Global game evolution

Chapter 353 Jigsaw appears (please subscribe)

Over the city, Wang Dalong and others were coming over when they suddenly saw a battle taking place in front of them.

First a group of cockroach people, and then a big rice dumpling suddenly appeared.

He has some knowledge about zombies and other evil things, and it is easy to see that this is a flying zombie.

Flying Zombie is very powerful, especially the defense and attack power of the /// state, and few people can beat it.

However, this is not the most shocking thing.

What was even more shocking was that Chen Anlin showed up.

"Isn't this Chen Anlin? He is Jigsaw?"

Wang Dalong's eyes were dull.

The team members behind him had all seen Chen Anlin and recognized him at a glance.

Combined with the past, Chen Anlin took the evil seeds and defeated the masters of their player safety center.

All the events were combined, and everyone suddenly realized.

"It turns out that Chen Anlin is the master of Jigsaw. Oh my God, he's right under our noses."

"So young, yet so powerful. How did he do it?"

"There are more than 20 eight-star reviews. Unexpectedly, Jigsaw is Chen Anlin. Unfortunately, I still want to teach Chen Anlin. I am simply humiliating myself." Wang Dalong lamented.

"You're Jigsaw."

Gongsun Wuji looked at Chen Anlin and spoke loudly, so loud that half of the city heard it.

"Aren't you looking for me? I'm here." Chen Anlin said calmly.

His original plan was to open the ghost realm or send these three people into the ghost realm and then deal with them.

But you can't do that at this time.

By sending them into a ghost realm, they lose contact with the energy of the outside world.

Then the seawater above will lose its power, causing seawater to pour into the entire city.

Of course, he can also choose to expand the scope of the ghost domain and cover the entire sea water.

However, doing so consumes too much, and it is unwise to do so before the enemy is killed.

So Chen Anlin knew that he had no choice but to stand up and show up.

"Okay, I never thought that the legendary Jigsaw could be so young. I admit that if you continue to develop, our three brothers will not be your opponent." Gongsun Wuji shouted.

"Really, I have no grievances against you, so there is no need to kill them all like this, right? What you do will only make me more murderous towards you."

"Good boy, you are quite arrogant. Don't you think that if you can deal with Gongsun Ounis, you can deal with us?" Gongsun Wuwu said at this time.

"You can try it." Chen Anlin responded calmly.

He seemed to have done nothing, but in fact, while speaking, he had secretly ordered the Black Mountain Old Demon, the Slippery Ghost, and the Thousand-Armed Buddha to approach quietly.

At this moment, the scene here was seen by many people.

Ye Feiyan, Xia Zhiji, Tang Qiqi, Shen Xin, Jiang Xiaoxue and others below were all stunned.

"Jigsaw, Jigsaw is Chen Anlin." Xia Zhiji said blankly.

"Jenny Jenny!"

Squirtle waved his little paws vigorously, expressing shock.

Ye Feiyan suddenly realized, and she suddenly understood the cause and effect.

"No wonder Chen Anlin is so powerful. It's funny. I always thought he was just powerful in the ice system. Unexpectedly, he is Jigsaw. If you put it this way, everything is explained."

Ye Feiyan felt bitter in her heart. She felt that she didn't recognize Chen Anlin now.

Li Anran on the side was petrified on the spot.

She recalled every moment she had with Chen Anlin in The Alien from Mars.

It can be said that without Chen Anlin, she would be a fart at this time. No, maybe not even a fart, because she would have been dead long ago.



Inside Daxia City's No. 1 Game Academy, all the students raised their heads and looked at this scene in shock.

"Haha, I have always wanted to be a hero, but I was still a step too late. Chen Anlin, I never expected that you are Jigsaw." Tang Kaiming said excitedly, shedding tears.

The other students were not only shocked, but also moved.

Chen Anlin had no intention of paying attention to the following things.

At this time, he was still violently controlling the big rice dumpling to attack his opponent.

But Gongsun Wuji's telepathy was too powerful, and soon, the big rice dumpling's head was crushed.


Chen Anlin decisively gave the order to the super-intelligent queen. He planned to deal with the weakest scavenger here first, the third son, Sun Wuqiang.

