Global game evolution

Chapter 364: The Great Zombie Era—Recruiting Soldiers and Horses (please vote for me)

Tang family.

A thin man sat on the main seat in the lobby, quietly sipping tea.

He has an ordinary appearance, but his brows are full of fierceness.

This person is none other than Tang Shanshan's eldest brother, Tang Long.

He is the most ferocious person in this movie and also has the strongest martial arts skills.

For gold, he could give away his own sister without blinking an eye.

"It's already this hour, why haven't the people who kidnapped marriages in the past come back? Could something have gone wrong?"

Tang Long frowned, and his subordinates quickly said: "Boss, how about I go take a look?"


The door was suddenly kicked open, and several tall and rough people came in.

"Hahaha...Tang Long, drinking tea early in the morning is quite leisurely and elegant."

Tang Long snorted coldly when he saw the person coming.

This man was a local gangster. He lost a lot of money in the casino a while ago, so he finally asked him to borrow it.

Now that the profits have been compounded, I owe this person a lot of money.

"Butou, my door is very expensive. If you break it, you will have to pay for it." Tang Long looked at it coldly.

Datou said with a smile: "Haha, it's not broken. How about it, Tang Long, you promised me a few days ago that you would pay me back my money today."

Datou sat next to Tang Long and rubbed his bald head: "Tang Long, should you have the money ready?"

"Butou, it's just a little money, why are you so anxious?"

"Tang Long, you can't say that. Your family has a big business, how can I compare with you? I still need money to support my younger brother. Everyone's family has difficulties, and I can't help it."

"So much nonsense."

"I'm not talking nonsense. You promised me today."

"Hmph, wait a minute, my men are out, and the money will arrive soon."

"Hahaha, okay, happy, then we will wait here. When we have money, we will leave."

There is obviously something in his words, and it is clear that he will not leave until he sees the money.

Although Tang Long was domineering, he could only swallow this breath.

Datou took a sip of tea, smacked his lips and said, "I said, I heard that you married your sister to the Jiang family. That family is very rich. Are you waiting for the Jiang family to send money?"

"Who my sister marries is none of your business?"

"Hey, of course it's none of my business. I want money. I have to see if you can get it. If you can't get it, let's go to Jiang's house together and I'll get it for you."

"No need."

"Okay, anyway, I just need to see the money!"

At about noon, the door was finally knocked open, and the man who had narrowly escaped death stumbled in and lay down in front of Tang Long.

"Boss, boss, it's not good, I, we...we..."


Tang Long kicked me over, "Why are you hesitating in your words? Are you deliberately trying to embarrass me in front of outsiders? Straighten your tongue and speak."

His men were kicked away, and he covered his aching heart, not daring to complain. Because he knew Tang Long's character, which was ruthless and ruthless, no less terrifying than that zombie.

"Boss, a group of us encountered zombies, and they were all... dead. Fortunately, I hid..."

"Huh? Zombie?"

"Yes, that zombie is very powerful and can fly!"

Tang Long said calmly: "Butou, did you hear that? My people encountered zombies, and your money may be delayed for a while."


Da Tou slammed the table and cursed: "Tang Long, don't act with your people in front of me. You think I was fooled, so pay me back immediately!"

"Butou, do you think that I, Tang Long, didn't pay you back on purpose?"

"I don't know if it's intentional or not. I only know that your sister is married to the Jiang family, so she should have money!"

"I told you, it's none of your business where my sister will marry. In short, if you don't have money now, just wait for me."

"Tang Long, I can wait, but my brothers can't wait!"

"Then it depends on how you educate your dogs."

"court death!"

No matter how much Da Tou could bear it, he couldn't bear it now.

He cursed angrily, drew out the sword from his waist, and struck at Tang Long.

Tang Long was not afraid at all.

When it comes to kung fu, he has never been afraid of anyone.

Immediately, he dodged the sword and started fighting with Datou.

Although many people came, none of them could fight.

In just three minutes, Tang Long first beat Da Tou to death, and then with a swing of the knife, several of Da Tou's men were chopped down. The last remaining one wanted to escape, but how could Tang Long let him go?

Throwing the knife away, the big knife stabbed straight through, right in the center.

