Global game evolution

Chapter 365 The Great Zombie Era—I didn’t expect it to be so powerful

"Bang bang bang!"

Three steel nails were shot in a row, but the distance was too far. Willy was weakened a lot when hit from such a long distance.

The Zombie King waved his hand, and the three steel nails were swept away.


Chen Anlin's attack angered the zombie king.

It suddenly flew up and rushed towards this side.

"My son, step back and I will come."

Mr. Jiang slashed forward with a big knife.

Tang Long's eyes flickered. In his opinion, it would be best if the people here and the zombies died together, so that he could monopolize all the gold.

"Tang Long, why don't you go?" Chen Anlin asked.

"Well, let's go now." Seeing that Mr. Jiang had already fought against the Zombie King, Tang Long also killed him.

Looking at his back, Chen Anlin snorted coldly.

He naturally understood what Tang Long was thinking.

Tang Long was plotting against him, why wasn't he also plotting against Tang Long?

In the blink of an eye, people and zombies were fighting together.

The easiest person now is Chen Anlin.

He stood in the corner, followed by a group of gangsters, each holding a bundle of explosives and looking nervous.

"You guys, go light the hay."

After taking a look at the direction of the wind, rain and thunder, Chen Anlin ordered.


A few punks ran out and started lighting a fire.

The flames ignited and the battle situation began to gradually become clear.

Amid the wind, rain and lightning, Feng was seriously injured and was grabbed by a zombie. He fell to the ground and lost the ability to move.

On the side of the corpse exorcist, his corpse and the wax corpse had mutual losses, but because there were too many wax corpses, his corpse was no longer enough.

On the Zombie King's side, due to the joint action of Tang Long and Mr. Jiang, they were inseparable from the Zombie King.

However, anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that Tang Long and Mr. Jiang have the upper hand.


Flames soared into the sky, and all the haystacks on several flatbed trucks burned.

"Whoever is holding the explosives, listen, follow my orders."

Chen Anlin shouted and shot him with a steel nail gun.

Aiming at several wax corpses, he fired two consecutive 'bang bang' shots, and the two wax corpses were knocked back.

The moment he was shot, black smoke erupted from the silver nails inside the wax body.

This nail gun is really effective against zombies.

"Master Jiang, your hidden weapon is quite powerful."

Several zombies were killed by the nail gun in succession. The stress of the zombie exorcist was greatly reduced, and he shouted with joy.


At this time, Yu screamed.

A black zombie stretched out his hand and inserted it directly into his heart.

Heizheng opened his bloody mouth and bit it straight.

Blood flowed down Heizheng's throat and was swallowed by Heizheng.

This is where Heizheng is weaker than Feizheng.

Hei Zhan has to bite people when he sucks blood, while Fei Zhan can suck blood from a distance. Their strength is completely different.

The wax corpse had been almost dealt with, Chen Anlin aimed at Heizong and hit the steel nail again.


The steel nail pierced Heizheng's heart. Because of the pain, Heizheng raised his head and let out a thundering roar.

The steel nails seemed to be free of charge, shooting like crazy.

"Pa bang bang..."

Steel nails were pierced into Heizheng's heart one by one. When the 10th nail was hit, Heizhang finally couldn't bear it any more. He threw his head back and screamed, and fell to the ground.

Lei Yan was quick with his hands, and he stepped forward with a knife, killing Heizong.

Only the last black zombie was left, and Chen Anlin followed suit, rushing over and firing continuously.

Through this actual combat, Chen Anlin realized a problem.

He didn't even expect that Willy, the steel nail gun, was so powerful.

If you shoot a steel nail gun from a long distance, it may be very difficult to aim due to the weight of the steel nail itself.

But up close, it works great.

Especially the powerful impact of steel nails can knock zombies back.

The last black zombie was knocked to the ground. It wanted to get up, but it was firmly nailed to the ground by steel nails and could not move.

"I kill you."

Lei was already red-eyed, so he went up and killed the zombie with a knife.

Nowadays, the black zombies and wax zombies have been almost dealt with, and only the zombie king is left.


The zombie king becomes more and more brave as he fights.

After knocking Master Jiang away, the Zombie King flew up and sprayed a mouthful of turbid black mist at Master Jiang.

"not good!"

Chen Anlin's expression changed. In the movie, the black mist spewed by the zombie king can melt the sword, and whoever encounters it will die.

