Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Five hundred and twenty-three, an unprecedented and huge crisis!

Political Commissar Zhang felt something was wrong.

The great monks of Yunlu Mountain received Jun Shiyi's call more than half an hour ago, and immediately rushed to Busan to support Su Yu.

But as soon as the big monks left, the mercenary camp was attacked. Could it be Jun Shiyi who was up to something?

However, Political Commissar Zhang is not sure. What if it is a coincidence?

He quickly sent this information to the great monks who were heading to Busan.


Emperor Taizong received a message from Political Commissar Zhang.

He took out the satellite phone and looked at it, and his expression immediately turned ugly.

Noticing the change in his expression, the surrounding monks asked one after another: "Fellow Daoist Li, what happened?"

"That's it, everyone." Emperor Taizong said with a heavy face: "The mercenary camp on the mountainside of Yunlu Mountain was attacked, and we seem to have been tricked..."

Emperor Taizong published the information he received without reservation.

Going to Busan with Emperor Taizong were Senior Yang and Emperor Liu Che, as well as 10 of the 23 great monks in the distraction stage who had the highest cultivation among all the ancient powers.

After hearing Emperor Taizong's words, all the monks' faces became a little ugly.

Could it be that they really fell into Jun Shiyi's plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain?

So what should they do now?

Going back? Or continue to go to Su Yu's place?

Everyone's eyes converged on Senior Yang.

Senior Yang is the most virtuous and respected senior, and everyone wants to hear his opinion.

Senior Yang didn't have any negative emotions at all. He said very calmly: "If I were still in Yunlu Mountain, I might be able to detect the traces of terrorists with the Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills... But it is completely meaningless to say this now."

"For now, it's too late for us to return to Yunlu Mountain. We'd better continue to go to little friend Su Yu. If Jun Shiyi is really a traitor, he will probably be detrimental to little friend Su Yu."

The other great monks thought about it and agreed.

It has been 30 minutes since they left Yunlu Mountain. It would take 20 minutes at the fastest if they returned. The attackers would probably have been eliminated by the time they returned, and there would be no use going back.

On the contrary, little friend Su Yu is making a breakthrough now. According to Political Commissar Zhang, Jun Shiyi is probably a traitor, and they must rush over!

The great monks no longer hesitated and formed a flying goose-shaped formation in the sky, speeding up and flying towards Su Yu's location.


During the flight, Emperor Taizong also continued to receive messages from Political Commissar Zhang.

This information is basically about Yunlu Mountain.

There were a total of 50 ordinary people who came to attack the mercenary camp this time. They were carrying soul-shielding crystals, and they were advanced soul-shielding crystals that could make the user invisible.

The Blue Star Army did not discover these 50 terrorists, allowing them to successfully arrive at the mercenary camp and attack the Holy Light camp with rocket launcher weapons.

Although the great monk who stayed on the top of the mountain arrived in time, the Holy Light camp had been destroyed by the volley of rocket launchers.

Fortunately, the NPC [Holy Lady - Laila] living in the Holy Light Camp is still alive. She said that she can rebuild the Holy Light Camp, but humans must pay 10,000 tons of gold as construction costs.

In other words, after this wave of attacks, humans directly lost 1,000 fifth-level troops, a heavy loss.

Moreover, the 50 terrorists who attacked the mercenary camp were still die-hards. They had already committed suicide by taking poison before the big monk caught them. It is still unknown who sent these terrorists.

Emperor Taizong informed the great monks around him of this information.

When the great monks heard this, they all felt sad and heartbroken.

Back then, 2,000 fifth-level troops could fight back and forth against a swarm of 2,800 monsters. Now they directly lost 1,000. How could everyone not be heartbroken?

But there was nothing the great monks could do.

They used satellite phones to instruct fellow Taoists who were still in Yunlu Mountain to keep an eye on the remaining four camps, and they must not let terrorists succeed again!

Then they continued to fly in the direction of Su Yu.


But just when they were only 10 minutes away from Su Yu, another piece of bad news came.

And the bad news is much worse than the camp being destroyed!

The bad news comes from across the ocean, from Indian Country.

In the Indian state of Nevada, 500 rebel soldiers who did not know where they came from, armed with standard weapons given by the Skrulls, raided and occupied the nuclear war headquarters of the Indian state!

Originally, there were three Nascent Soul stage monks and 2,000 elite soldiers stationed at the nuclear war headquarters. However, they all died under the firepower of weapons provided by the Skrulls.

What's worse is that the Nuclear Warfare Headquarters controls more than 2,000 nuclear bombs!

Now that the rebels supported by the Skrulls occupy the nuclear war headquarters, they may throw these nuclear bombs out at any time. This is definitely an unprecedented and huge crisis for mankind!

Emperor Taizong's face was dark, and he immediately informed the other great monks of the news.

The great monks all looked ugly after hearing Emperor Taizong's description, and even Senior Yang's face was surprisingly heavy.

It seems that the Skrulls are well prepared this time, attacking humans one after another.

First, the leaders of various countries declared hostility to create panic, then led them out of Yunlu Mountain to attack the mercenary camp, and finally supported the rebels to attack the nuclear war headquarters.

Moreover, they were completely unprepared and were caught off guard. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

These 2,000 nuclear bombs are now in the hands of the enemy...what should they do?

All the great monks turned to look at Senior Yang and asked him with their eyes, do you still want to go to Su Yu's place now?

Senior Yang thought for a while and said decisively: "We should continue to go to little friend Su Yu as planned. Jun Shiyi is most likely a traitor, and we must protect the safety of little friend Su Yu! We have lost the nuclear war headquarters, and now We can’t throw away little friend Su Yu anymore!”

"Understood!" the great monks replied one after another.

The Skrulls' attack was very fierce, and they couldn't let little friend Su Yu suffer another mishap.

No matter what, they must protect Su Xiaoyou!

So they accelerated again and flew towards where Su Yu was.


At the same time, the Chinese Imperial Capital.

Speaker Hu Jing paced back and forth in the room with a livid face.

It is actually a trivial matter for the leaders of various countries to declare hostility. After all, China now controls the coalition government, the command of the joint army, all the great monks, and all the psychic springs. Even if the leaders of various countries publicize it for a short period of time, they will not be able to defeat it at all, and they will not be able to do anything to China. threaten.

But the nuclear war headquarters was occupied and the nuclear arsenal with a huge number of nuclear bombs fell into the hands of the Skrulls. This was simply fatal!

Once the Skrulls throw out these nuclear bombs... He can no longer imagine what a doomsday scenario it will be.

Could it be said that the Blue Star humans have been defeated like this?

Hu Jing sat slumped on the sofa, his mind going blank.

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