Global game evolution

Chapter 357 The unknown female corpse - the cause of death of the female corpse (please vote for me)

The female body is very beautiful.

It can be seen that the female corpse was definitely a beautiful woman during her lifetime.

The body was well-proportioned, neither too big nor too small, and it was just right when you hold it.

Chen Anlin nodded silently. I heard that during the filming, a female model was invited to play the corpse.

The acting was too simple, but it was a bit inappropriate. I really don’t know how it was done in the movie.

Shaking his head, Chen Anlin didn't think much. He looked around and began to consider what to do next.

He remembered that at the end of the movie, the father and son learned from ancient books that the female corpse was a witch during her lifetime.

Anyone who offends her corpse will be cursed.

The father and son were offended by the dissection of the corpse, so they had hallucinations.

Thinking of this, Chen Anlin first felt that he could not dissect this corpse.

Maybe, I can win this level directly.

As for the crew-cut man, he didn’t consider this.

He took out the scalpel and said to the green-haired woman: "Next, I will dissect the corpse. In addition to finding the cause of death of the female corpse, I will also put down the drawn talisman."

"But I heard from many guides that even if the female body was dissected, no cause of death could be found. There were no wounds or even bruises on the surface of the female body. Instead, there were various symbols on her bones and internal organs..."

The crew-cut man smiled: "You understand it quite well."

"I did my homework when I came here."

The flat-headed man said: "Well, I also understand this statement, so I dissected the female corpse. One reason is to see for myself, and the other reason is that I want to draw talismans on the female corpse!!!"

"What, drawing talismans on a female corpse?"

"Yes, if we take her blood and draw the talisman, the effect will be better. If so, and we finally find out the cause of death, maybe we can get an 8-star rating for this trip!"

The green-haired woman suddenly became excited and even spoke a little awkwardly: "8...8-star rating."

From the looks of them, it seems that Game City also favors 8-star reviews.

Chen Anlin was secretly amused.

The flat-headed man said: "Yeah, so do it well."

"Yeah, I will." The green-haired girl looked excited.

The flat-headed man looked at Chen Anlin: "Brother, do you want to dissect? If you dissect, then we will be highly praised together, how about it?"

"Sorry, I have other things to do." Chen Anlin refused directly.

Just kidding, if you ask him to do something that offends a female corpse, he won't do it.

"Why are you so ignorant?" The green-haired woman spoke, her words dissatisfied with Chen Anlin.

Chen Anlin said: "I told you when I came here that I would not cooperate with you. Don't you understand?"


Just as the woman was about to speak, the crew-cut man stopped her: "There's no need to talk nonsense, it's important to do things."


The flat-headed man looked at Chen Anlin and said, "Forget it if you don't cooperate. I hope you won't beg me later."


The crew-cut man took out a scalpel and prepared to dissect himself.

But before that, he drew several talismans.

The symbols on these talismans were relatively complicated, and Chen Anlin realized that he had never seen them before.

But no matter what the symbol looked like, Chen Anlin knew it was useless, because this place was not haunted at all, but an illusion.

A total of about ten talismans were drawn. The crew-cut man breathed a sigh of relief and secretly thought it was a pity.

If you use serious yellow paper or gold foil to draw the symbols, the effect will actually be better.

The paper on which the symbols are drawn now is just A4 paper.

Shaking his head, the crew-cut man began to dissect.

As for Chen Anlin, he went out and prepared to find a room to rest.

The content of this copy is actually very simple.

Since it's an illusion, he doesn't go anywhere, he stays somewhere, and no matter what he sees or hears, he doesn't move.

When Chen Anlin went out, the green-haired woman frowned and said, "Brother, this guy is a little weird."

"Really?" The flat-headed man's eyes flashed: "How do you say that?"

"Forget it if he doesn't help, he's still wandering around. Looking at him, he still looks like he has a chance to win. I'm wondering if he has any confidence?"

"Are you sure?"

