Global game evolution

Chapter 356 Unknown Female Corpse—Strange Corpse (please vote for me)

Fang Yutong left directly.

Looking at her back, Chen Anlin was thoughtful.

Judging from the sound just now, someone wants to attack and kill this woman, and there are too many interests involved behind it. I can only say that you understand everything you need to understand, and it is useless to explain what you don’t understand. It is not easy to explain this in detail. You can only understand it yourself. ………

Chen Anlin thought.

He didn't need to worry about this kind of thing, but it was very troublesome to stand on his own and he needed a hand.

He thinks Fang Yutong is a very suitable woman.

Maybe she is not a good person, but at least she has principles. Such a person is easy to deal with because you know what she is thinking.


The convoy was driving on the road, and Fang Yutong was in a bad mood today.

It's not because of what happened in the market just now, but because the family has not been very peaceful recently.

Recently, the family planned to marry with other families, and she was pushed out again.

It's a nice name to find her a good family, but you still don't want to kick her out of the family?

Over the years, as the Fang family's trading market she runs has become more and more prosperous, it has become a major pillar of the Fang family's financial resources.

Of course, this piece of fat was targeted by other members of the Fang family.

So, in order to kick her out of here, some people from the Fang family dealt with her overtly and covertly. If she hadn't had some tricks, she would have been eaten up long ago.

But this time, it was difficult for her to hide.

The family involved in the marriage is quite powerful, and the other party seems to want to see her by name. With her own charm, it may be difficult for the other party to resist.

If you really fall in love with her, it will be very troublesome.

Moreover, grandpa also hopes that she will get married. The reason is that after the marriage, the Fang family's power will rise to a higher level. Maybe they can also win a crystal mine in the wild area. By then, the Fang family's power will increase... …

"At the end of the day, I'm just a victim."

Fang Yutong sneered as she thought about her plan and what to do next.

In fact, she is not helpless. She has friends in the central area of ​​the game city with a high position. With friends to help, she can share some of the pressure.

But the problem is that friends also have enemies, so they can’t always trouble them!

"That's it, I don't want to think about it anymore, let's go have a drink first."

Fang Yutong asked the driver to pull over and she entered a bar.

She opened this place herself, and she likes to come here and have a few drinks when something bothers her.

In the complicated music, she will slowly find that solace.

"Sister Yutong."

The security guard at the door saluted respectfully.


Fang Yutong nodded calmly and said nothing.

When we came to the bar, there were already a lot of people at this time.

Many people sat together in groups, drinking wine and swaying to the music. The atmosphere was good.

When the bartender saw Fang Yutong coming over, she almost didn't need to ask. She took out her favorite cocktail and put it on the table.

Chen Anlin also came at this time.

He was far away from Fang Yutong and glanced at the bar furnishings. The decoration style was quite nice.

There are no chaotic people here, but I can hear a lot of people talking about the dungeon.

It turns out that this bar has a special place for guests to enter the copy.

Guests in groups sometimes gather here to discuss and then enter the game space together.

After understanding this, Chen Anlin became interested and felt that Fang Yutong was quite good at doing business and could think of such a way.

Anyway, Fang Yutong's assassin was outside for a while, so Chen Anlin found the bartender and opened a room.

He was going to enter a copy to see what the level of gamers in this world was like.

After paying the room fee of 1,000 yuan, Chen Anlin was led to a place similar to a KTV box.

The waiter brought some drinks, and after a while, a girl dressed in revealing clothes entered the room: "Sir, do you want to enter the game space later?"

"Well, is something wrong?" Chen Anlin asked.

"Before copying, sir, you can have a massage for a while to relax your body and mind. This service is free."

"Oh? Really, but no need, wait until I come out of the dungeon and then massage."

Chen Anlin waved his hand, and the girl retreated obediently.

“I didn’t expect the service here to be so attentive.”

Chen Anlin smacked his lips but didn't think much about it. After taking a sip of wine, Chen Anlin muttered silently, "Enter."

