Global game evolution

Chapter 354 The End (Additional update, please vote for me)

"Damn it, you actually used my third brother's body, Jigsaw, you have a lot of secrets!"

Gongsun Wuji was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

The younger brother had not avenged his revenge, but he did not expect that his body would still be occupied by the enemy.

The most important thing is that his trump card was not used, and the sea water in the sky disappeared mysteriously.

He knew that the sea water was instantly transferred to a special space by Chen Anlin.

This is indeed a very strange force, very strong, and difficult for ordinary people to resist.

But there are also disadvantages, that is, it consumes a lot of money. He just needs to persist and he can win.

Thinking of this, Gongsun Wuji planned to delay time.

He retreated quietly and said coldly: "You can't hold on for long, right? Sooner or later I will let you know the price of offending me."

"Really, then I won't hold back anymore."

"Boy, do you still have a trump card?"

"What do you think?"

Chen Anlin smiled coldly and stretched out his hand, preparing to end the battle quickly.

Although his mental power was greatly depleted, he still had many cards in his arsenal.

He decisively used the 'Persistence' skill, and in an instant, the spiritual power in his body surged out like spring water.

This feeling was so comfortable, as if I had been holding it in for a month and was released all of a sudden.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Gongsun Wuji's eyes narrowed. He had just clearly felt that Chen Anlin was dying. How could he suddenly return to his peak?

Suddenly, his heart sank, "I'm afraid this kid has some secret skills. I have to be careful. If it doesn't work, I have to withdraw."

Although he is not willing to do so, this is the best way to keep the green hills without having to worry about running out of firewood.

Click, click, click!

The rapid freezing was activated, and soon, thick ice blocks froze the place.

Gongsun Wuji snorted coldly: "You just want to seal me off? You are overestimating your capabilities."

Chen Anlin said: "This is the battlefield between you and me. I will defeat you here."

"court death!"

Gongsun Wuji attacked, and he used his telekinesis to protect himself. His surging telekinesis transformed into a giant and swatted at Chen Anlin.

Chen Anlin knew every move here, he was not going to dodge, he wanted to fight quickly.

Wenhua Qinglong's physique has reached the master level, the dragon blood is boiling in his body, and Chen Anlin feels substantial power.


A dragon roar seemed to explode within his body.

Chen Anlin faced the giant transformed by telepathy and punched away.

The giant is very strong, but the punching style erupted from Wenhua Qinglong's physique is even stronger.

This is the advantage brought by skills.

What Gongsun Wuji didn't know was that he had unknowingly arrived at Chen Anlin's ghost land.

I didn't use the ghost domain to control the situation before, because I was worried about the falling sea water.

But now that he doesn't have this worry, he will fight to the end.


Wen Hua Qinglong's fist was struck, and in an instant, explosions erupted from the giant formed by his mind power. The giant howled and disintegrated directly.

But unexpectedly, Gongsun Wuji was not worried at all.

He laughed ferociously, and the sword formed by his mind was already close to Chen Anlin's body.

"Boy, this is the price of inexperience in combat. Please be more careful in your next life."

Whoosh whoosh!

The sword struck Chen Anlin's body, and his flesh and blood were instantly mutilated, and one of his legs was cut off.

"Hahaha, how is it?"

Gongsun Wuji smiled proudly.

Although this battle was thrilling, it finally eliminated a serious problem.

He walked over, preparing to give Chen Anlin the final blow.

However, he soon discovered that something was wrong. The flesh and blood on Chen Anlin's body healed quickly at the speed of the naked eye.

At this moment, Chen Anlin has activated the skill limb regeneration.

The broken limbs are merging rapidly, and the injuries on the body are also recovering.

"No, I have to kill him quickly."

Gongsun Wuji's expression changed slightly. He didn't expect Jigsaw to be so difficult to deal with.

And he vaguely felt that his power suddenly could not be restored. He now suspected that he might have entered a certain space, so he could not draw energy.

Since the level of limb regeneration is not high, recovery is not fast, but even if the leg is broken, it is enough for Chen Anlin.

"Guishou, it's your turn."

Chen Anlin ordered.

