Back in the game, Su Yu's figure appeared at the entrance of the mage tower.

Chenxing immediately jumped out of his pet space, jumped onto the statues on both sides of the door, grinned at him, and had four big words written on his face - "I'm not happy."

Su Yu ignored her.

He first used the communication function of the mage tower to send a magic message to Cathy, who was still in the city.

Not long after, Cathy came to the door of the mage tower and said, "Lord, I haven't seen you for a week... What materials are you going to burn today?"

"Let's stick to the old routine of burning some ordinary materials to consolidate our strength. The same will happen tomorrow. The day after tomorrow we will start burning high-level materials and officially break through the realm." Su Yu said and opened the door of the mage tower.

After more than half a month of training, Su Yu's strength has reached the peak of the fourth level.

The day after tomorrow, he can officially break through and become a fifth-level powerhouse!

"Okay, Lord." Cathy said cutely, and then went to the warehouse to prepare the materials for Su Yu to burn today.


In this way, Su Yu's "leveling career" began.

Next to the magic pool on the third floor, Cathy Little Loli carefully put pieces of material into the magic pool according to proportion;

Su Yu sat cross-legged, constantly absorbing the [purified magic power] refined from the magic pool;

Morning Star was lying between Su Yu and Katie, absorbing the energy from the [Experience Crystal Stone].

Because the process of absorbing energy does not require 100% concentration, the two people and one cat chat while practicing to pass the boring time of practice.

Before I knew it, it was 8pm.

It’s time for [Fantasy Showdown] to begin!

Su Yu called up the official forum that comes with the game. Sure enough, there are many links to live broadcast rooms posted above.

He flipped through it casually, planning to find a familiar anchor to watch the live showdown.

But at this time, a post title caught his attention - "Shocked!" The Snow Leopard boss actually started a live broadcast! 》

At present, this post has hundreds of views, and the comment with the most likes downstairs is also posted by the original poster, which is a link to the live broadcast room.

"Little Leopard actually started a live broadcast? You must see this!" Su Yu's eyes flashed with curiosity and he clicked on the link to the live broadcast room.

At this moment, Chenxing beside him suddenly tugged on the sleeve of his mage robe: "Nemesis, what are you looking at?"

"I was watching the snow leopard participate in the event." Su Yu replied.

"Put it out and let us take a look!" Chenxing rubbed his arm affectionately with the cat's head, looking pleased.

"This... okay!"

Su Yu took out a [Magic Image Stone] from his backpack, and through a series of not-too-complicated spells, he projected what he saw onto the wall of the mage tower.

Then he took out small snacks such as peanuts, melon seeds, dried fish, and beef jerky. The two of them practiced, ate snacks, and watched the live broadcast. It felt pretty good.


This is indeed Snow Leopard's live broadcast room. The [Illusion Showdown] has not started yet. He is standing in the Plantagenet City Square, waiting patiently.

Su Yu also saw the figures of Lao Meng and Lao Li who had just returned from the Elf Kingdom in the picture. They were both old acquaintances.

Plantagenet Square is now full of people, and as far as the eye can see, it is filled with dark crowds.

At the edge of the square, among the large troops of relevant departments, Lao Meng looked at Snow Leopard with a strange expression: "Old Zhong, I heard that you started a live broadcast? Why did you suddenly think of doing this?"

Snow Leopard thought for a while and replied: "I did this mainly because I wanted to make a PVP teaching video for Druid players."

"Outside, my equipment can crush people instantly. After entering [Fantasy Showdown], everyone's comprehensive strength is brought to the same level. Only in this way can my skills be reflected."

"Oh, so that's it." Lao Meng nodded.

"But..." Lao Li questioned: "You can also put on ordinary equipment to PK with others outside? Isn't it enough to crush them without equipment?"

Snow Leopard: "..."

He suddenly had the urge to beat up Lao Li. Do you know how to chat?

There are now thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room. Seeing the snow leopard deflated, a series of "hahahaha", "2333", and "wwww" barrages appeared on the public screen.

Of course, there are also some water friends who are using "fire tongs Liu Ming".

Because of Lao Li's words, the scene became slightly embarrassing.

But the embarrassment didn't last long.

At eight o'clock sharp, [Illusion Envoy] appeared in mid-air and rescued the Snow Leopard.

[Illusion Envoy] is a man wearing a black and white robe and a black and white half-crying, half-laughing mask.

To use a popular saying among netizens, his look is very "underworld".

At this time, he stood in mid-air, raised his hands upward, and 12 giant pure black [portal gates] appeared around the square.

"Now, the door of destiny has been opened to everyone. Brave young man, go and create a miracle!" [Illusion Envoy] said loudly to every player below.

"Tsk, tsk, you're really the second best." Snow Leopard shook his head and followed the crowd towards the teleportation array.

But at this time, Morning Star in the mage tower stopped chewing beef jerky, and the cat's face looked a little serious: "I know this thing."

"Thing?" Su Yu was curious as to why Chenxing would use this name.

Chenxing looked at the illusionist in the live broadcast and said slowly: "This black and white one is a creature called [Illusion Insect] in the sub-plane [Illusion Plane]. The Illusion Plane never communicates with any plane. I didn’t expect the illusion bug to actually appear in the main plane.”

Chenxing pointed with her cat's paw at the pitch-black portal in the Snow Leopard's main perspective:

"Each portal is maintained by at least 8 illusion bugs, plus the one I just spoke about, there are hundreds of them in this square alone!"

Su Yu scratched his head and looked confused: "Illusion bugs...are they scary?"

He had no information about environmental bugs and had never heard of them in his previous life.

"Illusion bugs are not terrible, they are almost the most harmful to you humans." Chenxing shook his head:

"But it is what our Astral Bird family has been yearning for all our lives. Find the book at The biggest hope given by the parents of every Astral Bird after it is born is to be able to eat a fantasy insect to complete its soul. transformation."

Chenxing looked at the dark portal in the live broadcast, and his expression became more solemn: "But the illusion insects are hidden deep in the illusion plane, and the probability of each astral bird going to the illusion to survive is less than 20%."

"If the Astral Birds knew that so many illusion insects appeared on the main plane, they would definitely gather together to invade the main plane! I guarantee it!"

"So that's what happened." Su Yu nodded.

The eighth expansion pack of the game is "Star Invasion". I didn't expect that the game would start to ambush so early!

However, the eighth expansion pack is far away, so there is no need to think too much about it now.

Su Yu returned his gaze to the snow leopard.

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