This person is a robot and is good at hacking into networks.

But no matter how powerful he is, it's just his consciousness entering the network.

What kind of opponent would she be if she met the super-intelligent Queen and was a real native of the Internet?

In the network, Gongsun Wuqiang is mobilizing satellite weapons in this world, preparing to target Chen Anlin.

"Hehehehe, the network security system in this world is too weak, right? I can get intruded by just a few virus programs. It makes me laugh."

Gongsun Wuqiang thought happily, but soon he realized something was wrong.

The originally obedient program was suddenly wiped out by the super programs coming from all around, and in the cyberspace where he was, firewalls made of flames suddenly appeared around him.


Gongsun Wuqiang was wary by nature, and when he saw this scene, his first thought was to leave here.

But as soon as he ran out, more and more dense firewalls surrounded him, blocking all his escape routes.

"How is it possible? Why is there such a strong firewall?"

Gongsun Wuqiang's expression changed drastically.

He desperately used program viruses one after another in an attempt to break through these firewalls.

However, the program viruses that have been invincible in the past disappear invisible the moment they touch these firewalls.

"Smart, this is a super smart firewall!"

Gongsun Wuqiang was stunned on the spot.

As a robot and proficient in computer technology, he can naturally see what some programs look like.

The super smart firewall in front of us is impossible to control by humans.

"Is it a jigsaw?"

Gongsun Wuqiang looked ugly. As the firewalls became denser and denser, these firewalls soon surrounded Gongsun Wuqiang.

"Let me out, let me out!"

There were firewalls all around, and the scorching temperature burned Gongsun Wuqiang's consciousness.

In the online world, even the nihilistic world is not safe.

The online world seems to be another world of rules. Here, programs are weapons, and the only thing that can fight against programs is program viruses.

The firewall is a top-level program.

Gongsun Wuqiang's computer ability is indeed very powerful, but no matter how powerful he is, he has to admit that he is unlucky when faced with the changing super computing power of super intelligence.

After all, one is a human and the other is a super intelligence.

The super firewall edited by super intelligence cannot be resisted by Gongsun Wuqiang's ability.

And if his consciousness is wiped out in the online world, in reality, it means that only his body is left and his consciousness no longer exists.

"Let me go, I don't want to die, I don't want to die..."

Gongsun Wuqiang tried his best to beg for mercy, but the super-intelligent queen would only execute Chen Anlin's orders.

Soon, the distance between the firewall became narrower and narrower, and eventually Gongsun Wuqiang was burned alive by the firewall.


in reality.

As Gongsun Wuqiang died, his mechanical body tilted its head and slowly fell downwards.


Gongsun Wuji was the first to notice this situation and hurriedly shouted: "Third brother!"

He was shocked and wanted to reach out and catch Gongsun Wuqiang.

Seeing this opportunity, Chen Anlin knew that his chance had come.

Under his command, the Slippery Ghost took the lead and took the lead in fighting out of the ghost realm.

The slippery ghost who appeared was only in his first form for the time being. He was a little old man, and he kicked Gongsun Wuqiang with sharp movements.

"Brother, you go help the third brother, I will deal with this guy."

The second son, Gongsun Wu, activated his skill flash and instantly appeared next to Slippery Ghost, "Blow it up!"

Dealing with such little monsters was no problem for Gongsun Wu.

But not long after the Slippery Ghost's body exploded, a new body slowly condensed.

The second form of Slippery Ghost appears.


Gongsun Wuwu frowned. He clearly remembered smashing the opponent to pieces, but he didn't expect to do it again so soon, and this time it was stronger than before.

"What the hell is this?"

Gongsun Wuwu muttered, and suddenly, a surge of demonic energy surged in.

Above him, a huge mountain suddenly appeared and pressed over him.

"Huh? Monster!" Gongsun Wuwu's expression changed drastically. The monster in front of him was very strong, and he had at least several thousand years of cultivation.


The huge mountain peak came too fast, and he was suddenly hit by the mountain. Blood spurted out, and the internal organs in his body suffered a huge blow.

He quickly exerted his strength, and at this time, his immense strength was revealed.

His body began to rise, like a giant, standing on the ground, his shoulders pressing against the mountain pressing down, gritting his teeth to support him.

