Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Five hundred and twenty-four, five hundred intercontinental ballistic missiles launched

At the Skrull Base on Mount Elbert, Adjutant Jennifer was reporting to His Majesty the Emperor and Commander-in-Chief Ranch on the planet Skrull.

"His Majesty the Emperor, and Commander-in-Chief Ranchi." Jennifer said to the communication screen with a smile on her face:

"I have lived up to your expectations and have successfully completed the task!"

"In Yunlu Mountain, our death squads successfully destroyed the Holy Light Camp. Without the Holy Angel troops, the strength of the Blue Star recruits will drop to a higher level."

"In Indian Country, our armed Blue Star Special Forces successfully occupied the 'Nuclear War Headquarters' and have now gained control of 2,150 nuclear bombs!"

"500 of these nuclear bombs are intercontinental ballistic missiles, which cannot be effectively intercepted by the Blue Star people's technological level. Moreover, we have also captured enough ballistic missile launch vehicles that can be launched at any time!"

What Jennifer said is the truth. With China's current technological level, it is still impossible to intercept intercontinental ballistic missiles, otherwise Speaker Hu Jing would not be so depressed.

After listening to Jennifer's report, Manina XIII and Lan Qi were extremely happy.

Manina XIII made an approving gesture toward the camera (similar to a Blue Star person giving a thumbs up to the camera) and smiled:

"Jennifer, you have completed your mission very well. After this operation is over, I will give you the title of Viscount and a viscount territory as your reward!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward!" The smile on Jennifer's face became even brighter, with layers of blush on her cheeks.

However, she did not get carried away by excessive excitement and quickly said to the camera: "Your Majesty, in fact, the reason why this operation was successfully completed was mainly because Chief Lanqi made a good plan. I just followed the plan."

Lan Qi also immediately said: "I can't take it seriously. The main credit does not lie with me. I think the success of this operation is mainly due to His Majesty's good guidance. If His Majesty hadn't decided to change his mind and cultivate rebels in Blue Star, how could we have done it?" Is it as successful as it is today?”

Jennifer immediately responded: "Yes, yes, it's all your Majesty's advice!"

"Haha, that's it!" Manina XIII laughed twice, and was very pleased with the flattery of his two subordinates: "Same Lanqi, you will not be short of rewards after this operation is completed. I will upgrade your title to earl, give you earldom, and at the same time give you a chance to enter the 'Fire Sun Spring'!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Lan Qi, who had always been calm, was overjoyed.

"Lieyang Spring" is the treasure of the Lieyang Empire. The spring water is basically spiritual energy condensed into substance. Generally speaking, only the royal family and ministers who have made great achievements are eligible to enter.

Now His Majesty the Emperor has given him this qualification. After obtaining the qualification, his strength will be able to reach a higher level, and he may even advance to the divine level in his lifetime! How could this keep him from being ecstatic?

"You're welcome, you deserve this." Manina XIII waved his hand magnanimously.

But at this time, Jennifer asked: "Your Majesty, when will we launch these 500 intercontinental ballistic missiles? I don't think we can delay it too late, otherwise things will change."

Manina XIII shook his head: "No, Jennifer, you are wrong."

Jennifer showed a confused expression: "What? Your Majesty, don't you agree to launch now?"

Manina XIII shook his head again: "No, I mean we don't delay, launch now! But we have to change the target of the launch."

This time it was Jennifer and Lanci's turn to be confused: "Your Majesty, where do you want to change the target location?"

Manina Thirteenth replied without thinking: "Of course it will be changed to Su Yu's location!"

He explained: "Our original target for the nuclear bomb attack was the mercenary camp in Yunlu Mountain. But now that the Holy Light camp has been destroyed, it is no longer a concern that the strength of Blue Star's summoned troops has been greatly reduced. Of course we have to target us. My 'old friend' Su Yu!"

After speaking, Manina XIII looked at Jennifer: "Jennifer, do you have any real-time surveillance footage of Su Yu?"

"Of course."

Jennifer quickly moved the camera to the main console.

The screen in the center of the main console is the real-time picture of the seawater palace where Su Yu is.

The current seawater palace is still expanding and contracting like a heart, blooming with colorful light. Senior Tao, Jun Shiyi, and King Arthur stood in front of the palace to protect him.

However, it can also be seen from the real-time picture that it will be difficult for Su Yu to get out of it, at least for a while.

Manina XIII nodded after seeing the scene and asked, "Su Yu will stay here for a short time, right?"

"That's right," Jennifer replied.

"What are the strengths of the three cultivators outside the palace?" Manina XIII asked again.

"Back to Your Majesty, the strength of these three people is respectively a peak level 5, an early level 6 and a middle level 6."

"That's just right!" Manina XIII showed a cruel smile: "These three cultivators can't stop 500 ballistic missiles. If they launch them at Su Yu now, I want him to die!"

"Got it!" Jennifer replied.

Jennifer immediately pressed the nuclear button.

500 pre-prepared intercontinental missiles flew out of the launch silo with a rumble and flew into the clouds.


Two minutes later, the 10 great monks headed by Senior Yang successfully arrived at their destination and came to the edge of the Seawater Palace.

Seeing the arrival of reinforcements, look for Shuyuan Jun Shiyi and King Arthur breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Jun Shiyi smiled and greeted the great monks: "Senior Yang, fellow Taoists, you are finally here!"

The great monks did not answer, but stared at him as if they were guarding against a thief, their eyes filled with distrust.

Jun Shili was stunned for a moment: "Fellow Taoists, what happened?"

Emperor Taizong flew to the front of the crowd and looked him up and down: "Let me ask you, Jun Shiyi, did you surrender to the Skrulls?"

Jun Eleven looked confused for a moment: "What are you talking about? How is this possible?"

Emperor Liu Che also stared at him and asked warily: "Then let me ask you, why did we leave Yunlu Mountain just after receiving your news, and then Yunlu Mountain was attacked?"

"What? Yunlu Mountain was attacked? I didn't know?" Jun Shiyi continued to defend: "Please believe me! I really don't have any contact with the Skrulls! It's just because of my practice that some people will be born The ability to sense the future. I felt that little friend Su Yu might be in danger here, so I called everyone here!"

Seeing Jun Shiyi's performance, the great monks exchanged looks with each other.

Jun Shiyi's expression was really sincere, and it was sincere from the bottom of his heart, not like he was pretending.

Could it be that they wrongly blamed Jun Shiyi?

The great monks hesitated.

However, when the great monks were hesitant, Senior Tao, who had always had a serious face, took a step forward and suddenly said loudly behind Jun Shiyi: "Sure enough, I knew it!"

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