possible to cause such a big fuss just for some materials?

After a brief moment of thinking, Leiterdozi came up with an answer.

His eyes lit up!

If he guessed correctly, the most likely purpose of the legion commander should be-hype.

That’s right, it’s “hype”!

"Haha, I have already seen through your mind." Leiter Dozi thought to himself: "The small account of Legion Commander has just gained such a high reputation in the bounty, and now he wants to play a big one. He must be trying to use hype to get it. This trumpet is hotter!

The corpse of a planet-level fourth-order dark thunder dragon is a rare auction item in a thousand years!

After the auction hype, I'm afraid no one in the hub doesn't know Su Yu's name, right? "

Hype him into a household name, and then let Su Yu join the Feig Guards in a high-profile manner. This is a great advertisement for the Guards!

So everything became clear. The reason why Su Yu wanted to auction was because the legion commander was hyping it up!

"Hey, I've seen through you! Even if you are the commander of the legion, you can't escape the eyes of my clever Leiterdozi!" Leiterdozi was extremely proud.

Although he was very proud of himself, Leiterdozi did not dare to show it.

He still behaves honestly, honest and simple, no different from an ordinary stone man.

He said seriously: "Okay, I will arrange the auction as soon as possible, hire the best auctioneer, and be sure to start the auction before the 'make-up period'!"

"Catching up on sleep period? What period of catching up on sleep?" Su Yu asked.

"..." Leiterdozi's mind was stuck and he didn't know what to say.


He actually asked me what a "catch-up period of sleep" is?

Didn't you propose the "catch-up sleep period" initiative?

When it comes to "catching up on sleep", we have to return to the physiological habits of the Holy Silver people.

One of the biggest characteristics of the Holy Silver people is that they sleep for a very long time.

Under normal circumstances, the ratio of waking and sleeping time for Holy Silver people every day is 1:2, which is exactly the opposite of 2:1 for Blue Star humans.

In the past two months, due to major changes, everyone was in danger, and the Holy Silver people in Feige Hub did not sleep much and were always awake.

In Feige Hub, the Holy Silver race accounts for about half of the total population, so it is not a problem to stay awake all the time.

So half a month ago, Army Corps leader Darando Manle issued an initiative in parliament, proposing to set up a "make-up sleep period."

For a period of time afterwards, people in Shengyin still didn't sleep. When the situation in the hub stabilized and a special "sleep catch-up period" entered, people would spend a long time catching up on their sleep.

The entire "sleep period" is tentatively scheduled for three months. During this period, all Shengyin people do not have to go to work and only need to sleep soundly at home.

It was precisely because everyone had to sleep during the "catch-up period" that Leiterdozi proposed that the auction be held before the "catch-up period."

But what puzzles him is that this "catch-up sleep period" initiative was clearly proposed by you, and now you actually ask me what is a "catch-up sleep period"?

"Haha, you are too funny, aren't you?" Leiterdozi said with a smile.

"???" Several question marks popped up on Su Yu's forehead.

I just asked what "catch up on sleep" is, why is it so humorous? baffling.

Seeing Su Yu's confused expression, Leiter Dozi couldn't help but praise in his heart: "This confused expression is just right! It seems that the legion commander is not only humorous, but also has very good acting skills!"

He smiled and said: "This is what the catch-up period is about..."

Since the legion commander wants to act, he should accompany him.

Leiter Dodds explained the origin of the catch-up period.

Finally, he said: "We haven't announced the specific time when the catch-up period will begin, but I feel it will be soon, because there was no big mess after the inter-galactic teleportation started.

We try to start the auction before the start of the catch-up period, so as to attract more big players to join. "

"Okay, as soon as possible." Su Yu nodded.

After listening to Leiterdozi's explanation of the sleep-replenishing period, Su Yu realized the special habits of the Holy Silver Human Race.

Indeed, the Holy Silver Man especially likes to sleep. For example, the Donna brother and sister, whom he has a lot of contact with, are always sleepy every time they meet.

In the pet space, the cat Chenxing seemed to be thinking of Donna, so he sent a mental message to Su Yu: "What about the Donna brothers and sisters? Has their spaceship flown out of the solar system?"