"Brother, something is wrong here."

Gongsun Wuji felt the pressure and wanted Gongsun Wuji to come to the rescue.

But when he looked back, he found that his elder brother was not having a good time either.

Chen Anlin appeared in front of Gongsun Wuji, and Gongsun Wuji rushed over with his telekinesis without hesitation, trying to kill Chen Anlin instantly.

Unfortunately, he looked at Chen Anlin by mistake.

Chen Anlin is different from the players he met before.

The huge power of thought seemed to meet the air and penetrated...

"Huh?" Gongsun Wuji's expression changed slightly: "Is it a space-based power?"

Chen Anlin didn't waste any time and quickly froze it and wrapped it up.

"Bah, break, break!"

Gongsun Wuji was not a vegetarian. He had huge mental power. When faced with the surging cold aura, his mental power directly dispelled the coldness.

"Just trying to use this against me is overestimating your capabilities."

Chen Anlin said: "Sure enough, I have a few brushes. It seems that I can only continue."

The temperature is getting colder and colder. On the surface, Gongsun Wuji is calm and calm, but deep down in his heart, there is a turmoil.

This person is the rumored Jigsaw, the top being on this planet.

What is the origin of this temperature? The temperature is still dropping.

Sure enough, he had a few brushes, I underestimated him.

Gongsun Wuji is not ready to sit still and wait for death, he also has summons.

"Come out, Bumblebee, come out, my werewolf army!"

On the surface, a yellow sports car suddenly appeared.

A passerby immediately recognized the car: "Bumblebee is the super robot in the Transformers copy."

Bumblebee instantly turned into a giant. He shook his arms and turned his head. The giant cannon on his shoulders was already aimed at Chen Anlin without Gongsun Wuji's orders.

At the same time, dozens of tall and powerful werewolves appeared one after another and surrounded Chen Anlin.

"kill him!"

Gongsun Wuji gave the order.

"As you command, my master." Bumblebee responded hoarsely, shooting at Chen Anlin with the giant cannon on his shoulder and the laser gun in his hand.

Suddenly, the place where Chen Anlin stood was filled with dust.

"Second brother, hold on, I'm going to finish this guy off soon."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gongsun Wuji took the time to look back at Gongsun Wuji and shouted.

Gongsun Wuwu wanted to reply, but he couldn't say a word. The old Black Mountain demon's body was so heavy that he couldn't even breathe.

In fact, his ability to persist until now has proven his strength.

If an ordinary player encounters someone like the Black Mountain Old Demon, they will probably be crushed into powder.

But he was able to hold on for so long.

The old Black Mountain demon shouted loudly: "Okay, you can still persist under my blow. It's really good, but I can't just do this..."

As he spoke, no one expected that a laser suddenly shot out right in front of Gongsun Wuli.

This is when the Thousand-Armed Buddha began to attack.

In Killing City, Thousand-Armed Buddha, as a mini-boss, is actually very difficult to deal with.

The Thousand-Armed Buddha is a stone statue star, and his usual identity is a stone statue for people to worship.

It has a weapon in each hand.

Such as knives, swords, and arrows.

But the most powerful weapons are the pagoda laser and the retrospective roulette.

The laser emitted by the pagoda can penetrate any object.

Retrospective roulette allows you to quickly go back to the time when your body was not attacked after being hit.

So it's very difficult.

The laser at this time is exactly the laser emitted by the pagoda.


The hot laser was fired. Because Gongsun's force was suppressed by the Black Mountain Old Demon, he could not move his body and could not dodge the laser.

The laser penetrated directly into his heart.


Gongsun Wuwu vomited blood.

Due to the injury, he could no longer bear the huge mountain. With his feet bent, he knelt on the ground.


Gongsun Wuwu shouted for help.

But it's too late.

The slippery ghost came over to kill him at this time.

"Second brother!"

Gongsun Wuji shouted loudly.

"Your opponent is me."

Chen Anlin would not let go of this good opportunity to beat up the drowned dog.

Now, both Gongsun Wuqiang and Gongsun Wuwu have been eliminated, leaving only the man in front of him.

"I won't make it easy for you."