At this point, all the people who came to collect debts were dead.

"Hmph, if you want money from Tang Long, let's see if you are qualified!"

The men not far away looked frightened and did not dare to say a word.

"Is Tang Long at home? Is Tang Long at home?"

At this time, a strong man got off his horse outside the door. It was Zhang Liukai, the younger brother Chen Anlin had just recruited.

In order to recruit troops, Chen Anlin ordered Zhang Liukai to come to the Tang family to find someone early in the morning.

Zhang Liukai traveled around for many years and got to know the Tang Long family, a ruffian from the earth.


As soon as he entered the house and looked at the corpses on the ground, Zhang Liukai's eyes narrowed and he knew that he had hit something good.

Tang Long's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he said calmly: "You are also here to collect debts."

Although Zhang Liukai was shocked, he was not afraid. After all, he was also a practitioner.

"No, I am a servant of the Jiang family. I came here to find you on orders from young mistress Tang Shanshan."

"My sister is looking for me? What's going on?"

"I invite you to go over and deal with a person. After you deal with this person, my young master Jiang An said that I will give you a box of gold as a thank you gift, and I will give you a deposit of 5 gold every month from now on."

"Hahaha... This is really a big deal."

Tang Long laughed heartily and said nothing on the surface, but his thoughts were racing.

He originally wanted to send people to grab money from Jiang's house, but he didn't expect to encounter zombies on the way, and they all died.

Now my brother-in-law takes the initiative to give gold. This kind of good thing is rare.

He would be a fool to refuse.

"Who are you dealing with?" Tang Long asked.

Zhang Liukai said: "It's a zombie in the ancient tomb."


"Well, this ancient tomb was discovered by my young master. There are mountains of gold in it. After getting rid of the zombies, the young master said that the gold can be divided equally."

"Hahaha... It's just a zombie. I understand. I'm going to Jiang's house immediately."


Zhang Liukai lowered his head and curled his mouth slightly.

Strictly speaking, he didn't want to find anyone, because more people meant more gold would be divided.

But he had no choice but to listen to Chen Anlin's orders.


On the other side, when Chen Anlin was packing his equipment, wind, rain, thunder and lightning finally came over.

"There is so much gloom here, something is wrong." Feng walked to the door of Jiang's house and said strangely.

Lei raised his head and looked at the plaque of the mansion, "Jiang Mansion, I heard that the Jiang family is in the wax corpse business. When someone dies in his family, the body is not buried, but is made into a wax corpse. Over the past hundreds of years, the Jiang family has stored it up and down. I don’t know how many wax corpses there are. Do you think, over time, will these wax corpses turn into zombies?”

TV: "It's very possible."

Just as he was talking, a servant who had been waiting at the door for a long time went out: "You four are here to work, right? Come in."


At this time, people were muttering to themselves: The young master is really clever. He asked me to wait here and said that four people would come to apply for work. I didn't expect that they actually came.

Unknowingly, Feng Yu Lei and Lightning each looked at each other and nodded slightly, thinking about coming in to work. They were now penniless and needed money and food.

In addition, there is a place to stay and it is convenient to find the zombie king.

"How much money does that cost per day?"

Ray asked.

"Tell me about it, my young master."

After entering the house, the servant called Chen Anlin: "Master, the four people you mentioned are really here."


Chen Anlin nodded. Although the strength of the four wind, rain, thunder and lightning was not as good as their master, they were still a big help.

By then, he had gathered Tang Long, the Taoist Master of Exorcism, Feng Yu Lei and Lightning and a group of gangsters. Together, these people had a much better chance of winning against the Zombie King.

After a while, Chen Anlin came to Feng Yu Lei and Lightning.

Sure enough, these four people are the same as in the movie.

It is worth mentioning that although this group of people are people who slay demons, they also love money.

After discovering that the Jiang family had a lot of gold, these people were discussing whether to take the gold away.

Especially when Feng said, with so much gold, how about beating up a zombie?

It can be seen that people are selfish.

Also, at the end of the movie, there is actually a deleted scene.

That is, after solving the zombies, Lei and Tang Shanshan returned to their hometown to live. They had nowhere to go, so they lived in the Jiang family.

As time passed, Feng Yudian was gradually eroded by the Jiang family's wealth.