When I came to the game space, the copy that was refreshed after using the refresh card last time was still there.

At that time, he had already clicked on the copy of "Unknown Female Corpse", but because the space was being upgraded, he could not enter it.

Now, the space has been upgraded, and it's almost time to enter.

Before that, he used his newly purchased mobile phone to check online for strategies for copying.

This has become his habit.

However, after turning on his phone and connecting to the Internet, he found that there were charges for online guides about dungeons.

And compared to the Aquablue Star network, there are far fewer strategies for dungeons here.

Now that he didn't have much money, and he didn't have an ID card to pay online, Chen Anlin gave up on checking the copy guide online.

"Enter the copy of "Unknown Female Corpse"."

Chen Anlin issued the order.

"Okay, Jigsaw."

Entering the copy of the game city for the first time.

Although they are all the same, who knows if there are any differences inside?

Chen Anlin couldn't guarantee it.

Arriving at a small space, Chen Anlin found a man and a woman waiting here.

It seems that he is the player who entered the copy of "Unknown Female Corpse" together this time.

Chen Anlin looked at them.

The woman has blue hair, a lean appearance, and a petite figure.

Her face was a little cold, and she was also looking at the others arrogantly.

The man was muscular and had a crew cut, and he looked at Chen Anlin warily.

"It seems that everything is here. Let me tell you something before entering the dungeon. As far as I know, this dungeon needs to survive until dawn. The second step is to find the cause of death of the female corpse. By then, the closer to dawn, the higher the evaluation will be. The highest rating I've heard is 6 stars."

The crew-cut man's eyes stopped on Chen Anlin, "And I happen to know the person who got a 6-star rating."

"Oh?" The cyan-haired woman's eyes lit up: "Seriously."

"There's no need to lie to people about this kind of thing, and it's useless to lie to you, right?"

"What's your purpose for saying this?" the green-haired woman asked.

The flat-headed man said: "Of course I'm cooperating. Although the strategy he gave me is useful, I can't pass it alone, or it's very difficult. With everyone's help, it will be much easier. How about it? You can consider cooperating. , after all, this is a dungeon for ordinary people. After entering, everyone is an ordinary person. For safety reasons, we can cooperate."

"You want an alliance?" the woman asked.

"An alliance will lead to internal strife over uneven sharing of rewards. I suggest that we just don't interfere with each other."

The green-haired girl immediately agreed. Anyway, I got this copy of the guide for free, so why not do it.

"Okay, I agree, let's talk about it."

Anyway, I have to say it. The crew-cut man didn’t care whether Chen Anlin agreed or not, and said: “The plot of this copy is like this.”

"We will appear in a hospital, and a female corpse will be sent to the hospital in the evening, and the story will unfold from this female corpse."

"The female corpse is very strange. Although she is motionless, according to players who have entered this dungeon before, after dark, various ghosts and dead bodies will appear in the hospital for no reason. At the same time, the bells on the morgue will ring..."

"Everyone knows that in the morgue, the staff will hang bells on the legs of each corpse, so that if someone is not dead, they can wake up the staff when they wake up."

"But in fact, this situation will never happen, but hanging bells has become a tradition."

"Later on, the ringing will become more and more loud because the bodies there are waking up."

Listening to the crew cut man's story, Chen Anlin nodded silently in his heart.

This is indeed the plot in the movie.

But he was curious, what was this man's dungeon strategy?

If there really was a strategy, this copy was actually very simple, and he had already thought of a countermeasure.

The green-haired woman on the side also agreed at this time: "Yes, this dungeon is indeed the plot. If it is normal, the dead bodies that appear will not be a concern with my strength. But the key is that we are ordinary people there, so it is difficult. Okay, so what’s your strategy?”

The flat-headed man smiled mysteriously: "Before this, I read a lot of guides. Many people said that no matter how the corpse is destroyed, even if it is burned with fire or chopped with a knife, in the end, the female corpse will return to its original state after a while, so we can conclude that Conclusion, destroying the body is useless."