Gongsun Wuji looked at his two motionless brothers, and through telepathy, he knew that they were dead.

He was saddened by it.

"Death, everyone in this world deserves to die!!!"

After roaring angrily, he let go of his huge mental power.


In the sky, the sea water lost the protection of telepathy and all fell from the sky.

"Oops, they're really going to flood this place."

Wang Dalong's expression changed drastically. He wanted to save the situation, but his own strength was of no use.

Others were even more anxious and didn't know what to do.

And the people in the city were completely in chaos.

Looking at the water falling from the sky and about to reach their heads, everyone wanted to escape, but they didn't know where to escape. They could only watch the doom coming.

"Jigsaw, you killed my two brothers, it's your fault, but I flooded this place, it's my fault, you asked for it, you can't blame me!"

Gongsun Wuji was hoarse. He wanted to see Jigsaw's reaction after seeing the entire city being flooded.

Isn’t a jigsaw awesome? Don't you want to save people?

Well, I'll destroy this place.

He believed that there must be many friends and relatives of Jigsaw in this city.

Jigsaw must be very sad that these people are dead, right?

This is his plan.

Ye Feiyan and others looked anxious.

Xia Zhiji clenched her fists and shouted: "Everyone, follow me later. Squirtle can swim. We just need to hold on for a while."

Tang Qiqi was very worried: "I will suffer from hypoxia. This is not a matter of swimming."

"I believe in Brother An Lin." Li Anran said solemnly.

As she spoke, butterfly wings sprouted from her back: "Even if I die, I will help Brother An Lin."

Chen Anlin looked at the sea water in the sky. He knew that the biggest crisis in his life was coming.

He can immediately pass through the ghost realm and transfer the rebirth of water into the sea.

But if you do this, your huge mental power will be consumed in an instant.

Of course, you can also use the 'persistent' skill to support subsequent battles.

But Chen Anlin is worried that the opponent will have a trump card in the future, so he must be vigilant.

After thinking about it, Chen Anlin knew that there was nothing he could do now. He could only divert the sea water.

The huge ghost domain instantly enveloped the entire sky.

Chen Anlin groaned, his mental energy seemed to be swallowed up by some giant creature, and was consumed in an instant.

But in exchange, the sea water in the entire sky shifted.

When the seawater fell to the ground, people found that nothing happened to them, and all the previous seawater disappeared.


Seeing this scene, Gongsun Wuji's eyes narrowed, "You do have space skills, but space skills are powerful, but they are also the most draining of your mental energy. With such a huge sea water, your mental energy must be exhausted now, right? Wasp, kill him!”

Transformers Bumblebee attacks with a huge lightsaber.

Chen Anlin shouted: "Alita!"

Alita burst out of the ghost realm. Although she was about the same size as a normal person, she was extremely fast. She jumped onto Bumblebee in the blink of an eye, and stabbed hard with the ion knife in her hand. Suddenly, lightning flashed across Bumblebee's body.

However, the bumblebee was not a vegetarian. It grabbed Alita with its backhand, and Alita jumped out deftly.

At this moment, Bumblebee suddenly shot.

There is no way, Alita can only hide behind a building.

The Lucky Cat also appeared at this time.

It turned into a giant cat about the size of a bumblebee, and with a deft and powerful leap, it jumped towards the group of werewolves.

"Meow meow!"

Swish, brush, brush...

Its sharp claws cut across it, and several werewolves had no time to dodge and were cut in half.

The other werewolves dispersed and pounced warily towards the Lucky Cat again.

Just as the battle at the scene was stalemate, the unconscious third brother Gongsun Wuqiang suddenly moved.

The electronic synthesizer's eyes lit up, then he stood up and shouted to Chen Anlin: "Master, I have been connected to this body."

The one who spoke was the super intelligent queen.

Gongsun Wuqiang lost consciousness, and this high-level robot happened to be controlled by the queen.

Chen Anlin nodded: "Very good, deal with those werewolves and hornets."

"Yes, Master."

The Queen quickly mastered this mechanical body. This body was worthy of being a big shot from the Game City. The built-in weapons and equipment were very powerful. As soon as she took action, she moved behind Bumblebee.

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