The crew-cut man didn't take it seriously and chuckled: "Even if he is sure, how can he be sure if he doesn't do anything?"

"That's true, but he is too calm. I wonder if he knows something."

"Well, your idea still makes sense, but it's okay, he does his thing, we do ours..."

"Do you want me to give him..." The green-haired woman made a gesture of slicing his neck: "It's useless anyway, so just kill him."

I can't tell that although this green-haired girl is a woman, she can be so cruel.

The flat-headed man was secretly wary and said: "There is no need to make matters worse. Everyone has their own strength. There is no need to make a big fuss."

"Oh well."

The green-haired girl secretly felt a little pity.

The flat-headed man had already cut open the belly of the female corpse.

Immediately, blood flowed out from the belly of the female corpse, soaking the morgue with blood.

"After being dead for so long, the blood has not solidified. There is something really weird about this female corpse."

The crew-cut man muttered.


The crew cut man seemed to know something about anatomy.

While he was dissecting, he checked the injuries in his stomach.

"There is indeed no damage to the surface, but the internal organs are seriously injured. It seems to have been burned by fire, the bones are broken, and some characters are carved on some places. It should be some kind of witchcraft?"

Time passed by minute by minute.

Chen Anlin found an office. He locked the door and prepared to rest here for the night.

In the morgue, the crew-cut man and the blue-haired woman had already studied the corpses to a great extent.

"Maybe the cause of death was smoke inhalation."

The flat-headed man analyzed it, because the internal organs of this female corpse were pitch black, and it really looked like she died from inhaling smoke.

"But how do you explain the bones? And why is there a talisman carved inside the heart?" The green-haired woman was surprised.


The flat-headed man didn't know what to say. He shook his head and said, "It's useless to talk about this. I'm going to draw talismans on the female corpse now."

This is his plan this time, to draw talismans on the corpse, so as to ultimately prevent the corpse from turning into a ghost.

He and his friends had thought about this plan many times and were absolutely sure of it.

The reason is that his friend said that he used the talisman drawing technique to deal with many ghosts that appeared, which proved that the talisman drawing technique was effective.

With this experience, it is much simpler.

Drawing symbols requires skills.

This has nothing to do with skills.

Techniques need to be practiced day after day until muscle memory is developed.

Once you have muscle memory, even if you enter an ordinary person's dungeon and you are an ordinary person in the dungeon, it will become much easier.

This is what he relies on.

With some blood on his fingers, the crew-cut man began to draw symbols on the woman's body.

But as more and more symbols were drawn, the lights in the room flickered strangely.


The incandescent lights on the roof made a harsh flashing sound, and they both knew, without even guessing, that a crisis was coming.

"Jingle Bell……"

"Jingle Bell……"

The crisp bell sounded.

The expressions of the two people changed. The sound was the sound of the bell hanging on the corpse's feet.

The corpse comes to life!

The two of them looked at the morgue displayed behind them at the same time.

There are more and more bells ringing in the morgue, which means that more and more corpses are being resurrected.

Neither of them dared to express their anger.

The flat-headed man began to draw runes faster, and the female corpse was covered with large and small runes.

Even the internal organs are not spared.

As for the green-haired girl, she held a talisman in each hand, and she couldn't help but look towards the door.

She had made up her mind to escape from here as soon as she found something was wrong.


What are you afraid of?

At this time, the woman felt someone pat her from behind.

She was so frightened that her face changed drastically. She yelled and looked towards the flat-headed man, hoping for his rescue.

But looking back, she was stunned.

At some point, an old man with a rotten face stood aside, but the crew-cut man disappeared.

The old man was silent, with thick, smelly blood dripping from the corners of his eyes.

As if sensing the woman's gaze, the old man also looked over.


The green-haired girl screamed, was so frightened that she fell to the ground, rolled and crawled out.

The idea of ​​using talisman paper at the beginning was completely forgotten by her.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that the woman didn't know what horrible thing she saw, she actually ran away, which puzzled the crew-cut man.