"Probably." Su Yu replied: "According to Darak's explanation, it chased all the way to the edge of the solar system. The Holy Silver Fleet was devoured by it, and only a few escaped. But it did not find the spaceship of the Donna brothers and sisters. Maybe they It has flown out of the solar system.”

"Well, can we find them again? Zhong Feng and the others are also on the spaceship, right?"

"Maybe, it depends on the Blue Whale's performance." Su Yu replied: "But we can wait until we return to Blue Star to discuss this matter. Now let's do the things in front of us first."

Su Yu put this matter behind him for the time being and settled the auction matters in front of him first.

Next, Su Yu and Leiterdozi discussed the details of the auction in detail, and Su Yu also listed all the materials for making the "Fountain of Eternity".

Finally, they decided to hold a small auction on the public Internet.

A total of 10 lots were auctioned in this auction, with Darak's body appearing as the finale.

Although it is only a small auction, the "small" refers to the small size of the auction, not the small number of participants.

You can imagine what an explosive sensation it will cause once the news of the auction of Darak's body spreads!

I don’t know how many people will come to watch, maybe billions or tens of billions!

So although the scale is small, the influence is definitely not small!

The online auction was organized solely by Reiter Dodds.

Dalak's body was sold at the auction. Leiterdozi did not charge any commission from Su Yu, and gave all the auction money to Su Yu.

In return, the first nine lots were sold by Leiterdozi, and the proceeds from the auction of these nine lots were counted as Leiterdozi's reward.

As for the auction time, it is tentatively scheduled for 10 days later.

Three days later, Su Yu will disclose the auction information for the first time in his acceptance speech.

Then after seven days of publicity, it was enough to spread the auction news everywhere on the public network, even to other hubs.

And 10 days was enough for Su Yu to buy all the materials he wanted to buy.

Su Yu has told Leiterdozi to collect all the materials within 10 days. If the materials are far away, Su Yu will go to buy them in person.

In any case, all materials must be purchased before the auction begins.

After the auction ended, Su Yu immediately returned to his home planet with the materials to begin his resurrection.

Leiterdozi was very interested in this cooperation, and the two parties quickly signed a series of transaction contracts.

It can be said that Leiterdozi is very excited now!

This is the largest order he has ever signed in his life. The total value of the materials purchased by Su Yu alone is as high as 510 billion!

And he also wanted to know how much money the body of this Dark Thunder Dragon could fetch if photographed.

A planet-level fourth-order Dark Thunder Dragon is a rare sight in a thousand years!

They set the starting price at 3,500 star stones (equivalent to 350 billion holy silver coins), and they didn't know how much they could fetch in the end.

And he also made a profit by following Su Yu, and the first 9 lots belonged to him. With the auction attracting so much attention, he can make a lot of money with just a little effort!

After signing the contract with Su Yu, Leiterdozi calmed down his slightly agitated mood.

In any case, since the legion commander's trumpet has chosen him, then this thigh must be held firmly!

But the trumpet of the legion commander seems to be very good at acting, and he just pretended to be dumbfounded when it came to the issue of "catching up on sleep".

At this moment, Leiterdozi had the idea to try and see if Su Yu could continue to act.

So, Leiterdozi pretended to be worried and said: "The contract has been signed, but you have so many valuable materials with you, aren't you afraid of being in danger? There are robberies all over the hub now."

"Of course I know there are a lot of robberies." Su Yu glanced at him: "I just participated in the bounty. I know very well the crime situation in the hub."

"I'm not talking about ordinary robbers." Leiterdozi lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "Aren't you afraid of planet-level robbers? With so many high-value materials in your hands, I'm afraid planet-level robbers will also You will be excited!"

However, Su Yu didn't take it seriously.

He smiled calmly: "Don't worry, no one can threaten my safety, and the planetary level is no exception. Forget it, let's not talk so much, let's start taking action."

Su Yu couldn't wait to buy the materials.

But when Leiterdozi heard these words, he was shocked.

This is no longer acting, right? And you said you are not the trumpet commander of the army?

An ordinary eighth-level cultivator will have more than 500 billion precious materials in his hands in the future. Most planet-level sixth-level powerful people do not have this kind of wealth!

And he was not afraid of him doing it at the planet level. Apart from the Legion Commander Trumpet, Leiterdozi could not think of any other possibility.

