Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Chapter 323: Snow Leopard’s Fantasy Showdown (Part 1)

The snow leopard followed the crowd into the portal.

After a while, the scene in front of him changed, and he appeared in a mountain forest. It was early morning.

This is a relatively sparse mountain forest, and the distance between trees is generally 4 or 5 meters.

Because it was early in the morning, there was not enough light in the forest, and morning dew still condensed on the grass branches in the forest.

After arriving in a strange environment, the first thing the snow leopard did was to transform into [leopard form] and jump into the bushes, looking around cautiously.

Soon, he spotted a target not far away - about 10 meters behind him, there was an archer girl wearing green leather armor with a very hot figure.

Apart from this girl, there are no other targets within visible range.

The Snow Leopard made a quick decision and pounced directly towards the girl with a [pounce].

He threw the girl under him, and then [swipe], [sweep], [ferocious bite]...a series of skill combos were unleashed on the girl.

"Ah! Ah!" The archer girl was so frightened that she screamed.

She had just teleported and before she could stand still, a ferocious leopard pounced on her and bit her, almost causing her to faint from fright.

By the time she realized that the leopard was transformed by a player and used [Jump Back] to jump away, it was already too late.

During this period of time, Snow Leopard's set of combos had already wiped out more than half of her health.

Seeing the girl jump away, the snow leopard will of course pursue the victory!

He releases the acceleration skill [Cheetah Dash], which instantly increases his movement speed by 60% and sticks to the girl.

The girl was so anxious that she used the [Sliding Shovel] skill to distance herself from the Snow Leopard.

But I don’t know if it was not due to nervousness, but the archer girl made a major mistake in her operation.

The direction of her [sliding shovel] was not in the opposite direction of the snow leopard, but was tilted 180°, shoveling straight towards the snow leopard.

Under the girl's mysterious manipulation, the distance between the two did not widen. On the contrary, the girl had slipped to the snow leopard's feet.

Snow Leopard: "???"

This was the first time he had seen an archer take the initiative to close the distance with a melee combatant.

Since the girl is so polite, Snow Leopard will certainly not be polite!

He made a small jump to the side to avoid the knockdown effect of [Sliding Shovel], and then pounced on him with another set of combos.

The archer girl's health was cleared during the combo, and she turned into white light angrily and disappeared on the spot.

Seeing this scene, the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded instantly:

"Hahaha, this reverse sliding shovel really makes me laugh to death!"

"You're such an awesome girl! As an archer, you dare to confront the Snow Leopard boss!"

"I think this scene can be included in the "Evolution Weekly Funny Collection", so I won't say more, I will submit it now!"

"Snow Leopard boss is ruthless and has no mercy at all."

"But this girl has such a nice figure! It makes me drool!"

"Well, to tell you the truth, this is my girlfriend. It seems that I have to comfort her tonight."

"Girlfriend, stop! Are you thinking about Tao Zi? The system has blocked all names and changed her body shape and appearance. How did you recognize that she is your girlfriend?"

After players enter the fantasy duel map, their name plates will disappear directly, and their body shape and appearance will be forced to change to another appearance.

Snow leopards are no exception.

Originally, his [leopard form] was a handsome, huge panther. After being forced to change, he turned into a leopard with golden fur and black spots, and his body was also a little smaller.

Even if Lao Li and Lao Meng, who were relatively close to him, came over, they wouldn't recognize him as a snow leopard.

In Su Yu's mage tower.

Chenxing saw Snow Leopard's performance and nodded appreciatively: "This little guy is quite talented. He can show such good control of attack methods at the first level. This is rare among druids."

"That's right!" Su Yu said with a smile: "For now, his overall strength ranks second among our hundreds of millions of adventurers from another world. He is definitely not a weakling."

"Then who is number one?" Chenxing asked curiously.

"Of course it's me!" Su Yu's mouth twitched: "A thousand of them can't defeat me."

Chenxing patted his head: "Yes, why did I forget you..."

She grabbed a piece of beef jerky and threw it into her mouth. While chewing it, she said vaguely: "In a few days, I can introduce him to a few great druids above the holy realm of the elves. They shouldn't mind accepting them." The next apprentice with such great talent."

"Then let me thank you on behalf of Snow Leopard!" Su Yu rubbed the cat's head.


The screen returns to the game.

After the Snow Leopard kills the Archer Girl, he immediately gets a layer of buff - [Breath of Blood].

[Breath of Blood]: All your attributes are increased by 5%, can be superimposed without upper limit, and will expire after leaving the illusion. At the same time, it is easier for your opponents to detect your presence.

After seeing the effect of the buff, Snow Leopard immediately understood that this should be a mechanism to encourage players to fight with each other.

It is basically impossible to win the game by relying on Gou. You have to kill a large number of players and stack up the buffs.

Thinking of this, the Snow Leopard entered the [Stealth] state and began to carefully look around for the next target to attack.


Time passes slowly.

After 35 minutes, the Snow Leopards’ first round of secret realm showdown ended.

The difficulty of the first round matchup is not high for a top player like Snow Leopard.

After all, the 100 players on the entire map were automatically randomized by the game, and most of them were just like the archer girl, ordinary players with poor operation skills.

Some players have never even played PVP and don’t even know what skills Snow Leopard has.

Although the game mechanism brings the equipment and skills of all players to the same level, the gap between ordinary players and top players in operational level, situation judgment, environmental adaptation, and opportunity seizing is too big.

Snow Leopard went on a snowballing spree from the beginning, killing more than a dozen players along the way to stack up the buff.

At the same time, he was very lucky to kill wild monsters and get two pieces of equipment, and he got three pieces of equipment dropped from the secret realm from the players he killed.

In the end, he eliminated all his opponents with a crushing advantage and successfully passed the first round.

Of course the friends in the live broadcast room wanted to see him win, and the barrage of "666" filled the entire live broadcast room.


After killing the last player with [Ferocious Bite], go to Shuyuan Snow Leopard received a game prompt:

"Congratulations on eliminating all competitors and qualifying for the next round of duels. The countdown to the next round of duels starts at 24:47."

"The battle is settling..."

"Your performance rating in this round of duel is [ss], and you will receive a reward: [Second-level random rare quality skill book (Druid)] x1."

Following the game prompts, the snow leopard gradually disappeared into the forest.

Soon he was back in the central square of Plantagenet.

There were countless white lights flashing around him, and other players were also sent back to the square.

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