"Dad, get out of the way."

Chen Anlin shouted, but it was too late. Mr. Jiang stretched out his hand to block his face.

The next second, his hands were corroded into corpse water, and the corrosion was still spreading to the top of his arms.


Mr. Jiang screamed.

His tragic situation stimulated others.

A few gangsters retreated quietly, trying to escape.

Tang Long even retreated far away, looking at his arm in confusion.

Just now, he had been scratched, and now the wound was burning and painful.

"Made, if I had known this thing was so difficult to deal with, I should have grabbed the gold and run away."

Tang Long thought to himself, and turned to look at Chen Anlin: "This thing is too difficult to deal with. I'm already injured and can't fight."

"Ok, I know."

Chen Anlin suddenly raised his nail gun towards Tang Long, fired at him with a 'bang' sound.


Tang Long screamed, covering his chest with a look of disbelief on his face: "How dare you hit me."

"You don't have any good intentions anyway, so I'll just use you one last time."

Chen Anlin stood next to Tang Long and shot his hands and feet again to prevent Tang Long from counterattacking.

Then he looked at the Zombie King.

He will now use the smell of blood on Tang Long's body to attract the zombie king.


Sure enough, the zombie king came, and Chen Anlin shouted: "Shoot at Tang Long and throw explosives."

A group of gangsters who had been waiting for a long time fired quickly. Although the accuracy was not good, the method of dealing with the zombie king was not bows and arrows, but explosives.

In order to prevent the zombie king from flying away, Chen Anlin kept shooting at the zombie king.

The Zombie King's speed was blocked, nails drilled into its body, and black rocks kept rising.

"Ho ho ho!"

The zombie king's screams became more and more intense, and it was obvious that it was in extreme pain.

"Good guy, Mr. Jiang, your nail gun is too powerful."

The corpse exorcist had a look of surprise on his face, and his eyes were full of envy. This is simply a magic weapon. The nails it shoots can penetrate even the thick-skinned zombie king. It's incredible.

Chen Anlin also discovered the beauty of his nail gun. The previously ferocious zombie king became weaker and weaker under the blows of the nail gun.

"I didn't expect this thing to be so powerful. It deserves to be rewarded with an 8-star rating. From this point of view, my series of operations are a bit fussy. If I were to fight against the Zombie King, this nail gun would actually be enough."

Chen Anlin thought to himself, as bundles of explosives were fired at this time, the fuses were burning, and they all fell around the Zombie King.

What are you waiting for now?

Chen Anlin evacuated decisively and jumped into his bedroom not far away.


Outside the house, there were continuous explosions.

The explosives blew up the burning haystacks on the carts into the sky. The falling flames ignited the explosives on the ground, and the explosives exploded one after another.

"it is finally over."

Tang Shanshan held Chen Anlin's arm tremblingly and let out a long breath.

"No, I'm afraid it's not over yet."

Chen Anlin frowned. If the Zombie King was solved, there should be a prompt in front of him, but there was not.

This shows that maybe the Zombie King was just injured at this time.

He walked out, the dust and smoke outside cleared, and Chen Anlin walked forward.


A younger brother ran over tremblingly. He was injured and looked very unhappy.

Chen Anlin's eyes lit up and he pointed to the front and said: "The zombies have been dealt with. Go over and take a look, clean up the place, and I'll give you gold later."

"Yes, boss."

Hearing that gold has been taken, this person does things quickly.

But as soon as it passed, a painful howl came.

Chen Anlin was so close that his face was covered in blood.

"Sure enough, he's not dead."

Vaguely, Chen Anlin saw the zombie king. The boy was torn into pieces by the zombie king as soon as he passed by. He probably didn't even know how he died.

Chen Anlin shot immediately.

The power of the nail gun made Chen Anlin very handy. The zombie king was beaten back and forth, and his whole body was covered with steel nails.

The dense steel nails corroded the zombie king's body, causing it to scream.

"I didn't expect the nail gun to be so powerful."

Chen Anlin knew it, and he murmured about the power of the nail gun.

These steel nails are like poisons that corrode the Zombie King's body, and blood keeps flowing out of the Zombie King's body.

If this continues, even if the zombie king sucks blood, it may not be able to replenish its consumption.

Sure enough, the zombie king's howl became weaker and weaker. It wanted to escape, but it couldn't escape at all.

