Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand three hundred and eighty-five, banquet reception

"What on earth does President Sauron want with me?" Su Yu thought to himself.

He also did not forget to ask AI Blue Whale: "Blue Whale, do you know why Andrew Soren is looking for me?"

"I don't know." AI Blue Whale quickly replied: "My level is not enough to find out what Andrew Sauron is thinking. But..."

"But what? When did you learn to tell the truth, Blue Whale?"

"But I guess it has something to do with me." AI Blue Whale replied: "You know, Jared's team has completed the investigation on me, and the results of the investigation will be announced soon. President Solon should already know the results of the investigation.

Therefore, I speculated that this meeting must be because of me. "

"Is it for you?" Su Yu touched his chin: "That is indeed possible."

Andrew Soren is not only the central bank governor but also the hub finance minister. The money to buy AI Blue Whale must have been paid by the Ministry of Finance, because it is not surprising that Blue Whale came to him.

After walking along the passage for about 10 minutes, Margaret took Su Yu to the entrance of one of the spaces.

This space is Space 43, and President Sauron stands alone in the center of the space.

Seeing Su Yu's figure appear at the entrance of the space, he was the first to say hello: "Hello, Congressman Su Yu, you came on time!"

President Solon's tone is very kind, with a kind of amiability unique to old-timers.

They made an appointment to meet at 10 o'clock in the morning, and Su Yu arrived here at exactly 10 o'clock, no more, no less.

Su Yu immediately made a mage salute to President Suolun and said respectfully: "Of course I have to be on time for the president's appointment. Who doesn't know that you have countless things to deal with at the hub, and I don't dare to waste your time."

While Su Yu was speaking, Margaret silently exited the space and closed the door to them.

In this environment where the two of them were alone, Su Yu raised his head and looked at Sauron: "Then why did the president call me here?"

"Haha, let's not talk about this first. Let's have something to eat first." President Sauron smiled and waved his hand to the right to give Su Yu a "please" gesture: "As a newcomer, you shouldn't have time to taste the Federation. Delicious food from all over the world? Try it and see if it suits your taste."

On the right side of President Sauron, five dining tables about 5 or 6 meters wide were placed in sequence. On the dining tables were round, rhombus or triangular plates.

The material of the plates cannot be seen, some look like glass and some look like metal.

However, these plates contained dozens of different delicacies from the Milky Way and Holy Silver galaxies.

Of course, these are the delicacies that Governor Sauron loves to eat.

Su Yu looked at these delicacies and found that they were all strange and strange, and they were all things he had never seen before.

However, some of them are acceptable in appearance, smell and taste, and you can give it a try.

And after seeing the table full of delicious food, Su Yu's hanging heart slowly relaxed a lot.

Before coming, he didn't know what Sauron was going to do, whether he was an enemy or a friend, so he was always vigilant.

But now he can relax some of his vigilance, just because of the table full of delicious food.

He had seen information about Andrew Solon before and knew that he was a rare gourmet.

After cultivators reach the sixth level of strength, they often do not need to take in food from the outside, so most high-level cultivators do not have the habit of eating.

This is especially true at planetary and stellar levels. Most of them cannot eat. Because even if it is delicious food, in their opinion, the energy density is too low and cannot be called delicious.

This is just like an ordinary Blue Star human. A few kilograms of meat is enough to meet the caloric consumption for a whole day, so he will find meat and food with higher calories than meat delicious;

Planetary or star-level beings don't know how many calories they consume in a day. Even 10,000 kilograms of meat may not be able to sustain their consumption for a day, so meat will be as bland as water in their mouths.

Because of this situation, 99% of people above the planet level will not consider ingesting food.

But there is one exception, and that is of course Governor Solon.

Governor Solon did not give up eating just because it was "as bland as water". In order to continue to enjoy the good experience of eating delicious food, he made extensive modifications to his sense of taste, increasing his sensitivity countless times, making him almost the same as ordinary people. .

Therefore, the current President Sauron still likes food and enjoys tasting all kinds of strange foods from various civilizations and regions, and takes pleasure in it.

This time a banquet was held for Su Yu, and he was willing to share his favorite things, which showed that he had no malice at all, at least on the surface.

Of course Su Yu had nothing to say no to delicious food, so he picked out a few that caught his eye and tasted them slowly.

The cat Chenxing also cautiously stretched out his head from the pet space, looking at the delicious food with eyes a little straight.

President Sauron noticed Chenxing and smiled: "Is this your partner? Very good, is it the product of the old guys from the Secret Academy?

Little one, you can eat whatever you want and choose what you like. "

"Thank you, Mr. Governor!" Chenxing cheered up, jumped out of the pet space, and came to the dining table in a flash.

And she is not particularly afraid of Sauron. Although there is a huge gap between ranks, her ability to be resurrected in the real world still exists, so she is not afraid.

Chenxing was very sensible. She quickly took out more than a dozen kinds of food from her storage equipment and presented them to President Sauron like a treasure: "Mr. President, this is a delicacy that our human race likes. Please try it."

"Hey, it's just right! Then let me try your food." Governor Suolun said, this is what he likes.

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