In the ghost realm, ghost hands quietly appeared behind Gongsun Wuji.

Gongsun Wuji felt like he was facing a powerful enemy, and he felt the power of this hand.

"What the hell is this?"

Gongsun Wuji turned around and struck back, but the huge mental force attack on the ghost hand was useless.

Then, the ghost hand continued to approach and grabbed Gongsun Wuji's shoulder.


Because of the pain, Gongsun Wuji screamed.

His shoulders had been crushed by ghost hands.

"Asshole, bastard!"

Gongsun Wuji yelled angrily and threw out some summons for free.

"Astro Boy, The Lion King, Xiaoli from the Paw Team, Snake Spirit from Calabash, and some combat soldiers with camouflage on their faces..."

These are Gongsun Wuji's summons. He didn't take them out before because these characters were not strong enough.

But now, facing a life-and-death battle, he took out all the money he had in desperation.

Unfortunately, when he did this, the winner had already been decided.

He had used all his cards, even the weak Paw Team Xiaoli, which had proved his failure.

With a thought in Chen Anlin's mind, combat members such as Slippery Ghost, Thousand-Handed Buddha, Alita, Black Mountain Old Demon, etc. entered the ghost realm.

Astro Boy was directly cut in half by Alita, and the broken mechanical body glowed with fire.

The Slippery Ghost slapped the Lion King to death, then grabbed Team Paw Team Xiaoli and crushed him to pieces.

Poor little Li didn't even have time to call out to Archie, and was injured on the spot.

As for the snake spirit, let alone fighting, after seeing the old Black Mountain demon, he was so frightened that he fainted.

The battle was one-sided.

Gongsun Wuji was frightened. Looking at the many strong men around Chen Anlin, he gritted his teeth and said, "Let me go. I promise I won't trouble you again."

"I promise, I can let you go."

"Really?" Gongsun Wuji's eyes lit up.

Chen Anlin said: "I will never break my promise, but before that, I have a request."

"You said, as long as you let me go, I'll do anything."

Chen Anlin said: "I know you are from the Gongsun family. You can contact the local people, right?"

"Yes, you want to..."

"I want you to contact your organization."

In order to survive, Gongsun Wuji naturally agreed quickly: "Okay, okay."

He took out a jade.

This jade is the other half of his natal jade. If he dies, this jade and the natal jade stored in the Gongsun family will be shattered.

Gongsun Wuji swallowed a mouthful of saliva and quickly input his mental power.

After a while, a voice came from Benmingyu: "Wuji, the matter is settled so quickly."

Chen Anlin took the natal jade and said, "Not only did the matter not go well, but two people died."

"Who are you?" The face of the person over there changed drastically.

"Remember, my name is Jigsaw. Aren't your Gongsun family trying to kill me? Don't bother me. I'll come over and meet you."

With a gentle squeeze, the jade broke into two halves.


Gongsun Wuji was stunned for a moment, and an ominous premonition arose. However, holding on to the last bit of luck, he asked tremblingly: "You promised not to kill me."

Chen Anlin looked at him with pity and suddenly smiled: "Fool, I promised you, so I won't break my promise, but... they didn't promise you."

Chen Anlin turned sideways, and the slippery man pinched Gongsun Wuji's neck. He squeezed hard, and Gongsun Wuji fell.

With his death, the red formation above lost its power and had long since dissipated.

As for the natal jade of these three people, they also quietly shattered.

Chen Anlin activated the ghost realm and put the sea water back into the sea.

By this time, his broken limb had almost recovered, and he only felt weak.

He had run out of energy, and his lasting power had receded, making him feel quite depressed.

However, he is more confident.

What he said through Benmingyu just now was to let the people over there know that he was going to pass.

This is not to provoke them, but to prevent them from coming here again.

After all, he has already passed. If they continue to work hard and mobilize people to come here, the gain outweighs the loss.

"Chen Anlin."

At this time, Wang Dalong and others came over, their expressions were complicated.

Especially some of the people behind him looked with admiration and respect.

The name Jigsaw now not only represents strength, but also represents hero.

It was him who saved the entire city.