"Having said so much, what is your strategy?" The green-haired woman seemed anxious and asked impatiently.

"If you want to know how to live, you need to know the origin of the female corpse and how she killed people."

"you know?"

"Well, my friend said that they found an ancient book there, which recorded a story about a witch. She knew witchcraft. After her death, her body would not rot and she would sleep underground. Anyone who disturbed her sleep would turn into a ghost and kill people. So I concluded that the female corpse killed people because she turned into a ghost."

"Well, I also read the guide on this. It is indeed a ghost. But the question is, even if I know this, how can I crack it?"

The flat-headed man said: "Although we are ordinary people, we still understand things like ghosts. We can burn paper money for her. If that doesn't work, we can draw talismans. The effect may not be that good, but we have to try anyway."

"Ah, that's it?"

The green-haired woman seemed disappointed with the man's approach.

The flat-headed man said: "My method may not be the best, but it is the most effective. After all, my brother used the method of drawing talismans to deal with several evil ghosts that rushed towards him."

As soon as these words came out, the green-haired woman's eyes lit up: "Really?"

"Why are you lying to me? And to be honest, when it comes to drawing talismans, mine is better than my brother's."

The crew-cut man smiled slightly and continued: "As we all know, although ordinary people's dungeons cannot use skills, there are no restrictions on drawing talismans and the like as long as you can remember them, right?"

"Not bad." The green-haired woman nodded slightly, her eyes lit up with stars: "Hurry up and tell me your plan?"

"Well, don't worry, the plan is like this. After we pass, first everyone will look for paper. When you find the paper, give it to me and I will draw the talisman. However, this talisman requires some special materials, otherwise the effect will not work."

"what material?"

"Human blood!"

The green-haired woman said: "That's no problem, I can cut my finger."

"Well, the next step is to find out the cause of death of the female corpse. Then we can do an autopsy." The crew-cut man said.


"Okay, this is our plan. Brother, what do you say?" The flat-headed man looked over and asked.

Chen Anlin said calmly: "I act alone."

"Huh?" The green-haired girl looked at Chen Anlin like a fool, "Are you sure?"

The flat-headed man said: "Friend, it seems that you are quite confident in yourself. Can you get through this dungeon?"

Chen Anlin said concisely and concisely: "Just trying it alone."

"Okay, I won't force you, but I said it first, don't even think about grabbing paper from me."

"I don't need paper."

Chen Anlin said lightly.

Chen Anlin understood this man's method.

He thought that the things that appeared there were ghosts, so he drew talismans to deal with them.

Chen Anlin just wanted to laugh about this.

Because everything that appears there is just an illusion.

The temporary departure of the ghost is just the disappearance of the illusion.

Dealing with such a copy is actually extremely simple.

Just find a sealed cabinet and sleep directly.

The two discussed it for a while and finally finalized the plan.

The green-haired girl seemed to want to thank others, and finally whispered: "I am from the caravan area, how about you?"

"Holy Light Area."

"The holy light area." The green-haired woman's eyes lit up, "That's a good location."

In the game city, just like other worlds, there are good and bad regions.

Living in a good area, the cost of living is very high, both in terms of commodity prices and house prices.

The Holy Light area can be said to be a better area here, with very high living conditions.

The green-haired girl's caravan area was an ordinary place.

"Well, you can come to my house to play when you have time." The crew-cut man smiled, looking proud.

Chen Anlin was speechless. After entering a dungeon, the two of them hooked up.

After a while, the two of them finished chatting and started to enter the copy.

"Loading the unknown female corpse of the ordinary person copy in the danger zone..."

A black light curtain enveloped him, and then a line of white words appeared in front of him.

Difficulty of "The Unknown Woman": 3 stars.

Mission introduction:

The criminal police transported an unknown female corpse, hoping that the coroner could figure out the secrets on her body before dawn.

Strangely, the female body did not have any bruises or wounds, but her internal organs and bones were heavily scarred.

Obviously, the female corpse had been brutally abused during her lifetime.