Now, he has completely regarded Su Yu as the commander of the army.

Since the legion commander wants to fire a trumpet, then let’s work with him!

"Let's go, please come this way." Leiterdozi took Su Yu and flew towards his warehouse.

After that, Su Yu started making purchases on a large scale.

The materials for building the "Eternal Fountain" and the materials needed to resurrect life forms... these precious materials went into his space necklace one by one, and the money was spent like running water.

Su Yu paid the initial 100 billion himself, and the remaining 400 billion was advanced by Leiterdozi.

Su Yu also gave him Darak's body with confidence, and the online auction was also being planned smoothly.

Soon, the time came to 3 days later, which was June 27th.

At 6 o'clock tonight, it's time for the award ceremony and the announcement of the acceptance speech.

Every time the hub holds a large-scale event, there will be an awards ceremony and acceptance speech.

However, there is a lack of public interest in this aspect.

If nothing else, this link is simply too nutritious.

The award ceremony was boring, as the host just read the list of names;

When giving their acceptance speeches, the winners would only say a bunch of words such as "Thank you to your family," "Thank you to your teammates," and "Thank you to the organization."

Other than that there is no useful information and it is all very same.

So, unless the winner has a lot of fans, no one comes to the ceremony.

The awards ceremony is also broadcast live, but the number of viewers is very small, usually only a few thousand, and it is rare to exceed 10,000.

But it seems different today.

As soon as the award ceremony started, the number of people in the live broadcast room exceeded 10,000, 18,730 people, and the number of people was almost 20,000.

This happened mainly because there was a moderate Internet celebrity in the Guards team-Jeremy Kirk.

Jeremy Kirk is a Holy Silver man. He is quite handsome and well-known among the female residents of the hub. Some time ago, he publicly broadcast live broadcasts of arrests of criminals while offering rewards, which attracted a lot of goodwill.

Most of the viewers in the live broadcast room came to him and kept swiping his name in the public chat room.

Of course, Su Yu came to the live broadcast room immediately and quickly noticed the names in the public chat room.

But what surprised him was that not only did Jeremy Kirk's name appear in the public chat room, but he, that is, "Su Yu" was also posted in the public chat room!

And there were quite a lot of them. He counted them, and about a quarter of them had his name on them!

This is a bit embarrassing!

Morningstar the Cat also noticed this.

When she saw Su Yu's name, she almost spit out the drink in her mouth while she was drinking.

"Pfft! What's going on? Your nemesis is actually you!"

"I didn't expect it either." Su Yu's face turned dark: "Maybe this is my fan?"

"It really might be."

Chenxing looked at the public chat room, only to find that there was a quarrel in the chat room for some reason.

Jeremy's fans and Su Yu's fans were arguing endlessly. The two sides were arguing about who was stronger and who was in name only.

But these are not important. At this moment, the award ceremony officially began.

In the center of the screen, the host of the ceremony appeared.

The host of the ceremony is a huge owl-like bird.

Its size is simply too huge.

Using the rostrum as a reference, we can calculate that it is at least 10 meters tall. Standing on the stage, it looks like a giant!

However, despite its huge size, its tone is gentle: "Welcome everyone to watch this award ceremony, I am your friend, Dian Dian.

As you all know, the Hub just held a bounty campaign to stop crime, and it was a huge success!

During the event, contestants who participated in the bounty uncovered a total of 1.1 million violations of laws and disciplines and arrested 1.3 million criminal suspects.

In the 10 days since the bounty was launched, the crime rate in Feige Hub has dropped significantly, and the number of vicious crimes has dropped by 90%!

Many residents even petitioned to continue the bounty campaign, and tens of millions of petition signatures have been collected.

At present, the parliament has received everyone’s petition, and will discuss and decide whether to continue the bounty permanently at the next parliament meeting..."

Dian Dian kept talking.

But it was clearly reading from the script.

Although his voice was gentle, there was no passion at all because he was reading a manuscript, and his tone was very flat without any change.

He probably just wanted to finish reading the manuscript and get off work, and no one would read it anyway.

The discussion in the public chat area was quite active, but everyone was still arguing about who was better, Su Yu or Jeremy.

Some people say that Jeremy is strong and the best among the eighth level peak;

Some people also say that Su Yuqiang can lead the team to get the second place in the bounty.