It was too late to stop the woman. After the woman ran out, the man grabbed the door and opened it forcefully.

But the door was completely locked and couldn't be moved at all.

"Women are indeed troublesome. Why worry? You are wasting my time."

The crew-cut man cursed lowly. He thought the door might have been locked by the woman, so he couldn't open it.

"Are you leaving me here on purpose? Don't let me touch you again."

Holding the scalpel, the crew-cut man cursed.

At this time, the sound of bells in the house suddenly disappeared.

This made him strange.

He thought about it and suddenly smiled: "I know, it's probably the talisman painted on the female corpse that worked. I'm really a genius."

Feeling proud in his heart, he took a few drawn talisman papers and walked to the morgue.

There is a corpse in each morgue, and he plans to put talisman stickers on these morgues to ensure safety.


Just after pasting a piece of talisman paper, he realized something was wrong.

I don't know when a morgue opened in front of me.

His alertness increased greatly. Something obviously wasn't right about such a strange thing.

When was it opened?

With doubts in his mind, he felt that he was not going to get close to it, so he threw the talisman there in his hand, but it had no effect.

"Jingle Bell……"

"Jingle Bell……"

At this time, the door that was originally closed opened.

A dark figure walked in.

This was a lifeless corpse, and the dull footsteps made the corpse even more weird.

"Why does the talisman have no effect?"

The crew-cut man couldn't figure it out.

When he came, he heard from his friends that this ghost was very simple and could be dealt with using talismans.

You may not be able to kill it, but you can definitely survive until the end.

Because that's how he came here.

But now…………

"Why, why on earth is this?"

The man was confused and thought of his girlfriend.

He, his friend, his girlfriend, and the three of them have broken through countless dungeons.

Although the evaluations they received were not very high, after sharing the joys and sorrows, their lives became better and better, so much so that they, who originally lived in the peripheral area, moved to the Holy Light area.

The lives of the three of them are getting better and better. As the eldest brother, he is about to get married to his girlfriend. He originally wanted to earn generous rewards through this copy and give his girlfriend a surprise when the time comes.


"Haozi clearly said that the talisman paper is useful, why is this?"

He froze on the spot, because he trusted his brother so much that he just came in without even a resurrection card.

This means that if he dies here, he is really dead.


The corpse came closer to him, reaching out its hand to him.

He yelled and backed away wildly.

"Don't come near me, don't come near me!"

The talisman paper that I worked so hard to make was thrown at me for free, but it was of no use at all.

At this moment, he seemed to understand something.

"Haozi, you lied to me, you are so cruel!!!"

No matter how stupid he is, he understands everything now.

The good brothers kept saying that if you enter here, you can use talismans to deal with those ghosts.

Even if we can't find the truth behind the female corpse, surviving is not a problem.

But now, things are so simple, these talismans are useless at all.

Combined with what his good brother said to him back then, he understood everything.

My good brother wants to harm him!

The die was done, nothing could be changed at this moment, so he could only try his best to escape.

But in the blink of an eye, the room was filled with corpses.

These corpses were all taken out of the morgue.

Silence, deathly silence, the ferocious corpses all stretched out their hands towards the flat-headed man.

"Go away, go away!"

The flat-headed man had never felt so helpless. He screamed with all his strength, but to no avail. He watched helplessly as the corpses surrounded him and devoured him.

He felt like he couldn't breathe. His breathing became heavier and heavier, and he finally fell to the ground helplessly.

On the other side, the green-haired girl looked desperately behind her after running out.

The body was gone, and before she could be happy for a while, a bell rang in the dark corridor.

The sound of the bells came closer and closer, both before and after.

Her heart sank, knowing that the corpse was still chasing him, and was attacking from both sides.

She quickly took the fire ax from the wall and stared straight ahead.

The body finally appeared, and it turned out to be a man with a crew cut.

"It's you!"

Her eyes froze, and the woman realized something was wrong.

The man staggered over, but on his feet were hanging bells that only corpses would have.