They no longer hold the ideal of conquering demons and upholding justice, but live a wealthy life that they hated before.

Before Chen Anlin arrived, the four of them were discussing in a low voice.

"We have no money left, so we will work here and earn some money while looking for a master."

Feng came up with an idea and said.

Several others nodded in agreement.

"Looking at you guys, you should be pretty good at it, right?" Chen Anlin asked.


Several people were stunned, secretly thinking that this young man's eyes were really vicious, and he could see it at a glance.

Chen Anlin continued: "What I'm looking for is someone who knows martial arts. If they work for me for five days, everyone will be rewarded with gold."

"Hiss, hiss..."

The four of them were shocked, and Yu quickly handed over his hand: "I am willing to serve."

"Yes, but I don't know what you want us to do?"

"Fight zombies." Chen Anlin stood with his hands behind his hands, pacing and said: "Recently, a big zombie appeared here and killed many people, so I want to eliminate the harm for the people."

For Feng Yu Lei and Lightning, they originally wanted to get rid of zombies, but now others are paying them to get rid of zombies. Although the process is different, the result is the same.

Anyway, they are all about fighting zombies, and it is better to make money than not.

Immediately, the four people nodded in agreement.

"Okay, tonight, we will attract zombies."

In the afternoon, Chen Anlin called over the corpse exorcist Taoist Priest, Tang Long, Feng Yu Lei and Lightning, and a group of gangsters.

Each of these people stood in a place and looked at the leader, Chen Anlin.

"The plan is very simple. There is a lot of gold in the ancient tomb where the zombie is, but to get the gold, the zombies must be eradicated, so I decided to lure the zombies here tonight."

Tang Long said: "Don't know what to do?"

"Zombies like the smell of blood. I am going to kill a dozen chickens and use the chicken blood to attract the zombies. Then I will ask the corpse exorcist to use the corpses as bait to attract the zombie king to suck the blood."

As soon as Chen Anlin finished speaking, Feng shook his head and said, "It's useless to do this. Zombies can sense living people through smell. As for corpses, zombies can tell they are dummies at a glance, so it's useless."

"Hmph, in that case, let's use a living person." Tang Long looked at his younger brother: "You serve as bait."

"Ah I…………"

"What? You don't want to?"

Tang Long's eyes were fierce, and the young man was instantly frightened: "I do, I do."

Chen Anlin said: "Don't worry, we're just luring the Zombie King here. When the Zombie King comes, you can leave and we'll blow up the Zombie King with explosives."


Chen Anlin smiled heartlessly: "It must be true."

The plan has been discussed.

Finally at night, more than a dozen chickens were slaughtered and thrown into the compound.

Around a large flock of chickens were stacked several wheelbarrows filled with hay.

A group of people were hiding in the house, waiting for an opportunity.

The night is dark and windy.

Chen Anlin had already taken out his equipment, the nail gun.

After waiting for a long time, the zombie king still hadn't appeared, which made Chen Anlin a little strange.

It stands to reason that the Zombie King has been looking for places with a heavy smell of blood recently, so why can't he see it?

"Ms. sir, should everything be fine?"

Inside the house, Tang Shanshan was worried.

Just as he was talking, wind, rain, thunder and lightning suddenly came.

"Master Jiang, Master Jiang."

"What's up?"

Chen Anlin opened the door.

As soon as the four of them entered the room, they were all shocked when they saw Tang Shanshan, especially Lei, who was stunned.

At this moment, Lei was shocked that there was such a beautiful woman in this world!

Chen Anlin's face remained calm and he shouted in a loud voice: "What's going on?"

Lei came back to his senses and said quickly: "I'm sorry, Master Jiang. It's like this. There is something wrong in your house."

"What did you see?"

"Just now, the corpse exorcist drove his corpse to ambush the zombie, but unexpectedly, there was a strange movement in your house."

"Unusual movement!"

Chen Anlin's heart moved. It was the wax corpses in his home, because the corpse exorcist had just cast a spell to drive those wax corpses.

He hurriedly went out and found the corpse exorcist.