The two sides have not yet reached a conclusion.

In the live broadcast room, Dian Dian continued to read: "For teams that perform well in the bounty activities, the event organizers will give them generous rewards!

First of all, the team that won the first place in the bounty is the ‘Silver Guard’!

They scored a total of 31,750 points in the bounty and will receive material rewards with a total value of approximately 130 billion! Captain Feng Dun will serve as Deputy Minister of Public Security! "

Special effects patterns similar to celebration fireworks flashed in the live broadcast room.

Then Dian Dian said: “Let’s watch the ‘Silver Guard’ team’s acceptance speech together!”

The screen switched to the acceptance speech recorded by the "Silver Guardians".

The awards ceremony has now progressed. The host Dian Dian suddenly punched in and read from the script. The ceremony scene was quite perfunctory.

Not only that, after the acceptance speech began to play, Su Yu saw an even more perfunctory scene.

In the acceptance speech, Captain Feng Dun of the "Silver Guard" stood alone in the center of the screen, with a snow-white wall behind him.

There was an electronic manuscript in front of him, and he read according to the manuscript: "Hello everyone, I am Feng Dun, the captain of the 'Silver Guard' team. I am honored to get the first place in this reward event! Here I want to Thanks to my teammates..."

Feng Dun simply said a few words to thank his teammates and the guards for their training, and then ended.

He also knew that no one was watching, so he just dealt with it.

But don’t do it in the public discussion forum:

"No Jeremy?"

"There's no Jeremy?"

"Didn't I hear that Jeremy will appear in his acceptance speech? Liar!"

"Who would watch without Jeremy? It's a waste of time!"

"Withdraw, withdraw, everyone withdraw!"

A large number of viewers in the live broadcast room left in an instant, from nearly 20,000 at the peak to less than 10,000.

The public chat area immediately became much quieter, with only Su Yu's fans remaining. Those who used the name "Su Yu" in the public chat group finally gained the upper hand.

Seeing this scene, the cat Chenxing couldn't laugh or cry: "What are all these? Why does a good acceptance speech feel like watching a farce?"

Su Yu shrugged: "It's just because no one is watching. The host was perfunctory, and the team who gave the acceptance speech was also perfunctory. Everyone just wanted to deal with it."

Chenxing's beard curled up: "In this case, is it necessary for the awards ceremony to be broadcast live? It's better to cancel it."

"That's a good question. I also want to know why it wasn't cancelled." Su Yu asked AI Blue Whale: "Blue Whale, go check out the reason."

Blue Whale’s query speed is very fast, and it quickly replied: “The reason why the award ceremony and acceptance speech session were not canceled is because no one made suggestions to cancel it.”

"???" Su Yu and Chen Xing looked confused as to what the reason was.

Blue Whale continued to answer: “Because no one suggested canceling it, this session continued until now.

The host and the winning team had to cope with the situation because there was no extra salary and no one was watching, which led to the current situation. "

"So that's what it is." Su Yu held his forehead.

This is really more and more like clocking in at work, highlighting a gangster who is in trouble.

But fortunately, Su Yu's acceptance speech is right behind, and the big one is coming soon!

After the video of Su Yu's acceptance speech was played, he didn't believe that the host could still be so lifeless.

After Feng Dun's acceptance speech video ended, Su Yu's speech video was immediately followed.

Seeing Su Yu's image appear in the live broadcast room, Su Yu's fans immediately began to use his name:

"Su Yu!"

"Su Yu!"

"Su Yu!"

"So the legendary Su Yu looks like this!"

"Yellow skin, looks a lot like our Holy Silver women!"

"It's very female!"

"So this is a girl, right?"

Discussions continued in the public chat area. Find Shuyuan www.

The vast majority of Fege residents still don't know what Su Yu looks like.

Although the name "Su Yu" has become a household name, Su Yu himself has never shown his face in public.

So when they saw Su Yu for the first time, everyone was very surprised.

As for why you think Su Yu looks like a Holy Silver woman, it's because he doesn't have tentacles on his chin.

The male Holy Silver has eight tentacles more than ten centimeters long on its chin, but the female has none.

So when he saw Su Yu for the first time, he was subconsciously identified as a woman.

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