Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand three hundred and eighty-six, we want to engage in agriculture!

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Next, two people and one cat enjoy the delicious food, and both the host and the guest are happy.

President Solon did not clearly state the purpose of inviting Su Yu over, he only discussed the food.

It wasn't until more than 20 minutes later, when the food was almost fully appreciated, that President Solon got to the point.

At the dining table, President Solon placed a plate of food that looked like a cake in front of Su Yu and said with a smile: "Congressman Su Yu, the reason why I invited you here this time is actually to understand the situation."

After hearing these words, Su Yu immediately became energetic because he finally got to the point!

He immediately assumed a listening attitude.

President Solon said unhurriedly: "Just yesterday, Jared's team reported the results of the investigation to the core committee. They found no problems during the investigation of AI Blue Whale.

After discussion, the core committee decided to release the findings to the public within the next two days. "

"I knew it would be like this. After all, this is rewarded to us by the hymn. How could it be fake?" Su Yu smiled.

At the same time, he nodded secretly in his heart. Blue Whale's guess was correct. Andrew Soren invited him because of Blue Whale.

But if that's the case, doesn't it mean that... the 4.2 trillion will be received soon?

Thinking of this, Su Yu's eyes immediately lit up.

President Suolun seemed to have guessed what Su Yu was thinking. He smiled slightly: "Yes, the 4.2 trillion in the agreement will be transferred to your account later. According to our contract, the transfer time will be 30 Within working days.”

"That's great!" Su Yu was in high spirits.

Once the money is in hand, their plan can be implemented immediately!

After he returned, he contacted the stone man Leiterdozi and prepared to make a big purchase!

"It's just..." President Solon paused and asked thoughtfully: "It's just Congressman Su Yu. As the Minister of Finance, please forgive me for asking, why are you so short of money?"

"Lack of money? This..." Regarding this question, Su Yu had already thought about how to answer it.

Just when he opened his mouth to answer without thinking, President Sauron waved his hand and interrupted: "Don't use planet reconstruction as an excuse.

Although the compensation for civilization’s Ascension War was paid by Anthem in the past, as a banking professional, I know you particularly well.

I know that a civilization like yours that is participating in a civilized ascension war for the first time will not be as short of money as you are..."

Then, President Sauron selected a few typical civilizations and talked about them in detail with Su Yu.

These civilizations have all won the first Civilization Ascension War in the past millennium, and Sauron knows their financial situation well.

At the end of his speech, he said: "The war has just ended. Although these civilizations are short of money, the hundreds of billions in compensation will be enough for them to spend a long time.

Your Blue Star situation is quite special. I heard that you are building a resurrection weapon and resurrecting a large number of compatriots, right? "

"That's right." Su Yu answered honestly.

It’s not surprising that President Solon knows this. After all, he spent hundreds of billions to purchase materials some time ago. The specific materials can be found by anyone who is interested.

By inferring the materials, people with a little analytical ability can deduce that he is building a resurrection artifact to resurrect his compatriots.

"It's understandable that you are resurrecting your compatriots on a large scale and that you need a lot of resources." President Sauron said kindly.

But he suddenly changed the topic: "But even so, it is impossible to spend such a huge amount. If I guess correctly, even if you get 4.2 trillion, you are still not particularly satisfied, right?"

"Uh... isn't this allowed? Who doesn't like money?" Su Yu pretended to be stupid and said.

He picked up the cake in front of him and ate it to hide his embarrassment. At the same time, the brain is also working quickly, thinking about how to reply.

President Sauron lost his momentum and continued kindly: "It's not impossible. Since the fall of Chant, there is no force that doesn't want to fight for more resources. But..."

President Solon said earnestly: "It is very dangerous to have a huge amount of resources, and it is easy to be targeted.

The current situation in the hub is that planet-level properties like yours are generally around 10 billion. You are most likely to come into contact with Leite Dozi, which is very good at doing business and has a property value of just over 100 billion.

what about you? 4.2 trillion! To be honest, I can’t say I’m not jealous of so much money. "

President Sauron stretched out his hand, and a drink was automatically poured from the teapot-shaped container next to him. The next second, this dark green drink appeared in front of Su Yu.

"As an elder, I have to warn you. It's dangerous to have so much money, and you have to know what the price is."

"Is it the price?" Su Yu glanced at the dark green liquid in his hand.

The liquid was very thick, had a pungent taste, and didn't look particularly good, so he had no interest in it.

But since it was President Suolun who poured it, Su Yu took a sip and said calmly: "Mr. President, to be honest, I have a way to quickly dispose of this large amount of money.

What you may not know is that our adventure group has already set its goals and is preparing to vigorously develop agriculture and grow food. "

After drinking this drink, Su Yu found that it was not as bad as he thought. Although the drink doesn't smell good, it is refreshing and cool, and tastes good. It feels like drinking a thick version of mint and bamboo leaf water.

"Vigorously develop agriculture?" President Solon was taken aback and almost thought he heard wrongly.

He really didn't expect that Su Yu would want to do this.


To be honest, who cares about agriculture? Agriculture can be said to be the most red-hot and least eye-catching industry in the hub.

"That's right." Su Yu said seriously: "Recently, my men are studying agricultural knowledge seriously, and they are all learning it, without exception."

He asked the AI ​​Blue Whale to show several scenes to President Sauron. These were scenes of Blue Star's high-level practitioners gathering together to learn agricultural knowledge in the past 20 days.

President Solon took a rough look and found that these people were indeed learning, and they were very engaged in learning and learning deeply.

Especially the scenes in the last few days, they seem to have learned a decent lesson.

This made President Solon impressed: "You actually really want to engage in agriculture! To be honest, I have never seen anyone engaged in agriculture like you. You are the first among small civilizations!"

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