In this regard, Chen Anlin kept his mind calm, because he was doing this just for his family, for himself, and to deal with the enemy.

The people below already knew from what Gongsun Wuji said just now that the person who saved them was Jigsaw.

As the formation was removed, the city's network was restored again.

Within a minute, Jigsaw's appearance went viral on the internet.

"Jigsaw revealed his true form in order to save Daxia City."

"Jigsaw is actually a young man in his early twenties. I love it."

"The rumored Jigsaw's identity is so simple. Just like the previous speculation, Jigsaw came from a grassroots background."

Not only at home, but also in the Japanese Empire, the Eagle King Empire, and in various countries large and small, Jigsaw's identity swept across the networks of these countries.

"Master, you are completely famous. Do you need me to eliminate all information about you?"

The Queen connected Chen Anlin's mobile phone and reported.

"No need, hiding like this is of no use. Instead, it will expose you." Chen Anlin said.

"As you command, Master."

After Chen Anlin finished speaking, he walked towards Wang Dalong.

"An Lin." Wang Dalong opened his mouth. He now felt that he was under a lot of pressure in front of Chen Anlin.

Chen Anlin nodded slightly: "Director, I know all about the cause and process of the matter, and I can tell you."

"Well, on behalf of the people of Daxia City, thank you."

"It should be done."

Chen Anlin stood with his hands behind his hands and looked at the people below.

These people took pictures of him with their mobile phones and cameras.

There were even many people who could fly and wanted to come over, but they didn't dare.

Wang Dalong shook his head bitterly: "An Lin, now I understand why you concealed your identity in the first place."

Chen Anlin said: "Now that my identity has been exposed, there is one thing I hope Director Wang can help with."

"Just say it."

"I don't want my parents' lives to be disrupted."

"This..." Wang Dalong hesitated for a moment, frowned and said: "It's a bit difficult, but we will do our best to protect it."

"Well, I'm sorry to bother you."

"Then let's go."

"I'll talk to my friends below first."

Chen Anlin's figure flashed and he had arrived at the outer edge of the beach. Ye Feiyan and others were still here.

Seeing Chen Anlin, Ye Feiyan and others opened their mouths, not knowing what to say.

Xia Zhiji, who has the most carefree personality, lamented: "I feel like I'm going to be famous. I actually know Jigsaw and I can laugh out of my dreams."

Li Anran looked at Chen Anlin with admiring eyes and walked over: "Brother Anlin."

"Well, everyone, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to reveal my identity..."

Click, click, click, click...

At this time, people from all directions came over, taking photos with their cameras.

This made Chen Anlin helpless. With a thought, the Slippery Ghost and the Black Mountain Old Demon appeared in front of them.

"What's there to take pictures of?" the old Black Mountain monster said with a ferocious smile. He likes to bully the weak.

As for the Slippery Ghost, standing in front of others with his huge body has already put a lot of pressure on them, and some people have backed away in fear.

The annoying person retreated away, and Chen Anlin sighed: "I still have things to deal with, you go back first."

"Well, Chen Anlin, you go and do your work first." Ye Feiyan's eyes were complicated. She was also in a state of mind at the moment and didn't know what to say.


Chen Anlin left here.

On the way to the safe house, Wang Dalong asked about the situation, and Chen Anlin talked about the game city.

Wang Dalong was a little shocked, "It turns out they came here specifically to deal with you."

"Yes, so I have already planned to go there. Only in this way, they will not continue to send people over."

"But I'm afraid of danger."

"It's okay. The three people who came here this time are among the best in the game city. With my ability, there will be no problem in life."

Wang Dalong nodded solemnly: "Then when will you come back?"

Chen Anlin said: "After I deal with the Gongsun family, I will find a way to come back."

"Would you like to bring some people over?"

"It's inconvenient." Chen Anlin said concisely.


Wang Dalong let out a long sigh.

While they were talking, countless foreign dignitaries sent messages to Hua Zhongzhong, wanting to know the truth of the matter, and even more so, hoping to meet Jigsaw.

China directly refused on the grounds that Jigsaw needed healing.