Chen Anlin picked up a piece of dynamite that did not explode and lit it against the fire next to him.

"One last ride for you!"

Without any hesitation, Chen Anlin threw the explosive.


The explosion blew away the Zombie King's mutilated body, and the dust dispersed. Only half of the Zombie King's body was left, lingering.

"Finally solved."

Chen Anlin was worried and threw a few more explosives.

When the mission prompt that the Zombie King had been solved appeared in front of him, Chen Anlin breathed a sigh of relief.

"Haha, it's finally solved!" The corpse exorcist crouched and walked out quietly. Looking at the tragic situation in front of him, he cried directly: "This is the most difficult order I have ever taken."

"Brother Jiang."

"Brother Jiang..."

The younger brothers came out one by one behind them.

These people's faces were more or less colorful and looked ugly.

Especially the leader Zhang Liukai, he now knows why Chen Anlin was so generous to them, paying them a gold ingot and letting them work for 5 days.

Dare to love is not tomb robbing, but to risk one's life.

"Brother Jiang, now that the zombies have been eliminated, should we go to the ancient tomb?" Zhang Liukai asked.

Chen Anlin nodded and said: "Of course, but you are so seriously injured and my family is like this, so I decided to rest for 5 days."

"Well...I thought about it and decided I won't go. Brother Jiang, if you give me ten gold ingots, all the gold in the ancient tomb will be given to you."

The speaker was a young man. I remember that when he came, he came with his elder brother, but just now, his elder brother was torn in half by zombies.

Seeing this scene, he, who had always been fearless, became afraid. He was afraid of encountering zombies again when he went to the ancient tomb. He was afraid that he would lose his life if he had gold.

"Yes, I'm not going either, Brother Jiang, why don't you give us all the gold at home, and we won't want the gold in the ancient tomb!"

"Yeah, I won't go either, but my cousin is dead and you have to give us a large sum of gold."

These gangsters seemed to be scared and didn't want to go to the ancient tomb, but they were unwilling to leave like this, so they all came up with an idea.

That's blackmail.

Zhang Liukai came out from the corner and shouted: "Brother Jiang, you have also seen that our people died so miserably, can you give us an explanation?"

"Yes, you have so much money from the Jiang family. If you take it out and divide it, we won't go to the ancient tomb."

"Brother Jiang, it's okay if you don't give it, but I'm afraid that the people in the town won't be happy. Just like me, two relatives died in my family. If they all come to make trouble..."

"Yes, my family will definitely come to cause trouble."

Zhang Liu spread his hands and said, "Master Jiang, you can see that it's not easy for everyone."

Chen Anlin smiled: "Then what do you mean..."

"Take out all the money!"

Zhang Liukai's eyes flashed fiercely.

Now, Mr. Jiang, who knew martial arts, is dead, and only Chen Anlin and his wife are left. They don't have anything to fear anymore.

"Don't mess around."

After hearing this, Tang Shanshan ran out quickly and wanted to speak for Chen Anlin.

It's just that it was okay if she didn't come out. Once she came out, Zhang Liukai and others' eyes lit up.

Seeing this, Chen Anlin knew that it was over and he was being targeted.

He didn't expect that after the zombie king was solved, these enemies would appear.

At this time, he suddenly smiled in his heart.

He was thinking that because ordinary zombies had been killed too few, he might not get an 8-star rating this time. The betrayal of these people gave him an idea in an instant.

"Shanshan, come here."

At this time, Lei spoke. The moment he saw Tang Shanshan, he had feelings for Tang Shanshan. He felt in his heart that Tang Shanshan was really a waste of money by marrying Chen Anlin.

Such a beauty should belong to him.

So when he saw Zhang Liukai and his group attacking Chen Anlin, he was the first to agree.

"What are you doing?" Tang Shanshan looked at Lei and asked seriously.

Lei stood up and said, "Look, they are attacking your family. Come here and I will protect you."

"You must be sick." Chen Anlin scolded him directly.

Although he had no feelings for Tang Shanshan, Tang Shanshan was his wife here, so how could he allow Lei to pry the wall in front of him.

"Hey, Master Jiang is quite protective of women. Let's do this. I want less gold and Tang Shanshan comes with me. How about that?" Zhang Liukai said covetously.

"Shanshan, you saw it, come to me, I will protect you." Lei continued.