" are dead."

The woman's heart sank. The man was dead, which meant that the talisman was useless.

"Damn it, can I only use my own method?"

The woman cursed in a low voice. She had the courage to enter here, but she actually had someone to rely on.

That's hiding.

This method is not perfect, but the guide says that many people used this method to survive until the end.

Of course, the evaluation after the dungeon ended was not high because the specific cause of death of the corpse was not known.

"I should have known I should have hid first, who knew he was so useless."

The green-haired woman sighed with emotion. She heard the man say he was from the Holy Light area before. She thought the man was very powerful, but she didn't expect him to be so weak.

She knew she had made a mistake.

She immediately tried to open the door next to her, but she suddenly found that the doors were locked.

"What's going on? I just remembered that I could open it."

She tried the second door and the third door, but they were all locked!

Little did she know that the illusion here was not only about images, but also about touch and taste.

She has been affected by these hallucinations.

Chen Anlin stayed in the room and felt strange when he heard the shouting outside.

The door next door is unlocked. Can't she open it?

"It seems that he was influenced."

Chen Anlin felt like a mirror in his heart, but he didn't plan to do anything.

He is not a holy mother, and he will not save people for no reason.

"Bang bang bang!"

The woman couldn't open the door, so she had to smash it with a fire ax.

The door was quickly knocked down, but the moment she pushed it open, she was stunned.

The female corpse was actually standing at the door.


She was so frightened that she couldn't stop herself from retreating, but she seemed to trip over something. She tilted her head and fell to the ground, smashing a big hole in her head on the spot.

Hearing that there was no movement outside, Chen Anlin knew that the two game players were probably dead.

"This is so efficient."

Chen Anlin muttered. Through the crack in the door, he saw the lights outside turn on again, and then, a figure walked past on the other side of the door.

The figure covered the light, and Chen Anlin's heart tightened.

He knew that the female corpse was coming to deal with him.

"No matter what I see, I pretend not to see it. I can't be affected by anything."

Chen Anlin secretly warned himself.

Fortunately, he had often used illusions before, so he was familiar with illusions.

As long as you regard everything as false, as long as you remain still, it doesn't matter even if the mountains collapse and the earth breaks apart.

This is his plan.

There was not just one person coming outside the door, but a large group of corpses.

The corpses were pushing and pushing to get in.

The quality of the door is not very good and it has started to loosen.

But Chen Anlin felt that this might be an illusion.

He sat on the edge of his desk and began to doze off.

But at this time, the door opened for no reason.

Chen Anlin's pupils shrank. Standing at the door was the female corpse.

She stood upright at the door, staring deathly.

"I know you died miserably." Chen Anlin spoke. In his opinion, it was okay for him to speak, and if he spoke, he might make the female corpse not to attack him.

This is also part of his plan.

Because in the movie, at the end of the movie, the protagonist's father finds out through ancient books that those who are disrespectful to witches will be cursed.

And when he just dissected her, he didn't touch her at all.

So if you say something nice, can you calm down the female corpse?

Regardless of whether it works or not, you have to give it a try.

With this mentality, Chen Anlin continued to speak: "Look, you are not wearing any clothes, why don't you wear mine?"

He quickly took off his clothes and threw them away.

But the clothes fell to the ground and the female body was not picked up.

"Don't you like it?"

Chen Anlin didn't care. He did all this just to test.

No matter what, he would remain still.

The female corpse seemed to realize that he would not move. Behind her, several corpses appeared.

The corpse staggered into the room and walked towards Chen Anlin.

Chen Anlin frowned. Fortunately, he had a resurrection card during this trip, so he wasn't worried about death.

But if you can avoid death, it's best not to die.

The corpses were getting closer and closer, and Chen Anlin could smell the pungent corpse gas on these corpses.


An old man's corpse came over and sprayed him.

Thank you all for your monthly votes

I originally wanted to finish this copy with two updates today.

But I have only written 3,000 words for the next chapter, so I have to work harder to write it.

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