Of course, the tragically dead Storm Girl's body was eventually found and returned to the Eagle King Empire.

Nowadays, everyone knows what Jigsaw looks like, and the power of the Internet is powerful.

Chen Anlin is now famous, and everyone knows his home address, including his parents.

In this regard, the Gamer Security Office made great efforts and sent people to protect it overnight.

Finally, a message was sent out that anyone who harassed the hero's family would be sentenced, and then the star-chasing group was driven away.

But despite this, many people rented the nearby community just to meet Chen Anlin.

At this point, Daxia City is completely popular.

After their parents learned about Chen Anlin's identity, they were so excited that they couldn't sleep that night.

"You bastard, you didn't even tell my mother about such a big thing." Yang Ping was so excited that she almost cried.

"Hey, I can understand him. After all, this matter involves too much. I've seen a lot. I can only say that I understand everything I understand. It's really hard to explain what I don't understand. After all, it's better for our son to know this kind of thing himself. Wife, Just take a closer look, it’s pointless to talk about it, the interests involved here are too great, it’s not good for everyone, don’t you think so?”

Chen Ziqiang was minding his own business and sighed: "No wonder this guy suddenly gave you so much money. I thought he had gone astray."

"You're the only one who can think blindly."

Yang Ping said speechlessly.

"Haha, actually, that's good. You don't have to worry about him not being able to find a wife in the future."


The couple are still thinking about this at this time.


After Chen Anlin returned home, he told his parents about the matter.

Finally, he talked about his upcoming trip.

The reason why I didn't talk about Game City was because I was worried that they would worry about it.

For the past three days in a row.

The buzz about him being Jigsaw is still high.

And Chen Anlin knew it was time for him to go to the city of games.

Where does he want to make his name and let the Gongsun family know that he is coming?

In the group, Chen Anlin sent a message that he was leaving.

Xia Zhiji, Tang Qiqi and others expressed their concern for safety.

Chen Anlin sent an OK gesture and headed to an open space.

"Just go from here."

Chen Anlin looked at the world with sadness, the past events still vivid in his mind.

"I don't know when I will come back."

Chen Anlin smiled.

Wang Dalong also sent a message at this time: Have a nice trip. If you need any help, please let me know.


Putting down his cell phone, Chen Anlin activated the time travel charm.

Since we are returning this time, the coordinates have already been determined.

A white light flashed before his eyes, and Chen Anlin found himself in a white passage.

There was a huge suction in this passage, and Chen Anlin felt like his body was suspended and being sucked in uncontrollably.


Appearing again, Chen Anlin found himself in a huge square.

The place is bustling with people, and countless vendors set up stalls on both sides of the street.

"In the Dragon Ball world, I heard that the Yang family has collected 6 of them, and there is still one seven-star bead left. When all the seven-star beads are collected, Yang Ronger, the eldest daughter of the Yang family, will enter the copy of the dragon balls and summon the dragon to make a wish!"

"I don't know what wish she will make. I heard that the dragon can grant any wish, but in so many years, only one person has collected all the seven dragon balls."

"That's natural. In the Dragon Ball replica world, not only are there many big forces competing for the Dragon Balls, but I also heard that there is a villain, Sun Wukong. This Sun Wukong looks like a child, innocent and innocent, but he can be ruthless. Anyone who wants to snatch the hanging around his neck Dragon Ball, he will fight you tooth and nail!"

"I really can't understand how the Yang family got so many dragon balls."

Listening to the words of the people around him, Chen Anlin was a little shocked: "This is... the game space in the game city?"

Looking up, except for the different game players, the rest of the environment was exactly the same as the game space he had entered before.

As soon as I thought about it, the game panel appeared in front of me.

"Back to my play space."

"Okay, Jigsaw."

In an instant, Chen Anlin came to his own space.


After leaving the game space, Chen Anlin appeared in an open space.

At this time, the sun of this world is shining on the earth and the weather is clear.

But the difference is that in the sky, a fire-breathing dragon slowly cuts across the sky.

In order to let everyone enjoy the plot of the final identity exposure, I worked overtime last night and added an extra update today.

Now heading to the game city, the new world setting will be a little different.

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