Chen Anlin smiled and said: "It seems that you must target me, okay, good!"

"Haha, Mr. Jiang, a man who knows the current affairs is a hero. Your father was here before. He used to be a policeman with strong martial arts skills. We obey you, but now...have you ever heard that it is a crime for a child to hold a jade in his arms and hold a jade in his arms?"

"Wow, so literate." Chen Anlin sighed.

"How to say?"

Facing the crowd's questioning, Chen Anlin said solemnly: "What else can I say? Of course I agree. You go get the gold, it's at the back of the hall."


Zhang Liukai and others looked overjoyed and ran over quickly.

Among the wind, rain, thunder and lightning, only thunder and lightning are left.

Dian immediately ran to get the gold, but Lei may have wanted to maintain his image in front of Tang Shanshan and did not pass.

"Shanshan, this man is a rich second generation. Now that his family has no money, he will not give you happiness." Lei also wanted to persuade Tang Shanshan.

Chen Anlin just wanted to laugh after hearing this: "I can't give her happiness, can you?"

Lei Yi said angrily: "Of course, you have to understand that you have no money now!"

"You have?"

"Although I don't have it, I have a kind heart and I eliminate harm for the people!"

Chen Anlin said: "Don't talk about these useless things. Aren't you just looking for sex? Why are you talking so nicely?"

Lei was stunned for a moment and said angrily: "No, I'm just showing pity for you. If Miss Shanshan follows you, you will only suffer..."

Chen Anlin had no intention of talking nonsense with Lei. He looked at those people who had walked away and asked Tang Shanshan, "What's your opinion?"

"I... marry a chicken, follow the chicken, marry a dog, follow the dog." Tang Shanshan sighed.


Without saying a word, Chen Anlin suddenly took out a steel nail gun and shot it when Lei and the Taoist priest beside him were not paying attention.


Lei wailed, covering his heart, and pointed at Chen Anlin tremblingly: " dare to kill someone."

"Not just killing people, I'm also going to massacre this place."

A bold plan arose in Chen Anlin's mind.

"Bah bang bang!"

Several more steel nails were fired at him. Lei grunted and fell to the ground motionless.

Tang Shanshan was stunned. She didn't understand why Chen Anlin killed someone.

Chen Anlin consoled him: "This is a world where one person cannibalizes others. If we don't kill him, we will die."

"Then let's run away. My brother is dead too. I have nowhere to go alone."

"Run? Why are you running?" Chen Anlin smiled: "Not only am I not running, but I want to do something big."

In the hall, Zhang Liukai and others were cursing.

"Where is the gold? You lied to us."

"I guess, there is a basement here, I heard it."

"Yes, there are rumors that the Jiang family is the richest man here. In order to hide gold and silver, they built a basement..."

"It's just a rumor, it can't be true..."

"Don't tell me, I've heard about it too, it must be true."

As he was talking, someone suddenly heard the sound of "Zizzizi".

"Hey, what's the sound?"

"It smells like burnt food."

"Oh my God, this is the smell of explosives."

Everyone's expressions changed drastically.


An explosion sounded in the small room.


A group of people were blown to pieces, and most of the people further away were knocked unconscious and staggered to the ground.

After a while, Chen Anlin walked in.

" are so cruel."

A man with a bloody face stretched out his hand to hold Chen Anlin.

The nail gun was pointed at this person, Chen Anlin said expressionlessly: "You are just greedy."


Kill with one shot.

Afterwards, Chen Anlin took care of everyone in the house one by one.

Things were finally resolved.

Chen Anlin dragged all the corpses into the underground secret room and allowed them to rot.

After coming out, Chen Anlin was very sad. He didn't expect that the dungeon would be solved so easily, three days in advance.

Next, is the next step.

Early the next morning, Tang Shanshan went out to buy groceries. When she came back, she rushed in with a shocked look on her face.

"It's not good, it's not good..."

"what happened?"

"I just went to buy groceries. People in the town said you committed murder. Now they and many police officers are here."

"Coming so soon."

Chen Anlin smiled: "I was still thinking of implementing the plan today, but I didn't expect to see him here."

"Let's run."

Chen Anlin looked at a vial in front of him and said, "Then leave here for now."

Thanks to Shengxia Plum Soup for the reward and the 2-month pass. I am an old account and can recognize it at a glance.

Thank you for your monthly votes

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