During the autopsy process, the surrounding environment became more and more strange. The corpse in the morgue seemed to be moving...


Opening his eyes, Chen Anlin found himself standing outside the autopsy hospital.

This is a low-rise hospital equipped with laboratories, incinerators, morgues, and offices.

In the evening, all the employees here had gone off work, so Chen Anlin estimated that only the father and son in the movie were left inside.


At this time, a task prompt appeared in front of me.

"Main mission 1: Survive until dawn."

"Main mission 2: Find the cause of death of the female corpse."

"Mission time: before dawn."

"Task Tip 1: Seeing is not necessarily believing."

"Task Tip 2: She just wants to kill you, so don't leave anything to chance."


This copy gave him the nickname Jigsaw.

From the identity of Chen Anlin, it can be seen that there is no plot in this dungeon. It is purely about spending a night in it.

"As long as I firmly believe that everything I see is an illusion, that's fine."

Chen Anlin secretly told himself.

I came to this point because that's what the movie is.

in movies.

The protagonists are a coroner and his son. After encountering a resurrected corpse, they find that the door is locked and there is no way to escape.

Immediately afterwards, there was lightning and thunder outside, and strong winds.

In order to escape, the father and son used an ax to chop down the door, and finally accidentally killed their son's girlfriend.

But in fact, these are all illusions and do not exist.

Why do you say that?

Because at the end of the movie, when the police came, it was shown that the weather outside was sunny and there was no storm.

Then the radio said that it was the fourth consecutive sunny day, which also confirmed that there was no storm last night.

After entering the house, his girlfriend's body was not there, nor was the door that had been hacked with an axe.

There are many details and clues that show that everything the father and son experienced last night was an illusion.

The house was not badly damaged at all.

At this point, the audience who watched the last part knew that everything the father and son experienced last night was all fake.

"Fortunately I know the plot and I know how to do it."

As for finding the cause of death of the female corpse, the father and daughter had already found it later in the movie. He didn't even need to dissect the female corpse, and actually already knew the answer.

Chen Anlin thought for a moment and became confident.

The crew-cut man and the green-haired woman have been waiting for a long time.

The crew-cut man looked around and sighed: "Beauty, let's go in."


The two people ignored Chen Anlin and entered directly.

Chen Anlin followed.

After entering, the lights were still on.

The crew-cut man said: "My friend said that if you keep walking along this corridor, you can see the autopsy room."

"Go there as soon as possible and draw the talisman in advance." The green-haired woman said.

"That makes sense."

While the two were chatting, Chen Anlin also walked in and glanced around. It was exactly the same as in the movie.

The three people were walking in the corridor, but there was no one around. It was silent, dark and cold. It felt as if no one had been to this place for a long time.

Chen Anlin passed by rooms. Some of these rooms were locked, and some were half-open. It was dark inside, and he didn't know what was stored there.

After passing a corner and walking a few steps, the three of them saw the word morgue.

After walking in, a cold breath hit my face.

"It's so cold."

The green-haired woman murmured. She looked towards the center of the morgue. There was a corpse covered with white cloth on the morgue.

The corpse's feet were exposed, slender and snow-white, and the nails were evenly repaired and well-organized.

It was obvious that this was the unknown female corpse.

"We have arrived at our destination. Next, I will draw symbols around the corpse to suppress it." The flat-headed man said solemnly.

The green-haired woman nodded: "I will bleed."

This woman was quite courageous. She cut her finger without saying a word.

Suddenly, blood flowed out.

The crew-cut man nodded with satisfaction. He saw some paper on the edge of the room and took it over.

The green-haired woman found the container and poured blood into it.

The smell of blood filled the room.

Chen Anlin walked to the body and lifted the bed sheets.

Suddenly, a corpse came into view.

Thank you all for your monthly votes

Thanks to Xinxi for the reward of 1500

Talk about this movie

This movie didn't tell the origin of the female corpse until the end, but I know

I'm afraid that everyone will be scared if they know the truth o(╥﹏╥)o

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