After explaining the matter, the corpse exorcist frowned: "Impossible! Although my spell can drive corpses indiscriminately, it also depends on which corpse I drive. For example, if I drive several corpses in front of me, then only Just move these few bodies, and the corpses in other places cannot be moved. Otherwise, if I pass by the mass grave, wouldn’t all the corpses there follow me?”

"That's not right. According to what you said, Taoist Master, why are those corpses moving?"

Ray asked with a confused look on his face.

As he was talking, suddenly, a roar came from the roof: "Roar!!!"

Hearing this voice, Chen Anlin was very familiar with it. It was the roar of the Zombie King.

"The zombie king is here, why did it go to the roof?"

Chen Anlin ran out and looked at the rotting black shadow on the roof.

"I know, I know, it woke up those wax corpses." The Taoist priest was moved in his heart, and he quickly asked: "How old is this zombie?"

"It's been at least a thousand years, right? Even my master can't fight it." Lei responded.

"Millennium, that's the Zombie King. The Zombie King is a flying zombie that can suck blood from a distance. The most important thing is that it can wake up other zombies." The zombie exorcist said with an ugly face.

He thought it was an ordinary zombie at first, but now it seems that something is wrong.

The zombie king is very difficult to deal with. Even if you cut it in half, it will be useless.

It was too late to regret. The Taoist priest frowned and said: "In addition, the zombie king has the same IQ as ordinary people. Now I finally know why it never showed up."

The caller asked: "Master seems to have said that there are very few zombie kings in this world, because not only does it have to be preserved for a long time, but more importantly, the tomb where the zombie king is stored must be in an extremely dark place, and it has never been seen since ancient times. destroyed."

"Your master is right. Zombie kings rarely exist, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. The current situation is that the zombie king has awakened the dead corpses, which is troublesome." Looking at the zombie king staring coldly at this position from the rooftop, the corpse exorcist explained: "This zombie king must have realized that we have set a trap, so it never showed up. Its ultimate purpose is to wake up the wax corpse here and let the wax corpse test us."

"So smart." Chen Anlin was also surprised. It seemed that his appearance caused a deviation in the plot.

Tap tap tap......

At this time, Mr. Jiang rushed out of the house.

"what sound?"

It turned out that the roar of the Zombie King woke up Mr. Jiang from his sleep.

"Dad, there are zombies."

Chen Anlin shouted.

"How could there be such a ghost thing?"

Mr. Jiang looked shocked, and then, there was a sudden explosion in the basement, and two thin, black mummies emerged from the ground.


Seeing these two mummies, Mr. Jiang's eyes widened and his face was full of shock.

Behind these two mummies, most of the Jiang family's former wax corpses emerged.

These wax corpses turned into zombies.

Fortunately, except for the two ancestor zombies, which are black zombies, the rest of the zombies are the most ordinary zombies.

"My dear, Master Jiang, you have so many zombies in your house!" Feng's eyes widened and he pointed in front of him and said, "Those black ones at the two ends are black zombies with very thick skin."

"The black zombies have thick skin and need to use explosives. My corpse can handle the rest of the zombies."

The corpse exorcist said.

When Chen Anlin heard this, he immediately made a plan: "Taoist Master, I will leave these wax corpses to you. Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning, you deal with the two black zombies. Dad, you and Tang Long deal with the zombie king. Just delay it. I Covering you."

Taking out the nail gun, Tang Long said, "What is this?"

"A magic weapon bought at a street stall."

Tang Long didn't ask any more questions and said to Mr. Jiang, "Mr. Jiang, let's go then."


Two people go out.

Feng Yu Lei and Lightning took their respective guys and ran towards Heizheng.

"Jingle Bell…………"

The Taoist priest who drove away the corpse stayed where he was, ringing the bell and muttering: "Get up the corpse and go."

All the dozens of corpses in the room seemed to come alive and jumped towards a pile of wax corpses.

Two small teams of wax corpses and corpses collided and started fighting.

"Is this the Zombie King? I, Tang Long, want to see how powerful he is."

Tang Long pointed at the zombie king on the roof and shouted: "Why don't you come down quickly?"

"This thing is very creepy. It deliberately won't come down." Chen Anlin ran over and aimed the nail gun at the roof: "Let me try it first."

Thanks to Xingyun Dengfeng for the 1500 reward

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